Chapter 20 - You should probably read this

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Life always seems to move forwards.

People do everything in their power to delay what will invariably happened.

Some may live longer than others. Some shorter.

And people like me were lucky enough to have got a second chance.

But sometimes I wish I stayed dead because the last few years have been filled to the brim with some absolute bullshit!

Ever since I did that wacky shit with plasma it's been nonstop.

I had to go to the beast glades to train again. And boy were people scared when they saw me with a mini sun in my hand. Rumors spread like wildfire.

Didn't find Arthur or Jasmine this summer but that's ok.

The. I get back to school for my third year but then and people actually start to notice me.

I can hear the whispers and gossip. About how I'm the prodigy bound to become the best on the continent. About how I use never seen before fire techniques(it's just plasma).

They gossip about how close I am with the Prince, some think we are secretly engaged.

Others have tried to propose to me which is just ick.

I'm mentally twice their age AND I'm a girl instead of a boy and my sexuality come into question every time I think about it.

THEN some asshole stuck up prick of a noble not only proposed to me like he was gods very gift but he also went on about how our children will be sure to master my new mana techniques to make them the most powerful.

Bitch. You don't care about me. You care about what I can give you.

AND on top of all these hormonal teenagers harassing me, I'm slowly becoming a hormone filled teenager too!

God I wish I was back to the modern era only so I could deal with all the misconceptions involving kids growing up and certain times of the month.

Ugghhhhh I don't want to think about when Queen Priscilla say me down after my birthday and 'explained things'.

I Already know all of this!!!

Hell! I know more than them!

Maybe I could some updates to medical understanding in the future?

But that would mean more classes and learning stuff that isn't super easy to do.

Hmmmm? Save hundreds of lives by updating this world understanding of the human body or just be lazy to get out of work?

Such heavy burdens I have been given.

Now I want a snack.


I really hate all this attention.

All I wanted to to was live my second life in relative peace even if I had to get that peace by killing a few thousand people.

I may have slowly lowered the cost of a human life within my brain for the last 13 years. That or I'm a budding psychopath.

I could just be disassociating from this version of myself. Acting a character out of a play instead of being me.

Telling myself that this is just a role I will play. That once it's over, all will be better.

I haven't taken a human life yet but I have imagined every moment of the process.

The feeling of watching a fellow human die.

To be the one to deliver the fatal blow.

To feel a human break under my power.

........... Yeah definitely a budding psychopath.

On a completely unrelated note I figured out how to best use my plasma at close range.

First set the artifact on my staff to max power, make it absorb as much of the heat as possible. Then I put up a wind shield around me to keep me cool. And to blow the heat in any other possible direction.

Long range? I just blast that shot where ever I want it.

Yeah I may burn down a few square kilometers of space but it will get rid of the problem pretty fast.

Plasma eats through my mana reserves like an American at a buffet. But the power is worth the cost.

It's also bright as shit. I know this stuff makes up the sun but damm is it blinding. Is this why people where those weird face shields when using plasma cutters and shit?

The king was flabbergasted when he first saw it. And Gideon was ecstatic. He called the favor I owed him from making my staff so I would better explain it to him.

I ended up goin on a 2 hour rant about the periodic table and other chemistry stuff but I think he picked up some of it.

I kinda wish I got Wind, Water, and Earth as my elements so I could control most compounds that around us and do some wacky shit.

Talking about wacky shit, rumors about Note are really starting to spread. He been adventuring as 'The Masked swordsman' for two years now but people are only now interested now that he really proved himself.

The stuff surrounding him is a bit smaller because of my entrance onto the scene but people still like short, brown and mysterious.

But who am I to judge. I'm basically a trans women's dream.


Ok ok ok hear me out.  13 is the best number

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