Chapter 29 - Why me?

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"So how about it?" Goodsky stares at me with a expectant expression.

"I-I don't really know" what kind of fate bullshit is this, I want to get away from the plot not closer to it.

"You of course will be compensated for your help with part of a professor's salary"

Money? That might help later with not relying on the royal family.

"I guess I could give it a try"

"Great! I'll have a new schedule draw up for you, you start tomorrow" she pushes me out of the room as she talks.

"Now go finish the rest of your classes young lady". The door closes in my face.

What did I just agree too?


(Arthur pov)

"Ah, i didn't expect to see you in a upper-division class, Arthur"

Walking into Team fighting mechanics Arthur hears a voice call out to him, he looks towards it source and find Curtis and Claire with Michelle nearby laying down in the shade.

"Good to see you again, Arthur!" Claire happily greets

"Let's not embarrass the disciplinary committee, right?" Claire finishes as she grabs Arthur.

"I-I'll do my best"

Arthur takes a peak at Michelle who only gives a small wave in his direction without opening her eyes. He is still unsure of what to think about her, she probably the one who killed Lucas but why? He doesn't blame her for it because he was probably going to do it himself.

But for one human to torture and kill another requires some kind of motivation.

"Is this the whole class?"

"No, a few more should be arriving"

As if on cue more students walked in particularly Tessia Elalith the student council president.

Arthur try's to give a smile in his childhood friends direction but is interrupted by Claire's loud greeting.

Tessia walks by and he hears a bird shriek from above.

He looks to see a middle aged woman riding on the back of a giant hawk.

As professor Glory introduces herself he try's to get a look at her core but is blocked.

She looks in his direction then looks a little to his side. "Well if it isn't my newest colleague, Michelle Custodies. It's a pleasure to meet you"

Students look around before finally starring at the girl currently laying at the base of a tree.

Murmurs spread through the crowd about Thai new development. Many look at her with respect, envy, or suspicion.

"Is this true professor?" A random student asked.

"Yes after Mr Leywin here displayed the former professors incompetence Director Goodsky appointed her as the replacement"

New whispers started about how bad a teacher must be to lose to an upstart first year like Arthur.

'She just put a target on our backs with that little Announcement.'

"So class what do you think we should do today, maybe have Arthur or Michelle here fight some people to prove their worth In a fun little competition?"

He saw many people perk up at the idea of fighting him but just as many get scared at the mention of Michelle.

"I have a suggestion" all eyes turned to the newly made professor who still had her eyes closed on the ground.

"How about a small team battle with a VIP on each side?"

"And who do you suggest as the teams?"

"Me and the student council versus the rest of the DC, with Arthur and me being the VIP's of course"

Many students look excited at the thought of some of the most powerful students being in a battle.

Prof Glory thinks for a few seconds before nodding her head in agreement.

"Very well, The six of you gear up!"

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