Chapter 28 - First Day

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So here I was, sitting in the DC room waiting for everyone else to arrive. Only me Claire and the Big guy are here right now.

He tried to use the gravity trick on me but I resisted it with some reinforcement.

"Hm Strong"

" I know I'm great"

"So what's your name?"

At this point Claire butts in "She's Michelle, and she's stronger than me so watch out"

"Stronger than you? We'll see"

And after that we sat in silence as the others filled in one by one, I greeted Curtis and Kathlyn of course but mostly stayed quiet.

Some time later I heard the roar of Grawder from the other room signaling Arthur's arrival.

Hey look everyone is introducing themselves in a single file order how neat.

And now Big Guy who's name I don't remember is trying to push the MC down with gravity.

Maybe I can take a nap soon?

"And I'm gonna guess that you remember her" Curtis speaks in the background

Hmm why is everyone looking at me? Oh, they want me to introduce myself.

I stand up from my spot and slowly walk towards the group.

Then I walk past them until I'm next to Grawder. I lay on top of him and try to fall back asleep.

"That's Michelle Custodies, ignore her she was probably up reading late last night"

Hmmmmmmmmgmhdnrhfhg. Maybe I should kill Kai. Thoughts for later I have a main character to avoid.

"Alright then! Lets show all of the entitled out there what they'll be up against if they break the rules!"

Ah time to go on stage then.


"Now please join me in welcoming the newly formed Disciplinary committee!" As Tessie finishes speaking it our cue to go on stage and look cool.

Of course I'm still laying atop Grawder so I slightly less cool, but then again I've had years to develop my image in the school so I don't exactly have to show off now.

Unlike Arthur I have never held back in school so I could probably beat everyone here including Arthur if he's only using Wind and Earth.

I have both a higher mastery of my elements then most people plus early awakening means I have a stronger core.

Welp time to start classes.


And I'm already bored. It's not that this work isn't interesting it's just that with the mix of outside knowledge and inside research not a lot of this information will be useful to me.

One thing that is interesting is how fast gossip can spread.

It's been like a few minutes since Arthur probably took on that professor and half the school know already.

At this point my thoughts are interrupted by a green owl flying into the classroom.

The teacher then speaks up "The Director would like to see you miss Custodies"




Ok think why would Goodsky want to see me? Maybe she wants my opinion on Arthur and how good of a teacher he would be, yes that's it.

"Ok professor"

I walk out of the classroom and start heading towards the Directors office. Once I arrive I knock like any polite person would.

"Come in dear" I hear called out from the other side of the door. So I enter the room and look around. No Arthur so that good.

"I'm guessing that the rumor mile has already spread to you?"

"That a first year beat a professor, yes?"


Why is she staring at me like that. I know your a spy from another continent that switched sides onto ours but could you not think about every little detail.

"How would you like to act as an interim professor for the first year practical mana manipulation class?"


"You see I had to dismiss Geist from his position and need a new person to fill the spot, in the past there have been cases of highly qualified upperclassmen teaching basic subjects. I can't help but notice that you are bored in most of your classes. So you get to skip out on classes you don't want to do and I get a replacement teacher"

I hate the power of plot sometimes


A human liver sells for around $557,000.
A Mig-21 fighter jet is about $450,000.

You may do what you want with this information

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