Chapter 8 - life goes on

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Mana is very thing.

Even after all these years of study to be able to beat use it, even after being pushed to my limits by bad shit insane trainers. There are still so many things left to learn.

I kinda wish I was from the other continent because over there they have a better understanding of mana.

While aether or on a higher level fate, may be stronger than mana. I think it is that way because people refused to push the boundaries of mana.

They got complacent never trying to grow beyond what was normal. Even the Asuras in all their age and might never tried to push mana to its maximum, they became to obsessed with chasing after the legacy of the ancient mages.

Look at Arthur as a good example. His basic understanding of modern science let him create some powerful spells.

Such as his vacuum armor, which basically negates all normal fire attacks.

So what if I, a person who understands physics and chemistry at a higher level than King Grey ever did was given the same tools, be given magic?

Some crazy shit let me tell you.

Even with just Fire and Wind as my elements I can do so much. Like the reverse of the vacuum armor. Feeding oxygen into a fire spell to boosts its strength by a large multiplier.

What if I could pull certain gases from the atmosphere to make weird reactions.

Chemical Reactions are very volatile And violent, I could carry materials on me than mix them up mid battle like some kind of potion thrower.

And if I were to ever unlock the lightning deviancy and mix it with a bit of wind magic I could mak—-

Well I'll l save that idea for later, it will surely be a shocking reveal.

Pun not intended

Anyway moving my thoughts away from mad scientist explanations and other crazy shit let's get back to my very simple life.

And if you think 'Simple' means 'easy' then you are very much wrong.

Like punching a bear, it sound simple but when put into practice it's not very easy.

Talking about practice that's been going well.
My body has now been conditioned and strengthened so I have moved to more practical mana exercises.

I was learning the principals behind mana when I wasn't training but now I'm putting it into reality.

And let me tell you. ITS FUN AS SHIT!!!



Being able to use and sense magic is still sometimes weird to me, like I randomly hit my head and awoke some never seen before six sense.

I can't tell if it's because of my training or my recantation or something else but I am hyper sensitive to mana.

This comes with benefits and downsides.

On the up side I sense thing very easily even when people are trying to hide from me. It also grants me some crazy efficiency while manipulating mana.

I may not be able to regen mana on the move like Arthur but I can still damm well use every drop of it to its greatest potential.

And then the downsides, because I'm 'hyper sensitive' that means there can be too much for me to handle. Basically I'm taken down way easier than I should be when someone flexes there power.

I'm kinda afraid that I might just faint outright if I ever meet Arthur.

Welp another reason to avoid him I guess.

Talking about people I've been trying to avoid.

"Greetings Prince Curtis"

"Hello Michelle, how goes your mana practice?"

"It's going well, my prince"

"'Sigh' I wish I could awaken already so I could practice more than just swordsmanship"

I pause for a few seconds.

Could I do what Arthur did for Ellie and the other girl that I forgot the name of?

I mean he would awaken naturally unlike... Lillia! That was her name!

Hhhhmmmm, hmmghhhgggmmm.

If I were to pour fire mana into him would it make him stronger or at the very least allowed him to awaken slightly earlier.

I can't pour in all 4 elements like Arthur but 2 might speed it up a little bit.

Well wouldn't hurt to try, he'll it might help in the long run. Another strong fighter means higher chance of me surviving this shit show of a world.

"My Prince, if this one would be allowed to try something on you?"

"Hmm what is it Michelle?"

"Just something to give someone else a little boost"

"But I don't have a mana core yet"

"It won't need one because I'll supply the mana you just try your best to receive it"

He's silent for a few moments.

"Ok, I trust you"

Hfjdudbdhdbdhd subsided dubshchdbdudbhfhdndidbdindjdid didndoisbdidndidndifndidjfhfjdjdjdjdndjfjdoekdndidndidb


Sleep is a lie, god is an illusion, humans taste best with cinnamon.

I leave you with these words. I hope you know what to do with them

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