Chapter 13 - Word

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"Son of a Bitch!"


"You just hit me in the face with a fireball and your worried about me cursing!"

"It was a small fireball!"

"It's still a goddamm fireball Mic!"

Me and Claire have gotten......closer, yeah let's go with closer.

Classes are still going on and most of them are boring but artificing has given me some ideas for improving my weapon.

"Another round!"

"Okay Claire"


"What sorcery is this!"

"Claire it's called mana manipulation"

"I disarmed you, how can you still cast without your staff!"

"........git gud"

"That's not an answer Mic!"


Me, Claire and Curtis have gotten closer over this school year.

I think I can call Claire a friend because with have this tomboy air about us.

And Curtis.... He's maybe a friend? We act super polite around each other but In a joking manner. But we never talk normally.

It's always 'yea my prince' 'can you do this lady Custodies?' I think he's still confused about how to act with me since I became a noble.

It's kinda.... Cute.

Ugh weird Brain stop thinking weird things.

"Prince Curtis how goes your studies?"

"Very easy thanks to you! Especially the practical parts"

"The good to know.."

We go silent for a few moments before I speak up again.

"My prince?"

"Yes lady Custodies?"

"Can ask for a favor from you?"

"You are one of my closest friends Lady Custodies, I would gladly help you however I can"

"Thank you. I would like to ask your father something"


"You want to what?"

"I would like to ask for permission to explore the Beast Glades over the summer as a form of practical training your majesty"

King Glayder regards me for a few moments then nods slowly

"Granted, but if you don't meet certain expectations while doing this 'Practical training' then you will not be allowed into the beast glades during any other break from school. Understood?"

"Yes your majesty"


Ok I convinced the king. Now I just need a proper weapon to fight with because I can't keep using this old training staff.

Maybe I can bring my idea to Gideon?

Yes I'll try to bring it to Gideon, he will like the challenge that I will bring to him.

Now I just have to find him before the school year ends.

How hard can that be?


Reminder to self, Murphy's law still affects this world.

I've searched this city from east to west and can't find that mad scientist anywhere!

I can't ask the King because I'm already pulling favors by going to the beast glades.

I'm running out of time school ends In one more month and I don't have a proper weapon yet!!!

"What's troubling you Michelle? You've been acting strange these last few weeks"

"It's nothing my Prince"

"Is it really nothing?"

".....ugh fine. I've been looking for this artificer named Gideon because I want his help to make me a weapon"

"Gideon? I know him, I could get in contact for you"

"You could? I mean yes please do!"

I sometimes forget he's the prince since he doesn't really act like it most of the time.


"Mister Gideon please meet Lady Custodies, personal servant to the royal family"

"So prince Whats so interesting about this brat?"

Gideon questions

"What's interesting about this 'brat' is that I have a problem that I think you might find interesting to solve"

"Oh and what might that be?"

I pull out some early blueprints from my personal weapon.

Gideon looks at it for a few seconds before his eyes get a gleam in them.

"Yes this would be interesting, but nothing too hard for me. Is there anything else?"

"Flip it over"

He does so and looks at the other side of the blueprint. The front side of the blueprints was just an improved staff design that I came up with.

But the back side. The back side is what will make my weapon very unique. It hade a series of diagrams with little equations of mana being drawn around on the sides.

As Gideon looks it all over I can see the exact moment where he gets hooked.

"This is interesting. Alright consider me in on this little scheme"


What will my fancy unique weapon be?

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z

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