Chapter 17 - Another day, Another slay

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Xyrus Academy has started up once more. With me and Curtis going as Second years.

I'll be able to take more advanced classes now. Which should be able to hold my interest better than the baby classes I took last year.

Arithmetic is behind in this world so math is easy as are many of the other basic subjects that I take.

I've gone back to my usual sparing schedule with Curtis and Claire. And it's ...... nice to have friends my age. No Arthur does not count, I have not spent that much time around him, and ya know 'kids my age' part. Man is mentally 50.

I have thought about doing what Arthur did and trying to introduce new tech, but it went badly from what I remember and so I simply will not.

Well I might make some quality of life things but nothing as big as inventing steam power.

Talking about things way to advanced for this world. I've been fucking around with mana combinations.

Mostly with how different gases react to fire and electricity, and I have now decided to move onto something greater.

I'm going to make my own unique magic.

You may be asking how I will invent new magic, and let me tell you I have a great plan for that.

I'm going to try and do what Olfred did and combine different mana types for a new unique type of mana.

Or in reality, mess around with fire, wind, and lightning until I find something cool or give up.

Whatever happens first.


I want to say it's going well but I'm not really sure if 'well' is the right word.

I can better enhance my fire with wind mana now, making the flame burn brighter and stronger.

Can also mix a bit of lightning and fire into the same attack. That was a (heh) shock when it first happened, nearly blew a hole in the wall.

Also managed to make clouds of lightning with a combination of wind and lightning mana. It's more of a cloud of electric air, can't do more than a tasers worth of shock but it can still put people down. (Curtis's hair was going in weird directions for the rest of the week)

Talking about Curtis.

"Hey Prince, what are you doing here?"

"Hello Michelle! Gawder is finally big enough to really start training, so I thought I might just get some basic drills in with him"

"Maybe a 2v1 is in order than, to have you and your big cat practicing against me"

He considers it for a few moments as Gawder finally makes his appearance at his masters side. Only up to Curtis's waist but growing bigger by the day.

"Sounds fun let's do it!" Curtis finally speaks up after his moment of silence.


I'm trying to find something crazy with mana again and I think I'm getting close.

I have tried just about everything I could have done. Every combination or mix and I'm running out of ideas.

Over the last few months of school I have gained an excellent control of my lightning. And have also learned how best to separate the different gases in the air.

But I'm running out of ideas quickly. So much so that I might just have to go back to the basics and check everything again.

What was my original ideas again?

Something about Chemical reactions with different elements and the idea of creating plasm—

Plasma! I totally forgot about that!

But how does one go about creating plasma?

Come on Brain remember physics and chemistry... plasma is considered the 4th state of  matter, but how do you get to plasma again?

Uuuuuuhhhhhhhh.... Ah! Right you just age to super heat stuff right? No no no, you need to excite the electrons so much that they start to break off.

But how could I do that? I don't have all the fancy tech my old world had, and I don't think I could make my fires burn hot enough to turn the air around it to plasma.

Wait what if I separate certain elements and compounds from the air the add energy to them with lightning mana!

Yeah.... Yeah! That might work!


The real reason the story was named it's way was so I could make my OC powerful in a unique way.

As I have said previously I want to take this fic as off the rails as possible while still staying true to the original story so remember to call me out on stuff because my memory or understanding of science ain't perfect

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