Chapter 30

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I proposed this idea as a little test.

With how some of the past events played out I want to see how strong Fate truly is.

The battle will serve as a test to see how far I can push away from the original story. If Arthur makes it through unharmed then fate is weaker than i thought but if he still gets the same injuries as before then I will need to look at for future problems.

Since Lucas has been disposed of, I will take his place in the mock battle.

I'm not sure what Arthur gains from this fight but the vacuum shield he creates is probably useful in the future so I'm going to hold back and only use normal fire attacks.

A glance over to the side shows Arthur and Tessia flirtin-I mean talking.

Well they should be in position soon which means it's time to start.


I have a great idea.

"So you're the one who beat my predecessor" I call out to Arthur with a almost manic grin.

"Hey, if you beat me the Director might make you a professor. Wouldn't that be crazy a first year that's part of the Dc and is also a professor!"

Arthur's response to my taunts are to glance up at Prof Glory before releasing his Mana Pressure.

My smile only widens.

Lances of fire begin to form behind me as I speak once more.

"Good! Now come at me boy wonder!"


Arthur pov

'So they want a show huh'

I release a good portion of my pressure onto the field as I face my fellow Dc member.

But I falter for a second as I see that it only encourages her.

Many weapons of fire form behind her back as she speaks "Good! Now come at me boy wonder!"

With that the lances of fire are launched in my direction.

I quickly enhance my body with many and shoot out wind spells to redirect the fire.

"Reduce my foes to ash, Napalm Rain!"

Lots of tiny dots of fire begin falling from the sky as I kick up earth walls to block out the fire that surrounds me.

A quick dash forwards brings me closer to her but a wall of fire appears in my path forcing me back.

'Think Arthur think, without fire or water mana I won't be able to get close. How do I get past her fire with just earth and wind'

He thoughts are interrupted by more spells being flung at him.

'Wind controls air and fire needs air to burn so if I can push the oxygen out of the air around me her fire will fade out!'

(3rd person pov)

With Arthur now fully concentrated on his new spell he fails to realize that Michelle has decreased the power of her fire.

Despite this small change he continues to push towards her when a large burst of mana is felt nearby.

Arthur freezes and Michelle stops with a curious look on her face.

Just then Professor Glory swoops by and the world stops.

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