Chapter 35

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The one Alacryan spy was never really brought up after his little escape so I am interested to see who or what he is.

He is fast I would give him that, but I am faster.

I slam into the ground in front of the cloaked figure.

"Hello~!" I give them a exaggerated wave.

They try and turn around but walls of fire have already sounded us.

"Why are you trying to leave! We just met! I haven't even been able to introduce myself!"

Their form is tense as they search for any escape routes. We can't have that.

Lances of plasma shoot out and pierce the mages knees.

"See now you can stay and talk with me!"

I move closer and crouch down next to their downed form.

The alacryan try's to form a blade of water to attack me but a simple blast of fire evaporates it away, and his entire right hand.

They muffle a scream.

"So interested in telling me anything?"

Blood is spat into my face

"Now, now we can't have that. So do tell me what those interesting mark on your back are"

"Scum" a male voices speaks from under the hood.

With a yank the hood comes down revealing a plain looking male human.

A disappointed hum escapes my lips " I was expecting something.... more. Maybe horns, grey skin.... Red eyes?"

That got a reaction out of the man as his eyes widen by the smallest margin.

"You don't strike me as an evil terrorist, so please enlighten me on why you have been disrupting this humble institution?"

Only a glare is sent my way.

"Well it matters not. I already know enough Alacryan spy"

"Wha-". "My you find peace in your next life unlike how I did"

A bright flash followed by a scream is how the night ends.

Chemical Reaction TBATEWhere stories live. Discover now