Chapter 21 - Im running out of names

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I think I might have went slightly insane during the last year of school because I keep on finding random scribbles of incoherent things.

Did I really practice so much to make and control my plasma that I lost a chuck of my sanity? Hopefully not.

Maybes it's because I haven't had proper human interaction for the last almost 14 years.

I've always been playing my part. I have never truly been me in this world. Im not even sure what 'me' is anymore.

Is it the depressed high school student who sought relief in reading about other worlds, or is it the weapon trained since the age of five to do whatever the royal family commands?

I have lost myself to this world at some point. I have started to replace bits of the old me with bits of Michelle.

If I was fully Michelle I would have been like Grey. A tool to be used for conflict. Emotionless.

But if I was fully myself I would not think about killing in such a casual manner. I would try to hide or run away not face a problem head on with the night of mana.

Unlike Arthur I never had the illusion of a fresh start. I knew since the moment I was born as Michelle that I would have to fight and kill if I wanted this second chance. I knew that if I embraced this world their will be no going back to even an illusion of my own.

But maybe I could just try and enjoy a few seconds of it.

"Hey Michelle! Check out this trick I thought Grawder!"

Yes maybe I could just live life as Michelle


I was going to write more but then I realized that's it's midnight and I have stuff to do tomorrow

So just enjoy this small midlife crisis I have written

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