Chaptet 25 The Start of the Beginning

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Being a girl instead of a boy just sometimes feels right.

Like some unseen weight has been lifted from my shoulders I can now roam freely.

The increase in flexibility is nice, the whole way I can now express myself is very different.

I was considered girlish in my past life. I had a thin figure. Small waist, soft white unmarked skin.

Hell some of my friends openly admitted that if I were I girl they would try and be with me.

Which is an odd thing to say but now? In this new world?  I can see what they mean.

Why is this relevant you may be asking.

It's because Curtis just realized that I'm a girl.

Weird I know, I live with him for ten years and he just notices that I'm a different gender than him.

I may have acted boyish around him but that's just how I always am. I was a boy in my past life.

How do I know he just realized it? Well he has been trying to sneak glances my way every now and then since I got back from the Glades.

I get it. he's a boy growing into a man and I'm currently a (self proclaimed) beauty.

But I'm not sure about this whole situation. I'm not only mentally older than him I'm also in the wrong genders body. And I could have sworn I was straight in my last life.

Is this how Arthur feels about Tess?

Talking about Tessia I have been vaguely seeing her around the campus recently. If I remember correctly she is currently studying under Goodsky.

Haven't talked to and I don't really want to, she always came off as childish in the novel.

Then again everyone is childish compared to a 40 year old man in a toddlers body.

At this point my train of thought is interrupted by my door opening.

"Hey Michelle are you ready yet!  We need to leave soon to hear the announcement the Mom and Dad are making!"

Ah yes the creation of the council and the reveal of a second continent.

The point where the story really begins.

"Yes Curtis I'm as ready as I'll ever be"


Funny thing when I wrote the line 'my train of thought was interrupt' I could hear I train horn from outside my window

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