Chapter 18 - Progress

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This may take longer than I thought it would.

I know I'm creating my own unique power with the power of mana, but this is still taking longer than I thought it would take.

Lightning itself is just very short lived plasma. But I don't want that split second burst. I want the very sun in my hand.

Using lightning is a great start but I still need enough energy to change the state of matter itself.

From Gas to Plasma. That will need a lot of heat and energy. Which mean the same thing but ya know got to make every sentence count.

All I need to do is isolate the hydrogen and helium than pump power into it. One of the problems is that too little energy will just make very hot air but too much energy has a chance to cause a nuclear explosion.

Because why would I do anything easy.

I just had some ideas to upgrade my staff with.

This might take the rest of the year.


Good news. It didn't.

It was kinda simple as the artifact I wanted to add already existed. The hard part was getting it into my staff without damaging the output of either.

The staff was designed to enhance my power with Fire and Wind mana. The new updates to it allow me to store fire mana within the staff.

That extra mana within will hopefully help power the reaction I'm looking for.

I'm so glad sone artificer invented heating some time in the past because their system that uses fire mana is what I converted into the heat storage.

Im also very glad I'm taking the artificing class because I still don't understand how half this shit works.

God I need a new hobby.

I have done nothing but train since I got to this world.

Maybe I can pick up reading again?

But what would I read? I don't no any books I'm this world....

I Don't Know any books in this world!!

A literal whole new world of content to go through! And half the stuff I find will actually be unique instead of the shitty copy paste of the modern world.

And books with actual magic!

This is going to be fun.


(Curtis POV)

I haven't seen Michelle in classes the last few days. And she has not come to our usual training sessions.

Is she sick? If she was sick why couldn't she just send some servants to tell me?


Michelle does not have servants.

Oh shit!  Michelle has been in her room for days and hasn't come out! Is she sick! Dead!?

Or is it worse...

Mother gave me warnings of how girls might get once they hit their teenage years.

Is she...... In her period?

I must help her immediately as one of her two friends!

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(Still Curtis)

"Michelle! Are you Ok!?" I shout as I knock on her door.

There is no response.

"Michelle if you do y answer soon I'm going to have to come in there!?"

Still no response.

"Ok! Im coming in!"

I bust through the door to check her room. It's pitch black, all the curtains are pulled over the windows.

"Michelle?" I call out into the darkness.

I can now hear faint breathing.

As I walk towards the sounds direction I end up tripping over something within the darkness.

I catch myself with my hand and feel around for the object I tripped over.

I can't find it so I make a small ball of fire mana in my hand to provide light.

What I see shocks me.

Piles upon piles of books everywhere. A good third of the books are organized and from what I can see they are books about mana manipulation and artifacts.

The other part is a mess, books thrown about into haphazard piles. I recognize some of these books from my own readings.

There are fantasy books, mystery books, romance books, adventure books and many more subjects.

And at the center of this very mess is Michelle.

Sleeping peacefully in her bed with a book in hand.

I gently walk over to her and try to shake her awake.

Michelle stirs slightly.

"Michelle what is all this?" I ask once I'm sure she's slightly awake.

"Huh.... Oh..... it's books"

"Yeah I know that by why are there so many?"

"I was reading"

"All of these?"


"How long where you reading for?"

"What day is it?"

"Uuhh.. Saturday? How do you not know what day it is?"

"Oh Saturday..... huh."

She pauses for a few moments before continuing.

"72 hours of straight consciousness is not recommended"

She passes out right then.

'Great now I have to not only challenge her to duels to get her to stop her constant training but now have to check up on her regularly to make sure she isn't reading herself to death'

A long sigh comes out.

'Your lucky your my only true friend'


I think this is how plasma works?
Idk really know.

Also friendship

Also I got This piece of crap to a one hour long book. So yeh me

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