Chapter 16 - plot

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Light fades into my vision as consciousness returns to me.

"Hey... you, I see you are finally awake" speaks an oddly distorted voice from my side.

'Hmm Skyrim meme?'

"You exhausted yourself pretty bad, I didn't expect you to be awake for a few more hours" The voice continues.

'Nope not a meme just the disappointment that is reality'

My eyes open to reveal the face of the voice, well not face because the speaker appears to be wearing a white face mask with a blue streak through one of its eyes.

'Wha—How?! Why is the power of plot so strong!'

In front of me sits Arthur Leywin, or Note really because he has his mask on.

It's night time and a fire burns behind him, a quick glance around shows that Jasmine isn't here.

I finally decide to speak up.

"Um.. Hello? Thanks for saving me, my name is Michelle. My I know your name?"

That's right act as if you don't know this person.

"Your welcome, my name is Note. But we didn't do much saving. We only found you wounded in a charred area because a bolt of lightning ripped past us in when we were traveling through the forest"

Right my rage induced lightning attack, I'll need to start working on controlling that.

"What happened to the Beast Cores?"

"We found three nearby where you were knocked out"

"Three? I could have sworn there were only two shadow panthers"

"Yes three, one by your feet and two more in the path of the lightning blast"

Oh shit I hit a collateral. Lucky me

"I see our guest is awake"

I turn and see Jasmine walking into the campsite with a few dead animals in hand, it seems she was hunting for food.

"Ah yes this is my companion Jasmine, Jasmine meet Michelle"

We nod at each other.

"Well I guess I'll be out of your hands now, you can keep one of the beast core as a bit of compensation"

I get up to leave but stumble back down when pain flares from my hip.

"Yeah don't. You will probably need to rest for another day for your wounds to finish closing. Don't worry there is  a dungeon nearby which we will be going to, so just rest here and will be back"



It was the next day and I was thinking of ways I could do better and improve myself when Arthur and Jasmine returned from their little dungeon run.

They appear to be a little scuffed and messed up but nothing too big.

"Hello again"

"Hey Michelle feeling better"

"A little"


Awkward silence....

"Hey.. Mr Note do you mind if I accompany your group for a little while?"

"Ummm Sure I guess? What is your specialty"

"I'm a Orange stage Conjuror with duel affinity's in fire and wind"

Jasmine and Arthur make eye contact and are quiet for a while. They seem to come to an understanding in this moment.

"Sure, we are both Augmenters and could you the ranged support of a conjuror"

Nice! I may won't to stay away from Arthur most of the time thanks to his main character status but he's still a genius mage that a can learn a thing or to from.


And that's how I spend the rest of the summer. Traveling with Note(Arthur) and Jasmine we hit mostly B level dungeons.

We don't magically become friends or anything like that. But we end up having a cordial relationship with respect going both ways.

And eventually my time is up.

"I'm sorry to say this but I must be going now"

"Hm? Why?"

"I'm not a full time adventurer like you guys. And i now have to go back too Xyrus Academy for the start of the school year"

Arthur and Jasmine do a double take at that

"You go to Xyrus Academy?!?!"

"Yes? I do?" I look at them for a few seconds before something clicks

"Ah right I never fully introduced myself. I am Michelle Custodies personal guard to the Prince and Princess of Sapin"

They look at me slack jawed(from what I can see, Arthur is still wearing his note mask)

"Well bye now!"  I wave to them as I skip away.

I wonder if I will be able to do this next summer?


Video games are sooo addictive. I played from 11 am to 1 am yesterday. 13 whole ass hours

Also for people who didn't notice the MC's initials are MC(Michelle Custodies) I was thinking of a different last name at first but when I thought of this joke I realized it must be done

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