Chapter 39 Do i still need to do chapter titles?

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Watching Arthur get Dragged around by his mother, Sister, and Aunt is some of the best entertainment I've had in a good while. despite this fun little show I have an actual reason for stalking him through the city, I want to get one of those Asura orb things that boost core levels up.

One of those things made Tessia go three cores up, from mid yellow to mid silver so I theorize that if I were to get into a high silver level, I would be able to use it to break into the white core level. I'm no true prodigy like Arthur and won't be able to get to white core naturally and I don't have whatever they use to get mortals up to white core in alacrya so I'll just have to try something different, and those weird little orbs are probably my best hope. 

Arthur finally breaks off from his family and starts his way to the old man's/Windsom's  shop. I trail him from the rooftops trying to just within sensing him range. Then he's gone. No presence or anything, one second, he was there the next it was like he no longer existed.

'What Asura bullshit is this?' I try and go to his last location before he disappeared, but I just see the same dead end that Arthur comes back to later. 

Feeling around the walls and floor to maybe find a secret button leads to nothing except a few strangers looking down the alley weirdly at me. There I stand dumbfounded alone in this empty alley when something runs into me knocking me over. I try to turn mid fall to catch myself but whatever hit me is coming down with me, so I end up landing on my back.

Now there I lay double dumbfounded as a surprised Arthur lays on top of me.

'Did I .... did I just get into an Anime romance trope?'

Arthur and me both being trained from near birth to be great warrior end up reacting quickly and shoot up and away from each other. Us also both being not veery good in social situations end up staring at one another for a solid few moments.  

I stare at Arthur where behind him a shop that didn't exist a small time ago is visible and Arthur stares at me, his odd schoolmate that pushed him down a hole towards a Lance's dead body. 

"Michelle?" he finally recognizes me outside of my DC uniform.

"Arthur" I greet placidly, not really wanting to have this conversation.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." He still seems unsure of what to make of this situation. But I'm just as unsure as he is, I just have the better poker face. The plan was to merely follow him to the shop and then go in after he left with the backup plan being to just yoink the second orb that Windsom puts down next to the note he leaves here and hope they have a third to give to Arthur.

"Do you mind...." i wave my hand expectantly at him standing Infront of the shops doors.

He looks behind him before stepping to the side. I murmur my thanks before walking into the shop shutting the door behind me as swiftly as possible to try not to continue the awkward conversation anymore.

I look around the shop to see it just as described. Dusty, old, and full of junk. walking up to the counter with the old man behind it, I end up asking him for what the last customer bought.

"Can't sell you that" The old man states firmly. His eyes looking past me towards the door like he double checking if something is still there.

"Come on! why not? you gave it to the last person who came in here. Can't you sell it to me, I've got more than enough money!" courtesy of the royal family.

"I'll have to check the back to see if we have any..." he trails off as a black cute with the night sky in its eyes jumps onto the counter with an orb in its mouth. 

The cat stares at the old man for a short bit before dropping the orb into his hand.

"Ok. I'll give you this one in exchange for something."

"Sure, anything"

"You will owe me and my.... Bosses a favor that we can call in at any time. Because you seem like you got powerful connections that we could use"

Connections? Bosses? Favors? what great lies this man is giving, A 12-year-old could come up with something less shady sounding. But this orb might just be thing that decides my future. My second life or death.

"Sure, Shake on it?" We meet hands and I feel something flow into me. I don't comment on it.

"Good. You know it's us when we say this line...."



you know in one of my early drafts of this I had Michelle's dad set as Bairon but then i thought about the ages for more than five seconds and threw the idea out the window.

now Shes just fatherless. like all of the boys reading this because no way would a straight normal male be on wattpad reading about basically a trans girl. And if you think your straight while reading this then your lying to yourslef

anyway have a good day or night or evening or have a bad one i don't really care either way

 frog frog frog frog frog frog

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