Chapter 38

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I made my way out of the cave, carrying prof's Glorys unconscious body with me. Putting on a face of concern I called out to my classmates "Ms. Glory's been knocked out and Arthur fell deeper into the dungeon while helping to keep back the queens! We need to call for some search parties!" There that sounded convincing enough to me, plus it might help boast my reputation a bit if more people know about this fight. 

Curtis and Claire immediately rushed over to me, taking some of the weight of professor glory off of me. Then they began hounding me with questions about me, Arthur and the prof. how rude I just got out of a traumatic situation and may have just watched one of my classmates die.

Ok well that was mostly true, but I don't really care since the outcome is basically already decided. After fretting over me for a minute Curtis with the help of Tessia rally's the students and get us going back to the academy.


Leaning against the wall of the DC room I listen to my new assignments. apparently getting one of your fellow DC members trapped in a cave deceases the number of workers and raises the work per person so I've been having to put in that extra 13.22222% of effort to make up for his absence. huff the things I do to survive in this world.

Maybe I should just turn traitor and go to alacrya, live the rest of my life over there. not that I would know how to get there, could steal the teleporter that creepy mask uses. And what could I do when I get there, I won't know anything about the place. If only I had read farther into the story. This is what I get for splitting my attention across multiple books. hmmmm but 'Blue Falling' and 'Big chair of see through material' where such good reads.

Welp Arthur should be having his meeting with the director soon, i wonder what he will say about me?


"Was there something more that occurred down there?" 

Arthur turns and holds out a small piece of metal with a chain attached "This is what happened."

Shock flashes through the Directors aged face "L-lance Alea...... Is She...?"

"Yeah, She's dead. She and her team's bodies are still on the bottom floor of widow's crypt."

"I'm so sorry to ask this but did you... Did you see what caused this?"

"No, I didn't" the Directors fist clench around the thin piece of metal.

"Regardless, I will inform The Council of what has happened right away. try not to concern yourself over this matter, Arthur. This, this is beyond you." The Director turns and begins to walk away "The Council and the rest of the lances will handle whatever or whoever caused this." 

Arthur remains silently staring at her back. before speaking to himself.

"Why did you want me to see that, Michelle?"

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