Chapter 7 - my ordinary life

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I could really use some motivational music right about now.

"Up you meatbag! Run like you mean it!"

"Why am I even running I'm a conjuror!"

"That's 'Why am I even running I'm a conjuror!SIR' to you maggot!"

Fun fact I'm a conjuror apparently. I don't know why I expected to be a augmenter, it just seemed like the reasonable thing at the time.

Didn't stop this asshole from making me work my physical body every day.

It helps I guess because my body is stronger and faster, but I'm lazy and it's hard work.

"Run harder you little hobbit!"

It's hard to take this knight seriously when he has god darn cat ears on his helmet.

Or are those lion ears?

"One more lap than give me 20 push ups!"

I'm only 8 for gods sake but why they already pushing me so hard. Actually don't answer that.

Anyway back onto topic.... What was I thinking about again?

Meh probably nothing important.

One weird thing I've noticed is that Prince Curtis sometimes stalks me. It weird, what's so interesting about an 8 year old prodigy that randomly appeared one day and got semi-adopted into his household?

Again don't answer that.

He tried to approach me a couple of times but I always avoid him best as I can.

He may not be that important in the overall story of tbate but he is still a side character connected to Arthur so it's best to stay away.

I don't see the princess around much but I guess she is pretty young right about now, and while she may be good she's not Arthur good.

Hhhmmm what else should I think about in this internal monologue that will definitely not be heard by anyone else. ;)

I know! My mana core!

It's already in the solid red area probably becoming light red soon, and my affinities are fire and wind.

No Quadra elemental powers for me sadly. Welp 2 out of four ain't bad.

"Alright now move on to your weapon drills"

Ugh weapon drills, they're cool but boring. Just go through the same motions over and over again to build up muscle memory and endurance.

My weapon of choice is a kind of Bo staff that has some casting items in it to act as both a wand and a weapon.

I swing up, bring the staff down do a couple of spins and repeat

Swing swing swing repeat.

Swing swing swi— *twack*

I'm suddenly pulled out of my training haze to see Prince Curtis in front of me with a training sword in hand blocking my staff.

"Care for a match?" He questions in what can only be described as a confident but shy voice.

I look at him for a few moments before finally speaking up

"Sure, O'prince of mine"

He gives me an odd look but as I prepare for my next attack he grins.

He meets me in the middle with a clash of wood

I can't help but grin back.


Number 7 baby with another small time jump

The Mc's powers grow and training continues

And soon I will be able to show you readers why it's called 'Chemical Reactions'

Also I'm starting to build up a couple of buffer chapters so only expect one chapter a day

Now excuse me I have to go scream into the void

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