Chapter 1: The Sorting Ceremony

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    Unexpectedly my parents died. Cold, harsh deaths. Deaths that no muggle nor magic kind should ever experience. I saw them. The dark cloaked figures, as they apparated into our family home. My parents had hid me inside the living room closet right before they arrived. My father then used a transfiguration spell to hide the closet from anyone's sight. I saw them torture my parents through a sliver of light underneath the door. Their words were mumbled but they were looking for something. Heirlooms, photos and nicknacks were thrown across the room, some shattering on the floor near by parents who were now held at the point of a dark figures wand. I wanted to help them but couldn't. Tears streamed down my face as I watched the dark figure use the most unforgivable curse on my parents.

       The memory is a a blur. I recall it as I step into the Hogwarts grounds accompanied by Professor Sharp. My parents would have been proud of me in this moment but also sickened that it had taken the ministry so long to clear me for public schooling after their deaths. I was starting at Hogwarts as a 6th year. It was the latest any student had ever been allowed to join into the school. Before my parents had died I was homeschooled. They had taught me more than what an average student at Hogwarts would have learned in those years but after being on a year and a half of sabbatical I was behind my fellow classmates. My parents had been killed during what would have been my 4th year. The ministry then took a full year to even process what to do with me. In the meantime I had been shipped to Professor Sharps home.

    I had never met Aesop Sharp until the day I was moved into his home. My parents had apparently been very close to Sharp throughout their schooling years; to the point that he was to be appointed my guardian if anything had ever happened to them. He was a gruff man, who always appeared to be thinking. At first he was intimidating and I honestly didn't know what to think of him. However, the man had a passion for potions. His face would light up as he brewed, as if it took all his past pain away for a moment. At first it took him and I time to adapt to our new arrangement together. I'm sure he never thought he'd have to house nor take care of a 17 year old girl by himself. Honestly he took the change very well. I was welcomed with open arms and a room to call my own in the attic of his house.

    Even though the ministry didn't want me practicing magic until I attended Hogwarts; Sharp thought that was a ridiculous requirement and would keep me up to date with what kids at the school were doing in his class. I became very proficient in potion making over the last year and a half thanks to the private lessons with Sharp. He appeared to have found some joy in seeing me succeed with potions and demanded that when I started at Hogwarts I would need to take an advanced potions class. I was grateful for this though, as it would make me feel like I wasn't so far behind my classmates. At least in one area that is.

    I snap myself out of my thoughts as the school towers in front of us. It's a gorgeous building filled with tall towers and incredible architecture. I've never seen anything like it and am completely awestruck. Out of my peripheral vision I see Sharp looking at me with a small smile on his face. He must know that I'm flabbergasted by the sight in front of me. Sharp and I didn't need to talk much to understand one another. I nod my head at him as to say "let's continue" and he does the same. Sharp had explained to me before we left for Hogwarts that I would need to be sorted into my house. He told me of my parents and the houses they were in. My mother Isadora was a Ravenclaw, she was incredibly intelligent and could never get her nose out of a book. My father Gregory, a Gryffindor, was brave and never backed down from a fight. Sharp then explained that there was also the Hufflepuff house, known for their empathy, and Slytherin house, known for their ambition. 

     Although I was nervous for the sorting ceremony I was also excited. I had asked Sharp what house he was in and he refused to tell me until after my sorting ceremony. He saw it as "bad luck" to tell me before the ceremony. Sharp guided me inside the giant doors of Hogwarts and down the hall, towards the Great Hall. Everyone else was already inside, which would put me in the spotlight as we walked through the doors. Part of me enjoyed causing a bit of chaos though. Sharp pushed open the doors and everyone's eyes fell upon us. I could feel their eyes on me from all around the room as I walked down the long pathway towards the stage, where the sorting hat rested waiting for me. Headmaster Black walked down towards Professor Sharp and they whispered a couple things back and forth to each other. It was too quiet for anyone to hear however. I was then announced to the whole room. About eighty kids at each table watched as I went to sit down and be placed.

    "We have a late arrival" Headmaster Black announced "This is Ruby Ryzmec. Our new 6th year". Kids from all around whispered at this. It was truly unheard of to start at year 6. "We are happy to have you Ruby".  He then placed the hat on top of my head and the room went quiet.

     Hmmmmmm.... The hat mumbled as it sat upon my mousey brown curls.

      I know who you are. Your parents were brave and intelligent. But are both those things and more. You could make it in either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor however, you will not reach your greatest potential in either of those houses. Better make it.....

    "Slytherin!!" The hat shouts out. Kids from the green table stand and cheer as I step down from the stage and join them at the their table. I look at Professor Sharp and am met with a genuinely proud smile. I knew in that moment that he had known all along that I would be in Slytherin. Him and I were similar. He must have been a Slytherin too. I'd make sure to ask him later about it but for now I planned to enjoy the night. A feast magically appeared in front of myself and the rest of my house. We all began to eat and talk. A light brown haired boy sat opposite of me. His eyes were cloudy and he never made exact eye contact.

  "I'm Ominous. Ominous Gaunt." He introduced himself to me, holding out his hand. I shook it and then was about to introduce myself as well but couldn't quickly enough. "Your Ruby yes?" He questioned.

     "Yes, Ruby Ryzmec." I replied, "It's nice to meet you".

     "Welcome to Slytherin. Not everyone is cut out for our house. Most of us had parents who were also in Slytherin. Take me for example. I am generations into Slytherin. In fact, im related to our founder, Salazar Slytherin". Ominous didn't seem too sure as he said this. As if he couldn't decide if he should be proud of that fact or not. Instead of dwelling on it I changed the subject.

    "That's fascinating Ominous. Not to cut you short, but would you help me get to the common room after dinner? I'm afraid that starting out as a 6th year I will definitely get lost in this castle if I try to find it on my own" I chuckle knowing I would indeed get lost.

   "Unfortunately for me, I have Astronomy class tonight so I won't be able to take you Ruby". Ominous replies and I find myself disappointed at his response. "However... I bet Sebastian would show you". He then taps on the shoulder of the guy next to him. Sebastians freckles are lifted by a mischievous smile, as he finishes the conversation he was just in and turns towards Ominous. He has reddish brown hair that swoops gently to the left. His hair color makes his brown eyes gleam in the lighting of the room.

    "Yes Ominous, what do you need? Oh..." His brown eyes catch a glance at my green ones for a moment before looking back at Ominous.

    "Sebastian, this is Ruby" he points to me. "She needs help finding the common room after dinner and I have Astronomy so I personally won't be able to help. Could you..." he's quickly cut off by Sebastian.

    "I'll take her" He looks at me and grins. "Ominous it's a shame your blind man, I'd be skipping Astronomy to take her any day". I find myself hot in the cheeks at this comment. Ominous then playfully punches Sebastian in the arm. They must be close considering how they treat one another. It's almost brotherly. "I'm Sebastian Sallow. You must be the new 6th year?"

   "Yes I am" I reply. I am still a bit flustered from his previous comment but manage to pull myself together and not allow it to get to me. "I appreciate you taking me, I was afraid I'd have to try and find it on my own" I smile at them both even though I know Sebastian is the only one who sees it.

   "Don't worry. If you ever need help finding your way around, I'm your guy" Sebastian is very charismatic in his responses. I grin at him knowing he will definitely get me in trouble at some point. I don't mind though, something about him attracts me like a moth to a flame. I can't help but keep my eyes on him throughout dinner. Although when I look away I swear I can feel his eyes on me too. Little did I know, that this night would be the start of many other nights with Sebastian Sallow.

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