Chapter 11: Detention

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      After Divination class it was hard to focus. Ominous had said to keep what I saw between himself and I but I desperately wished I could lean on someone at the moment. My mind raced with the images from the crystal ball and I found that the day dragged along incredibly slow. I'd have to wait until after dinner to speak with Ominous about it, he seemed to know something about the masked man from the last image. I hadn't seen Sebastian since the morning commotion and wished I could run into his arms right about now. I muddled my  way through charms class, barley retaining any information. At lunch neither Ominous or Sebastian were there which made me a bit suspicious but I tried to shake the thought. Flying class was next.

    I had never touched a broom before and found myself nervous at the thought of flying midair on one. Sure my mother had me around various flying beasts growing up but a broom was not in my area of comfort, especially considering my state of mind currently. On top of all of this Imelda Reyes just so happened to be in the same class as me. As I entered the flying courtyard she immediately met my eyes with a snooty stare. "I didn't know they allowed people like you in this class" she sneered towards me as I passed her and went towards an empty broom. Unfortunately the Professor wasn't here yet and Imelda felt like following me was a good idea. Unfortunately for her today was not a good day to get on my bad side.

"Leave me alone Imelda..." I gritted my teeth at her while avoiding eye contact.

"What Sebastian's girl can't stand up for herself?" She then shoved me back causing me to look up at her. "Oh with that swollen face it make it look like you should be with the gargoyles, did Sebastian do that to you? I wouldn't be surprised" she laughed at her own words causing the students around us to stop and watch what was happening.

"You're just jealous that Sebastian wants me and not you" I snapped shoving her back the same way she had shoved me. "Back off before you really see what I'm capable of". I could feel the heat rising in my chest as she egged me on. If she wanted to test the waters I would make sure she never did it again.

"Hah, you think your so tough. It's too bad not even Jaxon could teach you when to stand down" her eyes stared into my own sinisterly as she spoke. She was practically admitting to having a part to play in what happened earlier. It made me wonder if she had Jaxon under her fingers like a pawn in a game of wizards chess. I'm sure she had found a way to get back at Sebastian after having her romantic advances denied the other day. After hearing this I could feel the rage inside me burning, begging to be released at her. I took a deep breathe before speaking.

"So you had a part to play in what happened earlier?" I found myself grinding my teeth as the words left my mouth. She chuckled at my response.

"Of course I did. Jaxon isn't smart enough to know what will trigger Sebastian enough to actually fight" a smile grew upon her lips and into a grin. "I was honestly hoping he would have gotten expelled. Makes me wonder why Professor Sharp was so forgiving. It's very much unlike him. Did you have some way of persuading him? You are quite the little slut aren't you? I mean it's only your first week and you've already captured Sebastian's attention. I haven't been able to I'd that in my whole six years here. I wouldn't be surprised if you had done something for Sharp to be so forgiving" she jeered as she pointed out the still existing hickies that resided under the handprints Jaxon had left upon my neck. She had finally crossed the line and I wasn't going to hold back.

My fist found her face faster than a key with wings. She stumbled back and began to cry as blood trickled out of her nose and dripped onto the ground as she stared at me in shock. She then ran from me and back inside the building. I knew there would be consequences but I didn't care, it had felt good to punch her and she deserved it. Madam Kogawa quickly appeared with Imelda standing behind her in a smirk. "Ryzmec!" She yelled out to which I stepped towards her knowing I was in trouble. "Your first day in class and you have already punched my star pupil. Detention it is for you" she then motioned for me to return inside the building and wait for her. I nodded my head and did as she said.

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