Chapter 38: The Rescue?

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Another week had gone by and I was regaining my weight to a healthy level again. The problem was that soon you would be able to see my baby bump. Every night I prayed they would find me and I dreamed of Jaxon. I prayed they hadn't given up and just hadn't gotten lucky yet. I sat on my bed waiting for the doctor to arrive. She had been told to do weekly check ins.

My door opened and she walked in quietly. We had to be careful with the baby information as nobody knew but us still. "You are looking better and your vitals have improved" she then glanced at my stomach that was slightly starting to get bigger. "Everything else normal?" She asked specifically motioning to my stomach to make sure I understand what she was asking.

"Yes everything is normal. I'm gaining weight" I spoke but then added a light cough as to say if you know what I mean. She nodded her head and gave me a worried look. Normally she was calmer than this. Something was different. Did she know something that I didn't? I wanted to ask her but knew it was too risky in this room. I'd have to keep my eyes peeled today. That's when Adrian and two of his men entered the room. The men were quickly to grab me and restrain me.
    "What's going on?" Dr.Majorie asked politely, "I was in the middle of a check up". Adrian stared at her before finally answering.

     "She's healthier. You said it yourself. Today is the day we make her magic work" he was cold with his words which worried me. What did they have planned? Had Sebastian actually told me the truth? I began to shake with the thought of it all as the men begin to carry me out of the room.

    "She can't get stressed out Adrian otherwise it won't work" The doctor was defending me, trying to get them to take better care of me. It wasn't for me though. It was for my baby.

"I'm tired of waiting Majorie. Todays the day. If not she dies" he spat out at her.

     I gave her once last thankful look before I was whisked away from her and placed on a table with restraints on the middle of an outdoor area. It was the first time sunlight had hit my skin since I had been held captive. My head hurt as my eyes tried to adjust to the sunlight. The restraints were buckled on my wrists and ankles. They were leather instead of chain but the table was then held up vertically which caused my weight to gravitate downwards, hurting my wrists and ankles as they rubbed against the leather.

       "What are you doing to me?" I asked as I saw Adrian out of the corner of my eye.

    "What we should done right away" he responded with a chuckle. At that moment Sebastian entered the room as well. He approached me slowly but as he got close he began to caress my skin in hopes of getting a reaction.

    "Stop it!" I struggled against his touch. I screamed out now that we were outside. I hoped maybe someone could hear me.

   "Continue" Adrian waved Sebastian on. I squirmed on the table as his hands made their way across my body in places I never wanted him to touch again. He then leaned in close and was about to whisper in my ear when a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.

    "Get your damn hands off of her!" Jaxon stood across the outdoor courtyard with his sleek wand drawn at Sebastian. "I should have known you were working for him". His strong voice comforted me. I was finally going to get out of here. Sebastian backed away with his hands up while the two guards with Adrian now had their wands pointed at Jaxon.

       "Jaxon!" I screamed out as they pointed at him. His father than made his way over to him as Jaxon dropped his wand and the guards grabbed him. He glared at his father.

   "How could you do this? Ancient magic or not how could you be so desperate that this is what you resort to?" Jaxon asked his father almost at a loss for words.

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