Chapter 35: Adrian Biggs

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To think I had been in love with Sebastian disgusted me now. On top of it I had given him my purity, innocence and trust. Now he was pulling me alongside him with my wrists tied up, dragging me to what could be my ultimate doom. At least I had saved Jaxon. That's all that mattered. If I died then at least I saved the one person who truly loved me unconditionally. As we approached the Skull Seeker camp my stomach dropped. It was larger than I expected it to be. I took a deep breath for whatever came to me next. Sebastian pushed me ahead as we passed by Skull Seeker members. They stared at me as I passed, their masks blankly watching my every move. Sebastian's hand kept pushing me forward until we reached what I assumed to be the main tent.

As we entered the tent the room inside was much bigger than what the outside appeared. Caged beasts lined the sides of the walkway along with treasures and stolen supplies. Sebastian pushed me forward instead of allowing me to look until we entered a room that appeared to be an office. A door swung open to the left and a tall man walked out. His hair was peppered but at one time had probably been black. His eyes met mine and I found myself relieved. They weren't the ocean blue eyes that Jaxon had. Some similarities could be made such as the body shape, jawline and the the black hair underneath the peppery strands; thankfully he and Jaxon didn't look exactly alike.

"Ah you've finally brought her to me" his voice was raspy as it echoed through the room. "It took you a while Sebastian but you will still be rewarded none the less" I could feel the villainy radiating off of this man and could barley believe he was related to the caring Jaxon that I had come to love.

"What do you want with me" I snapped, cutting him off from whatever was going to come out of his mouth next.

"Feisty are we!" The man chuckled, "I think introductions are in order first aren't they? My name is Adrian Biggs. I run this fantastic group called the Skull Seekers. I've been told you know my son?" He grinned as to push my buttons.

    "Leave him out of this. You've already ruined his life enough" I yelled out pulling on the ropes still tied around my wrists. How could someone be so heartless as to kill his own wife and abandon his son?

    "Hahaha I see you've fallen for him have we? It's ironic as we genuinely thought you'd be head over heels for Sebastian forever. After all we did spike your drink with a love potion for him the first day you arrived at Hogwarts" he snickered and gestured to Sebastian to bring me closer which he did against my will. It was all adding up now. How quickly I felt like I could trust Sebastian, how's desperately enamored I was by him. How I didn't even see how toxic it was until I had escaped it thanks to Jaxon. Only real true love can wipe a love potions effects and I started feeling different the moment I had kissed Jaxon to take away his pain for the first time.

    "How dare you!" I spat out lunging at him while being yanked back by Sebastian.

    "Attach the cuffs to her and lock her in the room" Adrian gestures towards the door to the left clearly bored of my reactions. Sebastian switches out the ropes for metal cuffs that are attached to a string of heavy chains. He drags me violently through the door and into a bedroom. The room is decorated for a king, with a golden king size bed with a canopy, luscious red carpet, and treasures galore. I'm attached to a corner of the room where a giant metal hook sticks out of a stone wall. He clips both chains in and then begins to walk away.

    "Was it all a lie?" I call out to him desperate for answers. It's enough to catch his attention. Sebastian turns around and glares into my eyes. He grabs my face by the chime and forces me to look into his eyes as he speaks.

    "Do you really want to know the answer to that question?" He clenches his teeth as he speaks to me.

    "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know" I snap back grinding my teeth together in frustration.

     "At first it was just my mission. To get you, then I can save Anne with your powers. There was a point where maybe it was real for a moment. Where for a second I thought maybe I could go about it another way. The intention was always for Anne of course but you did pull my emotions more than I had expected. I didn't plan to fuck you if that's what your asking... I couldn't deny myself the opportunity though. You are truly a precious gem with those powers of yours. How could I give up an opportunity like that?" He chuckled before pushing my chin away and walking back towards the door. "We will see Ryzmec maybe when Adrian is done using you and I'm done using you, maybe then I'll allow myself to get emotional. Until then your just another pawn in my game" he finished before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

    I was alone now. The chains were cold on my wrists and I didn't know what to expect. My powers weren't something I could control yet. The only time they had ever worked was on Jaxon. I tried observing the room to see if there was any escape routes but they had thought this through. Nothing was near me to try and use as a pick for the locks and there was only one way in and out. I would have to wait and hope that Jaxon knew what I had done. He could get help before coming to rescue me. In fact I prayed that he would get help instead of trying to save me by himself.

    Minutes turned to hours as I waited in the chains. Eventually Adrian entered the room. He looked me up and down before smirking. "You're probably wondering how I plan to use you yes? Well first we plan to try your blood. Then if that doesn't work we will try to force the magic out of you; and if that doesn't work Sebastian tells me that physical touch seems to provoke it" he chuckled at the last part as if it were a joke. He then approached me with a vile and his wand. He swished his crooked wand to the left causing my palm to face him open. He then took a knife from his pocket and gashed open my skin. I let out a hop of pain as he did this. Blood immediately rose and he used his wand to float it into the vial. Once it was halfway filled he capped it and threw a rag into my hand to stop the bleeding.

    "Hopefully this is all we need" He said as he then drank my blood. Disgusting. Adrian then paced back and forth for a while before sighing. "I'll sleep on it and if it doesn't work...tomorrow I'm going to beat it out of you" he then changed his clothes right in front of me to which I closed my eyes and he plopped down on the bed retracting all light from the room. It was pitch black and all that could be herd was beast screams throughout the tent. Pleading to be set free. I allowed myself to cry. I needed it. Once I had no more tears my body forced itself into tired state. The chains were long enough for me to lay on the floor, so I did. I tried to imagine myself cuddled next to Jaxon. The comfort he would give me in a moment like this. Soon enough I dozed off to sleep.

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