Chapter 32: Gut Feeling

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    When I came to Jaxon was asleep in the wooden chair to the right of me. He let out little puffs of air as his chest rose and fell with each breath. I didn't want to wake him up but I also wanted answers as to what had happened and why. The window in the oak paneled room was cracked for me to hear the morning song of the birds. It was a rather peaceful moment even though I was now in a hospital gown and had IVs attached to my arm. I let out a deep breath which woke up Jaxon. His blue eyes flickered open in the morning light as his gaze caught my own. "Your awake" His lips curled up into a smile.

   "I guess so" I replied a bit confused "What happened?" I questioned causing his smile to fade into a concerned look. His eyebrows scrunched now, which I had noticed he did when he was thinking deeply.

    "I'll call in the doctor. I think it's best if he explains everything instead of me" he stretched his arms out and stood up to look out the window before leaving and grabbing the doctor. When Jaxon left I noticed the bedside table next to me had a glass vase resting on top filled with gorgeous purple tulips, my favorite. I vaguely recall Sebastian and Ominous's presence. Had they brought the tulips?

   Jaxon soon returned with an older man in a doctors coat whose circular glasses rested upon his nose. His features slightly reminded me that of a weasel. "Ms.Ryzmec. It's nice to see you awake, you gave us quite a scare for a moment there. You've been out for approximately 3 days. Your vitals look good though so I'm hoping by tonight we can get you home" the man had a cheerful voice as he tapped at the clipboard that he held within his hands.

    "What happened to me?" I asked quickly afraid that he would leave before giving me the answers I desperately needed. The man then took a deep breath, pushed his glasses up his nose and sat down while Jaxon kept some distance staring out the window into the mornings light.

    "Well I have a couple theories my dear" the doctor began which immediately made me worry. "My first theory is that when you suffered from the Crucio curse that it left a permanent bond. One that I don't know if it can be cured. Whenever that person uses magic will unfortunately suffer as if the Crucio is happening once again" the doctors voice is grim as he speaks telling me that if this is the case it is indeed a severe thing to suffer from.

     "The second theory is also not the best situation. There is a possibility that you have been cursed. Rather it be intentional or not, your boyfriend may have put this curse on you. From what your friend here tells me it seems as though you were confused on if you truly loved this boyfriend of yours. He could have placed a eternal lovers curse on you. If you were to change your mind about him or think about leaving him it will cause you great pain. Or if your feelings were to change. This pain can be severe enough to kill a individual" the doctor lets out a sigh as if to tell me that he believes this is the case. I shudder at the thought of it. "If this theory is the case like I assume it is, the only solution that I know of is for the person who cursed you to let you go in every possible way....I'm sorry my dear. That kind of toxic love is dangerous. I wish you luck and genuinely pray you somehow overcome this" With the end of that sentence the doctors gets up out of his seat and calls for a nurse to come and begin checking me out of the hospital room.

    I'm left in shock as the nurse takes out my IVs. She tells me that my clothes are in the drawer next to the bed and that if the pain starts again to try and take a mugwort potion to ease the pain. She hands me a potion bottle filled to the brim with green liquid. She then pats my arm as if to reassure me that somehow I'll manage and then tells us that we don't need to check out and will be able to leave as soon as we are ready.

      I stand up a bit wobbly and Jaxon comes to my aid holding me up by my arm. He hasn't spoken since the doctor came in and seems sorrowful. In fact he's practically radiating the sorrow off of himself. His blue eyes aren't so blue anymore but instead filled with a stormy gray. "Do you need help changing?" He asks politely as to make sure I don't take it the wrong way. Although I definitely could use the help I can't bare the idea of him seeing me in my underwear. I can feel my cheeks get hot just at the thought of it which then in return sends a jolt of pain down my spine. I shake my head no at him and pull the white curtain in between us. Although it takes me way longer than it should I manage to pull on the clothes I was wearing before we arrived.

    I pull the curtain back again and Jaxon stands there patiently waiting for me. He offers out and arm for me to hold onto since I'm having trouble with my balance as I walk. As we leave the hospital he begs me to let him carry me back to the cottage but I refuse. I will feel things for him and then I will suffer because of it. It takes us a while to get back to the cottage. It's actually pretty far from the towns little hospital. Had Jaxon carried me this whole way when I was in pain? I tried to shake the thought as it made me feel guilty. I hated this situation. If the doctor was right my feelings for Jaxon was what was causing me to feel severe pain. It wasn't fair. To me, to Jaxon. He shouldn't have to live with thinking that he was partially to blame for my pain. I also shouldn't have to live in pain simply because my boyfriend had cursed me.
     I was furious at Sebastian. I needed an explanation. I needed to know if he intentionally did this to me. Even if it wasn't intentional he had to have been thinking about it to make it happen. Had he been so selfish to keep me that he thought cursing me would force me to love him forever? Knowing his train of thought he probably couldn't bare the thought of me leaving him like Anne did. Once I have the thought of it I'm almost positive that's exactly what happened. He couldn't bare to have that happen again, so he'd use force to make sure it didn't. I knew something about Sebastian was dangerous when I met him. Only if I would have listened to my gut.

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