Chapter 10: Divination Class

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Sebastian's dorm was similar to my own except he had a pinboard attached to his wall with various photos throughout his years at hogwarts. One photo was of him and another girl, in fact they looked very similar. In the photo the two were both younger and grinning together in new Slytherin robes. He must have noticed that the photo had caught my eye.

"That was Anne, my twin sister. That was the day we both were sorted into Slytherin. She's..." he got choked up as he spoke "She's not around much anymore". I really felt his emotions after his words, something had happened between them. Something detrimental.

"I'm sorry Sebastian" I wove my fingers through his as I spoke. "Maybe one day she'll come around more again"

"No she won't. She's made that very clear. I did something that I can never take back Ruby. Something awful. I'll never see my sister again because of it" he snapped at me causing me to jolt at his response "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Sometimes I just get so angry with myself and the world" he sighed while laying his head into my chest as we laid on his bed.

"Well what if whenever you feel that way you just grab my hand?" I squeezed it at this trying to make him feel a bit better.

"We could try that" he gave me a shy smile as he broke his attention from the photo back to me.

"You know Sebastian I understand to an extent of what you feel. Obviously I don't know everything that happened. However, I'm sure I have felt the same anger. Sometimes I feel as though I could have changed my own past but I have to stop myself from thinking that way" I pause to see that he is focused on my words "When I feel that way I just try to cover the memories that cause my pain with better ones" I found myself thinking of my parents and their deaths as I told him this.

"I just become enraged and can't stop myself. Earlier scared me Ruby. I could have killed that prick and not even known it" he spoke while looking down at the bed, he obviously felt some form of guilt for what had happened.

"You were saving me can't be angry at yourself for that" I replied while I planted a kiss on his freckled cheek. He took a deep breath while meeting my eyes with his own again. The pools of coper and bronze that swam through his dark brown eyes always enchanted me.

"I've never been so enraged that it caused me to black out...not until today. When I came to and I saw him touching you I didn't even control my own body anymore. I've never felt such pure rage before" he spoke as he grasped my head gently within his hands. He leaned my head forward a bit and kissed the top of it "I guess you have just become my ultimate weakness" he held me tight in his arms and laid his chin upon the top of my head. "Ruby, you are more trouble than I anticipated" he chuckled.

    We laid there together on his bed until we needed to leave for class. My face was still swollen but I wasn't going to let it stop me from the rest of my day. Sebastian had Potions while I had Divination with Ominous. I left his dorm and met Ominous right outside of the common room. "Please tell me you guys weren't completely nasty in there" he teased while making a vomiting motion and noise.

    "No Ominous, we simply talked about Anne" I responded as we walked to class next to one another.

     "He told you about Anne?" He seemed surprised to hear this information.

     "He didn't tell me much, just that she was his twin sister and that he thinks he'll never see her again" I frowned while I told him this.

    "I doubt he will if I'm being honest. After what happened Anne won't step foot near him again. It's shame..." he trailed off a bit "...Anne was an amazing person" he seemed to blush at the thought of her. Ominous must have really liked her, I had never seen such emotion on his face before.

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