Chapter 9: Get a Room

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   I was awoken to a commotion outside of my room. I quickly threw on my robes, undid my braids and ran out as quickly as I could. I hadn't covered up my hickies from the previous night but I didn't care. I ran down the metal platform towards the commotion coming from the common room. A group of other Slytherins were yelling to each other and running out of the room.
     I saw Ominous's blonde hair out of the corner of my eye and ran over to him confused as to why everyone was in a hurry to leave. "Ominous!" I yelled out to him as I pushed my way past other students towards him. "What is going on?!" I frantically asked as I looked around for Sebastian who was nowhere in sight.

    "There's apparently something happening in the the hallway right outside the common room. I was going to wait for Sebastian but he's probably already made his way out there" he said as he began to walk with the rest of the Slytherin students to the hallway.  I followed him as well, keeping an eye out for Sebastian on our way. As we exited the common room a hudle of students could be seen straight ahead. It wasn't only Slytherin students but students from every house. Something was happening in the middle of the hudle but I couldn't make out what it was.

Once we got closer my heart dropped at the sight of what was happening. Jaxon and Sebastian were standing across from one another yelling at each other. It was so heated I could barley understand what they were saying. Some students were chanting for them to fight. This would not end well if I didn't intervene. I shoved my way in between the other students, squeezing past as quickly as I could. Once I finally reached them I wrapped my arms around Sebastian's waist in a hurry, getting his attention immediately. "Leave it alone, if not for yourself, for me" I pleaded with him. His face was red and tense with anger as he looked down at mine.

"Oh your little girlfriend had to save you huh Sallow?" Jaxon teased as Sebastian began to walk away from him at my request, ignoring his words and turning his back to him. Sebastian shook it off and continued to leave with me until suddenly Sebastian was knocked to the ground by Jaxon who had charged at him pulling my grasp off of his waist.

"Screw off!" I shoved Jaxon off of Sebastian who was getting up ready to fight. Jaxons blue eyes snapped to me, they were filled with rage.

"Who do you think you are bitch?!" He spat out at me while kicking Sebastian in the back of the head. Sebastian fell face first into the ground after this as Jaxon stepped closer to me. I didn't know what to expect but I wasn't ready for what he did next. Jaxons elbow landed into the side of my left cheek, knocking me to the ground.

     The hit instantly dazed me. Jaxon then latched onto my hair picking me up from the ground, my feet dangling below me. I screamed out in pain. The huddle of students around us had dissipated. Most of them were weary of getting on Jaxons bad side as this was what happened when he was challenged. They also didn't want to be here when the professors arrived. Now it was just Sebastian, Jaxon and I fighting with a few other students lingering to watch.

     "Tell me bitch" he yelled in my face as he slammed me up against a stone wall. His face was centimeters from mine now. His eyes darted from my face to my neck. He had caught a glance of the hickies that laid upon me and his attitude shifted. "Its really quite sad that you like Sallow. I'm sure I'm much better than he is at certain activities...don't you want to reconsider your options?" He sneered the words into my ear, his mouth making contact with my skin as he spoke.

     "I'd rather be with a troll, you disgusting pig!" I gritted my teeth and then spat in his face. At my response his other hand wrenched around my neck tightly. He dropped his other hand from my hair and began to caress my breasts aggressively.

    "I like it when you struggle. I'm actually surprised you have something here. I see why Sallow likes you now" he chuckled as he continued to caress me and dig his finger nails into my neck drawing blood. Tears fell from my face as I struggled against his grasp.

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