Chapter 37: Help Me

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   The writing was burned into my mind. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know if I should be happy or scared. I never expected this to happen. Obviously I knew it could happen but I never expected it to. Especially now while I was captive.

   "Please don't tell them" I begged the doctor as tears rolled down my face. I couldn't imagine what they would do if they found out.

    "I...I have to. If I don't they could do something that would hurt it" she was now showing more emotion than I had seen her have this entire time.

    "You don't understand. They will want to kill the baby" I felt myself panicking and hyperventilating as the tears rolled down my face. I didn't want any harm to come to the child growing inside of me. I also had realized I had been here for over a month which meant I was also eighteen now. If I wanted to get married and start a family I was fully capable of doing that. If I wasn't here...I could do that. In some says it gave me a new sense of hope. I would do anything to protect this child.

   "Why would they do that? They don't need your child. They simply want the magic that comes with your blood" She was trying to be reassuring but it was only making me feel worse. What if they wanted to keep my child for themselves and use them like they had used me?

   "Because...this child will be Adrian's grandchild" I croaked out in between my tears and panicked breathes. Her face said enough. She was in complete shock.

"" She now didn't seem so sure about telling them now.

"His son Jaxon. He was the one who broke the love potions effects" my own words set my tears off again. The emotions I had been holding back this whole time poured out of me.

  "Oh honey..." she spoke softly as she came over and hugged me. Soft human touch made me flinch now. "We have to tell them because otherwise they will eventually notice" I knew she had a point but I hated it. "I don't want to know how they would react later". I despised the idea. If anyone should know first it should be the man who was going to be the child's father. I wanted to ask her if she could help me. She obviously had more of a heart than she lead on.

"Please help me" I begged her praying that maybe she had children my age and would feel sorry for me. "I can't bring this child into this. Please" I looked into her honey eyes. Her short blonde hair gleamed in the lights above us.

"I don't know how I can" she looked down at the floor clearly questing her morals in this moment.

"You could tell someone where I am. Leave a note at a bar or just anywhere. I haven't seen the newspapers but I'm sure my disappearance is in it. Please, if not for me do it for my unborn baby. This is no place for a child. You have to know that" I hoped she would listen to me.

"I'll see what I can do" she spoke before sending me back to get put into my own room so I could heal. The room wouldn't be fancy but I wouldn't be chained up. It would be locked from the outside so I couldn't leave but I was thankful for what she had done for me. The taller guard was with me again as I was walked to my new room. It was a security keycard door that opened up to a simple room. It has dark charcoal walls, oak flooring and an actual bed. I never thought I would see a bed again. I immediately went to it and laid down. The mattress even though it was on the hard side, felt amazing. I tried to keep myself from feeling comfortable though. The whole point of this was so Adrian could take my magic from me. He thought I'd be able to produce it if my body was healthy. I knew it didn't work that way.

   In the past I had to have an intense amount of care for my magic to show itself. I would never feel that here. I simply was trying to wait it out until the school or the ministry of magic could come and save me and now my baby too. The thought of carrying a child was insane to me but yet I found myself smiling at the idea of having a little Jaxon running around. A part of me worried that if I ever did get back to a normal life that maybe Jaxon wouldn't want me anymore, that maybe like Sebastian, it would all be a trap. I tried to shake those thoughts from my brain. It was toxic. As I laid down and began to drift off my door was opened and Sebastian entered.

   His presence alone made me nervous now. Even more so that I was carrying his rivals child. I had to remind myself that he didn't know I was pregnant...yet. I never let my eyes wander from him, I didn't want to be seen as prey. He walked over with a fold out chair and propped it up across from me. He then sat down and kept his eyes on me. Even though I should have prepared for his voice it made me jump.

   "Ruby why haven't you just used your magic. Or given it up somehow. I'm getting tired of waiting and so is Adrian. If you think you can wait this out I want to tell you that you can't. I'm warning you now that things are going to get physical in a way that you won't like" his voice was stern and his eyes were cold as he stared at me.

      "Why warn me then. What's the point" I stared back into his lifeless eyes. At one time I saw his eyes as energetic and alive, now I couldn't even recognize him. He sat for a moment before responding to my question.

    "Because I don't want to see it get to that point Ruby. I may be a heartless person sometimes but I have no desire to see you get raped by Adrian and his men. It will eventually lead to that. They were talking about it in our latest meeting. All I want to do is help Anne and if she knew that I was apart of something like that....well....she probably wouldn't even call me her brother anymore" He shifted in his seat as he spoke. The information he had given me was concerning but I almost felt as though it was a mind trick.

      "I don't know how to control it. You know this" I started to semi-shake at the thought of what he had said.

    "You have to figure it out Ruby. He won't wait forever. Eventually he will kill you and I can't have that if I plan to use your magic to help Anne" His eyes darted down my body and I hadn't noticed but I had been holding my belly the entire conversation. Sebastian's eyes met mine in suspicion. "Have you stopped throwing up? Did Dr.Majorie figure out what was wrong?" I panicked a bit. We hadn't discussed what I should say to anyone who asked.

     "She thinks it was the lack of nutrients and the abuse" I stammered, "That's why I've been moved to here instead of Adrian's room. If I'm not healthy my magic will definitely not come out"

   "I see" he spoke quieter than normal. I hadn't convinced him. All I could do it hope he wouldn't say anything to Adrian. I knew better than that though. Adrian would be the first person he'd bring his suspicions too. As he left my room I laid back down on the bed and allowed myself to sleep and truly rest for the first time in over a month.

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