Chapter 23: Midnight

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[Note: I have been in the process of moving so chapters are coming a bit slower now. Once I move I will be able to pick it back up]

That night when we arrived back in the common room I made sure the boys went to bed before I decided to leave. It was risky but it needed to be done. If I left they wouldn't get hurt in the process and that was a way better solution than all three of us possibly being in danger. I knew they would both be angry with me but I'd beg for forgiveness after. Ominous had mentioned that the camps had been spotted nearby so I'd simply take a midnight stroll and see what I could find.

After about an hour I snuck quietly out of my room and into the silent common room. No students could be seen so I made sure to leave quickly. I pulled my hood up and snuck out into the castles dark halls. It was late now, the only person I would have to worry about was Peeves. Ugh how I hated that damned ghost. I observed each corridor as I passed through them, careful not to awaken any paintings or get the attention of any ghosts. The halls were completely empty wherever I went. It was erie being the only one out and about the castle. Once I managed to get to the main doors I knew I had made it.

The big doors creaked with a brown as they opened with my touch. I hurried through them and ran out into the yard towards the path that lead towards Hogsmede. My plan was fairly simple. Get to Hogsmede, climb the big hill, find nearby camps from said hill. It seemed simple in my mind anyways. As I approached Hogsmede I noticed that the frivolous town was now a bit spooky in the night. The shops were closed, the bars almost empty and sketchy characters seemed to stare my way from the alleyways. Definitely not somewhere I'd say was safe at night to vacationers.

      As I made my way down the cobblestone paths towards the hill above Hogsmede I saw a couple men out of the corner of my eye whispering to each other against the side of the Three Broomsticks. They wore hoods and their faces were shielded by the shadows. I continued to walk but felt their eyes following me every step. I tried to ignore the feeling but knew that they were following me. My mind worked quickly thinking of all the ways I could protect myself if they followed me all the way up the hill.

     As I reached it's cliffs I turned around to face them, my hood dropping back as I did so. "What the hell do you want?" I sneered at the two cloaked figures who were surprised by sudden reveal.

    "Ahh well we don't want anything...but our leader does, and that's you" the burlier guy said in a hoarse voice as he unhooked himself to reveal a skull like mask covering his face. Well my trip had been successful, I had found members of the group trying to get to me. I could let them take me and get more information, or pry what they knew before launching them off the cliff.

     "Why does he want me?" I shouted out slowly backing up to the cliff as they inched closer. "The least you can do is tell me that before you take me" I said in a helpless voice hoping to draw out answers. If I appeared weaker than I was I knew it would fool them and not only give me more information, but also the advantage in battle.

"I can't tell you everything girly, but let's say you just posses something he needs" the man chuckled with an evil grin. What could I possibly posses that they need? That's when it hit me. As my parents were killed in front of me the men were shouting, throwing things, searching for something. That something...was me. Why though? What could they possibly want with a small girl like me?

"Well it's really unfortunate that you won't tell me. Maybe if you would have I could have spared your lives" I grinned in their direction while backing closer to the edge of the cliff, receiving their laughs in response to what I had just said. They didn't take me seriously now but once spells started flying they would think differently.

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