Chapter 12: You have freckles?!

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    "What do you mean she's in danger Ominous?" Sebastian's concern was evident.

     "Ruby do you want to explain to him what we saw or shall I?" Ominous seemed to be comfortable sharing everything now.

"Well during class we used the crystal ball" I began slowly, taking a deep breath before I got too deeply into what had happened "Ominous and I shared a ball and when I came to my turn it started off nice but slowly got a bit scary" I got up as I began talking, pacing back and forth as I explained. "First it was my mother and father.... it was a pleasant memory until it showed how they died" I looked at Ominous as I said this knowing he had watched it with me and was now getting an explanation as well to the things he had seen but not known. I paused for a bit scared that Sebastian would think I was crazy, it wasn't easy to talk about.

"Then there was that boy you saw reaching for you" Ominous chimed in to encourage me to keep going.

"Yes. I saw you Sebastian. You were reaching for me as I was being pulled away"I continued with Ominous's help.

"Wait, pause, I know this is serious but I was finally able to see what Sebastian looks like?!" Ominous cut in shocked. "I had no idea that's what you looked like! You have freckles?!" All of us couldn't help but let out a chuckle to his response. I had never really thought about it but Ominous didn't know what either of us had looked like until today where he was able to see Sebastian through my visions in the ball.

"I've always had freckles Ominous. I thought I told you that" Sebastian laughed a bit.

"No wonder all the girls like you" Ominous kidded before the feeling of my room became serious again.

"Sebastian, as I was being pulled from you a man appeared to me wearing a skull mask. He felt dark and sinister as he spoke to me, his words were I will find you can't hide forever. Then Ominous pulled me from the ball, severing the connection. It's a good thing he did too, it felt as if I couldn't detach myself from it" I finished explaining to Sebastian what had happened in class.

"I've herd of the people who wear masks like that" Ominous began to talk again now. "Ruby is in danger if they are looking for her. They are dark wizards. They won't hesitate to use unforgivable curses and dark magic. Even on a Hogwarts student" Ominous seemed rather bothered by this as if he had witnessed it first hand.

"What are they after you for Ruby?" Sebastian stood up grabbing my hand in the process causing me to stop pacing.

"I..I don't know" I shuddered completely confused as to why they would be searching for me. I felt a panic set in at the thought. Dark wizards after me? Were they the same dark wizards that had killed my parents? "I will try and think on why anyone would be after me" I stated to the boys, who genuinely seemed concerned for me. "Ominous could you try to find out as much as possible about them? It might help us figure out what they want with me" I asked him hoping he'd be up for the challenge.

"I will see what I can find out, but Ruby we all need to be careful now. If that group of dark wizards is truly after you we need to walk on eggshells around everyone. The only people we should truly trust is each other" His cloudy eyes always seemed lost as he spoke, as if he was thinking deeply about the world around him. I wondered if he had ever seen the world or had to rely on bits of magic like the crystal balls to truly experience what sight was like.

"We should act as if we know nothing for now, do some research and lay low. I'm going to get some rest. When I find out more I'll let you know. We will use the undercroft to meet when we need to talk about this from now on. Sebastian you can show Ruby it's location. It wouldn't hurt to teach her some of the spells she's behind on while your at it as well. Ruby stay safe. Goodnight" Ominous seemed a bit shaken up from the whole thing, he quietly left my room for his own leaving Sebastian and I by ourselves.

"Ruby" Sebastian took my hands and lead me to the black posted bed. "I will do everything in my power to keep you safe". He gently kissed me on the head after he said this. Part of me wondered what we were after talking to Garreth. I had been afraid to ask him, not wanting to screw up what we had.

     "Sebastian, what exactly are we?" I questioned him as confidently as I could.

"What are we?" He repeated my own words back to me obviously my question had caught him off guard.

"Yes, during detention I spoke to Garreth and he brought that question into my mind" I replied trying to explain my thought process.

"Ugh Garreth?" He rolled his eyes as he said his name back to me. "Garreth just wants to know because he probably has an eye on you as well" he stood up from the bed and paced back and forth in front of me.

"Sebastian is doesn't matter. I just want to know" I was becoming a bit agitated myself at his response.

"I...I like you Ruby. I really do. I just..." He started to speak and I decided to cut in before he could continue.

"You just what Sebastian?!" I was now standing across from him yelling. I didn't understand where the sudden emotion came from but I did know it was a hurt place. What was I expecting? I had only known him a few days even if it felt like longer. He threw his hands behind his head at this before he replied.

"I'm not a good person!" He screamed out at me causing me to jolt backwards. My eyes filled with tears in an instant. He immediately came up to me and tried wrapping me in a hug. "I'm sorry Ruby! I didn't mean to!" He rushed to hold me and I refused.

"No Sebastian" I said firmly as I pushed him off of me. "You've made your point clear" I snapped back at him. "I think you should leave...I need some time to think on things" He dropped his head in defeat as I said this.

"Ruby I truly am sorry. I understand that I hurt you just now. When you are ready I truly want to explain everything to you. I really mean everything, Anne included. Please consider giving me that opportunity" he said as he left my room and closed the door behind him. I fell into my bed in tears as he left. I didn't really want him to leave but at the same time I did. I was so confused with my own feelings. I cried into my pillow for what felt like hours before finally bringing myself back together.

Even though it hurt I needed to focus on what was at hand. I was being hunted down by someone for some reason. I needed to focus on my school work and learning as much as I could to protect myself. Whoever was after me was clearly dangerous and would stop at nothing. If I could improve my spell casting and learn more about who was after me then maybe eventually I'd be ready to talk to Sebastian again. For now I needed to prepare myself for what was to come. As I fell asleep crying into my pillow Sebastian came to me in my dreams. There would be no escaping him no matter how hard I tried.

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