Chapter 8: The Kiss

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Feeling his lips against mine was the best feeling I had ever experienced. As he kissed me his hand found it's way behind my head, entangling with my curls. His lips were soft but cold from the wine. I honestly thought I was dreaming for a moment and worried that I would wake back up in the hospital wing. As our lips parted he kept his face close to mine, meeting my eyes with his. His nose brushed against mine as he took a breath. "I've been wanting to do that since I laid eyes on you" he spoke in a hushed tone.

"I'd be lying if I told you I didn't feel the same way" I whispered back leaning my head into his chest. I could feel his heart beating rapidly like my own. As much as I wanted to continue to kiss him, I think we both knew that this moment should be cherished and not rushed. We eventually laid on the floor together. Sebastian had grabbed a pillow for his head while I kept my head on his chest as we laid there. His fingers lightly ran through my curls giving me a feeling of extreme calmness.

"Ruby, I'm sorry for kissing you so soon. I wanted to wait, but with the whole Imelda thing... I just had to let you know what I was feeling" I could feel his voice through his chest wall as he spoke.

"Don't apologize for kissing me" I laughed and sat up, looking down at him "Never apologize for kissing me" I found myself imitating his own words from earlier. He then sat up and wrapped a hand gently behind the nape of my neck before landing another soft kiss against my lips. As he parted his lips from mine I could see his mischevuous grin reappear on his face. He then moved his hand from the back of my neck to my chin, lifting it up to expose the sides of my neck that were protected from hair. He brushed away my curls and slowly moved his mouth against my neck, gently kissing at it. As he did this my body became covered in goosebumps out of pleasure. He must have realized this because he grinned and his eyes became lustful.

His kisses became a bit harder against my neck, intertwined with small love bites. I couldn't help but let out little noises as he did this. I wrapped my arms around him and tangled my hand within his wavy hair. He let out a growl under his breath and picked me up off the floor, throwing me up against the nearest wall. My hair was still entangled in one of his rough hands, but his other hand had found it's way around my neck. His kisses became rough and rapid as he continued to kiss my neck working his way back up to my lips. Our tongues danced with one another, in between small noises escaping both of our mouths. He was making me want more with every second until suddenly Sebastian stopped, pulling himself away from me. I was worried I had done something wrong.

"Did I do something?" I looked at him fearfully, hoping I hadn't ruined this. He shook his head while staring at me, biting his lower lip.

" not at all. I just won't be able to stop myself if we keep it up like this. I want to keep kissing you, don't get me wrong" he stepped forward as he said this and sighed as he put his hand against my cheek. He then leaned down towards me and gently kissed me on my forehead. "I just want to make sure I take my time with you Ryzmec" he teased, planting another gentle kiss against my lips causing me to blush even more than I already was. I wanted more but I knew he was right. Rushing into this could cause us to burn out insanely fast. Although, I found it hard to believe that I could ever get burned out from his presence, let alone his kisses.

"Well, we will see how long that lasts" I smirked at him while pulling myself off the wall and out of his grasp. He stood there shocked at my response until suddenly he pulled me back to him by my waist and met my lips with his deepest kiss yet.

"You are trouble" he said as he removed his lips from mine and began to clean up the floor.

"Good thing you like trouble" I taunted back as I helped him move the pillows and blanket into a basket that rested in the corner of the room. Sebastian let out a big breath in response to my comment while waving his wand, dissipating the food and wine. He picked his tie up off of the floor and motioned me over to him with his pointer finger. I walk over to him obediently and allow him to place the tie around my eyes once more. This time as he ties it around the back of my head his lips come close to my ear.

"One of these days, I won't take the tie off" his voice ran goosebumps down my body causing my heart to beat faster once again. I could only imagine the things I wanted him to do to me while his tie blocked my sight. He took my hands, intertwining his fingers with mine as he lead me out of the room. Once we had moved far away enough from the entrance he undid the tie allowing me to see again. We had made it all the way to the Slytherin common room without being caught in the halls. I was thankful for that, as it really would have been hard to explain why I was blindfolded by Sebastian's tie. We entered the common room and made our way down towards the big living area.

Thankfully the room was completely empty of other students at this time of night. I found myself letting out a small yawn as Sebastian let go of my hand. "Go get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow" Sebastian whispered in the dark to me. I didn't want to let him go, part of me was worried I'd loose him forever if I did.

"Promise?" I asked as I began to turn away towards my dorm.

"I promise" He smiled brightly as he walked backwards towards his own dorm. He watched me as I made my way to my room. He was making sure I got there okay even though we were just across the common room from one another. I smiled one last time before heading in. I closed the door behind me and let out a long sigh. I desperately needed a shower after all that. I threw my clothes on the floor and immediately hopped in the shower. I made sure to have the water cold in order to cool myself off. If I wanted any chance at sleeping, I needed to cool down and try to bring my thoughts away from Sebastian. That boy made it practically impossible though.

After I finished washing up I brushed out my hair, putting it in two braids to contain the curls throughout the night. I then brushed my teeth peering in the mirror at myself. Hickies rested up and down the sides of my neck. I brushed my hand up against them to make sure I wasn't seeing things and I wasn't, they were sensitive to the touch. How was I suppose to hide this before class tomorrow? I didn't know if I'd be able to. At least Ominous wouldn't be able to see. Another thought I'd keep to myself because it made me chuckle when it was actually slightly messed up. I shook the thought from my head deciding that the hickies would be something I dealt with tomorrow. I found my silky pajamas still on my bed from this morning and put them on again before climbing into the sheets. I laid my head back into the fluffy pillows hoping I'd be able to get some sleep but every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was Sebastian.

[Hey guys I know this chapter is shorter and I apologize for that. I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads and votes so far. All feedback is extremely helpful as it tells me if I'm doing a good job writing for my readers or not. Today I plan to take a break so I don't burn myself out from writing. I promise to come back with another chapter within a day of publishing this though! Question for my readers: Would you rather have longer chapters that take longer for me to publish? Or chapters like what I've been doing that allows me to publish a bit quicker? Please let me know! Thank you! ~Elvira ]

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