Chapter 3: The First Day

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    I sit up in bed and stretch out my arms, accompanied by a yawn. Part of me wondered if the bedrooms were enchanted considering how well I had slept. I pop out of the sheets and begin to change back into my school robes. The outfit wasn't awful, a white button down shirt,matching Slytherin tie, slacks, and of course the matching black Slytherin robe to cover the whole thing. I stepped into my shoes, which were indeed also black, and walked over to the bathroom mirror to fix up my hair. My long curls normally made me look like Einstein in the morning but thankfully they weren't too messed up from last nights adventure. I ran my fingers through the messy parts and dabbed a bit of water on them with my hands. It would be enough to make me look decent for the day.

    I almost couldn't believe that last night had happened. It hadn't even been 24 hours and I had already been sneaking around when I shouldn't be. Today I would make sure to put in a great effort to focus on my classes. I stepped outside my room determined to make the most of the day. Other Slytherin girls walked back and forth across the metal walkway, popping in and out of other girls rooms. Unlike most girls, I didn't tend to get along with other women. In fact most women annoyed me, the chatterbox nature and preppy need for makeup drove me bonkers. I avoided talking to any of them and made my way to the common room. Some students gazed out the glass windows, others played wizards chess, some sat by the fireplace reading, and some had already left for their classes. I didn't realize it in the moment but I was looking for Sebastian. Unfortunately he was nowhere in sight.

      "Who are you looking for?" A preppy voice caught my attention. Before I had even turned around to face her, I knew I wasn't going to like her. She had dark brown hair that was pulled back in a bun, brown eyes, lighter skin, and a smug look on her face. "Oh! You must be the new 6th year student. I'm Imelda Reyes, best flyer at Hogwarts, Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, and if I may add I'm also probably the best in the school at wizards chess. Can I help you find someone? You look lost" she proudly stated everything about herself without me even asking. I couldn't help but feel like I shouldn't trust her. Instead of telling her who I truly was looking for, I decided tell her I was searching for Ominous instead.

    "Ominous actually. I was hoping he could help me find the herbology classroom" I lied. She huffed a bit at this response, clearly recognizing that I wasn't being totally honest with her. 

    "I can take you there!" She said beaming. Imelda seemed to be one of those girls that only helped you to benefit herself. I gave her a quick smile and followed her out of the common room. As we left the common room we passed by Sebastian who was walking towards another class in the opposite direction. Seeing me walk with Imelda was not what he expected clearly, as he gave me a look of confusion. I shrugged my shoulders at him in turn and clenched my teeth together as to say "save me" but it was far too late as Imelda walked fast. "Was Sebastian looking at you? You'd be best to avoid him. He will only get you in trouble. After all he only does what's best for himself anyways" she rolled her eyes as she said this. I couldn't understand why she seemed so annoyed by him, but obviously something had made her feel this way, then again Imelda thought she was better than everyone else.

    When we arrived to the herbology classroom Imelda stopped me before entering. "Seriously..." she paused as if she realized she never gave me the chance to introduce myself, "Ruby right? Avoid Sebastian. You'll be doing yourself a favor if you do".

    "Actually Imelda, I think I can choose my own friends. Thanks for your input though" I said with a fake smile in the most friendly voice I could possibly muster. She scoffed at this and quickly turned away from me, walking back towards the common room. I knew I had pissed her off but I didn't care. She couldn't make my life that bad right? I walked into the herbology class and was instantly greeted by the Professor. She was pale with two braids of red hair. She wore a green hat and a green dress to match it. She was overly bubbly but in a genuine way that made her actually pleasant to be around.

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