Chapter 33: Royal Tulips

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That afternoon when we returned Jaxon had made us lunch. It was a delicious potato and steak meal. I didn't know who taught him how to cook but it was almost like magic was woven into each bite. I felt myself heal physically and mentally. Jaxon kept looking at me like I was a stray dog. Lost and sort of broken. It was driving me nuts but I was grungy and felt exactly that way. After we ate he refused to let me clean the dishes and instead told me to relax. I protested of course but the Gryffindor won the stubborn competition. After he finished cleaning the dishes he helped me get to my feet and helped me walk to the bathroom as I was still wobbly. I desperately needed to bathe and wouldn't be surprised if I was disguising Jaxon with my smell.

He started up the water without me asking and grabbed something from under the sink before pouring it in the water. "What was that?" I ask him slightly concerned. This was the first time we had really spoken since the hospital; besides the small argument over the dishes of course.

"Blessed bath salts. I learned the recipe from my mother. It should help you heal faster" he spoke gently without lifting his head to look at me. He dipped his hand into the water and mixed it in while also making sure it was warm. He then trodded under the sink one for time and pulled out a potion bottle of some sort and poured some of it in as well.

"What about that?" I asked desperate for some kind of interaction with him although I was nervous I'd get in my head and start thinking about how his presence made me feel; which would then result in stabbing pains radiating throughout my body.

"Bubbles" he glanced up from the bath with a small smirk. I looked into the claw raised tub and saw the bubbles forming as the water poured into it. "I'll let you get unchanged and hop in. Leave the door unlocked just in case" he ordered but not strictly.

"Fine" I let out a sigh as he left the bathroom closing the door behind him. I slipped off my clothes and slid myself into the bath. The warmth felt good but also reminded of when my pain had started. I hoped that when I left the bath this time that I wouldn't have the same experience. After a few minutes I could hear Jaxons muffled voice outside of the bathroom door.

   "Are you okay?" It sounded like he had been waiting right outside the door the whole time.

    "Yes" I replied my naked body was covered by the bubbles as I shut off the water.

    "How about now?" He was joking with me now.

    "Yes" I replied again with a smile on face. I never would have thought months ago that I'd be where I am right now.

    "Now?" It sounded like he sat sat down with his back against the door.

    "Do you just want to come in?" I was surprised to hear the words come out of my mouth and I instantly blushed while feeling a searing pain in my side.

    "Are you sure?!" His voice seemed surprised by my suggestion.

    "Yes. I'm covered by bubbles anyways. All you'll see is my head popping out like alligators do in swamps" I laughed thinking of myself being an alligator.

   "Okay..." he paused before slowly turning the handle and walking in. His eyes glanced at the bath before quickly moving away to which he then sat on the rug next to the bath facing me. "I won't worry so much anymore" he let out a deep breath while leaning up against the bath gazing into my eyes.

    "Your presence is comforting. Especially since last time I took a bath I ended up in the hospital" I blew some bubbles away from my mouth after I spoke.

   "I hope I never have to see you like that again" Jaxon now was looking down at the floor. It seemed to be a very touchy subject for him and I felgt bad for brining it up. "Do you remember anything from the hospital?" He then asked, his blue eyes meeting my hazel ones once again.

    "I remember being in pain. I remember It started after my bath. I remember seeing you,Ominous, and Sebastian. I remember the tulips by my bed. I remember Sebastian leaving abruptly and there's something else but I just can't place it" I admitted. He seemed disappointed in my response his face scrunched like it always did when he was thinking deeply.

   "Of course you'd remember the parts with Sebastian" he rolled his eyes as the words left his mouth.

    "What is that suppose to mean?" I became a bit snappy with him in response.

    "Nothing. Don't worry about it"

    "No you can't do that to me. I'm going to worry about it. Obviously you seem to have a problem with that" I fought back pushing him for what he really wanted to say. It was clear he was holding back something from me.

   "Ruby seriously it's fine" he began to get up from the floor to which caused me to react by grabbing his hand pleading him to stay with me. A pain shot through my fingertips and all the way up into my shoulder as I touched his skin. I released my grip quickly to get relief. "Tell me Rubes, who do you think got you those tulips by your hospital bed?" He seemed offended that I would beg him to stay like that when it caused me pain.

   "I....I don't know" I stammered out while I reached out of the tub for him to stay. My breasts were partially exposed as I had lifted myself out of the water. I could feel the cool air run over my wet skin. Thankfully I wasn't fully showing them off completely but it was scandalous enough that I worried Jaxon could see.

   "Well I'll tell you something wasn't Sebastian" he then left me and closed the bathroom door behind him. I sunk back into the tub my heart shattering into pieces. A part of me wondered if it hadn't been Sebastian but I hadn't expected Jaxon to bring it up and put me on the spot like that. Sebastian would have never known to get me tulips, let alone royal purple ones.

   Even though I hoped Jaxon would come back he never did. I finished bathing and put a robe on before leaving the bathroom and into the bedroom. On the bed laid a silky black night gown. It was vintage but appeared brand new. I changed into it and the silk felt soft against my skin. I looked throughout the house for Jaxon to apologize but I couldn't find him anywhere. I went back into the bedroom when it caught my eye. A vase on the bedside table filled with royal purple tulips. A note was attached to them.
    I picked up the handmade note to see Jaxons cursive writing.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that. I'll be back with dinner. Please rest.

   I laid the note back down on the bedside table and cuddled under the heavy comforter. I had planned to stay awake and wait for him but after my bath I couldn't help but nod off. I feel asleep and when I woke up it was dark outside. I wondered if Jaxon had come back. I took a light walk around the house but didn't see him yet. As I walked back into the bedroom the front door opened. Jaxon had groceries in his hands and sat them down on the table while closing the door. He then turned to see me across the hall staring at him. Tears had welled up in my eyes. I couldn't help it, I felt awful for where we had left that conversation.

    It felt like the world was moving slow as he made his way to me. One hand wrapped itself around my waist while the other brushed the curls away from my face. His lips met mine with a flurry of emotion. They were soft and gentle, but the action was filled with something I wasn't use to. It wasn't lust, it wasn't pure passion or filled with heat. It felt loving and comfortable. I almost couldn't believe it was happening. That's when the pain came to bring me back to my new reality.

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