Chapter 18: Stay Here Tonight

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Every touch of his set my body on fire. I burned for him and only him. Every ounce of anger I had held against him now came out as passionate kisses. I could feel his anger and frustrations being taken out on me as well as his rough kisses landed against
my bare chest.

As he moved his kisses lower on to my stomach and down onto my lower abdomen I could feel myself aching for him, begging for some form of release. His hands fondled around my body gently as he continued to make his way lower and lower. Next thing I knew it he had grabbed the hem of my school skirt and was inching it off of my body.

The dim lighting of his room was just bright enough for me to see the thoughts he contained behind his eyes. His eyes had become filled with lust as he looked down at me. I expected him to look at my body but instead he kept his eyes focused onto my own as he shimmed off the panties that protected the only area that was not exposed to the crisp air.

"Ruby" he whispered my name as he rubbed his hips up against mine allowing me to feel how turned on he was as well. This was enough to send me over the edge as I found myself removing his button down shirt from his skin. His body was just as handsome as I had expected. I travelled my fingertips along his chest, across his abs and made my way to his pants unzipping them and suggesting that he toss them off. He met my eyes with a devilish grin while he removed his school slacks and the boxers that he had worn underneath them.

I couldn't help but blush when I saw him naked standing before me. He was as gorgeous as I had seen him within my dreams. He then planted more passionate kisses onto my lips as he caressed my breasts slowly moving his way down. I had never experienced such bliss as I did while his fingers moved around my clit, causing a fuzzy sensation to form. I found myself overwhelmed with pleasure as his fingers moved, his kisses now focused on my breasts. Suddenly I felt a burst of pleasure and let out a moan as my body had begun to shake.

He smiled from ear to ear as he knew he had given me the ultimate form of pleasure. He then rubbed his member up against it causing me to shake more, pleading to have it within me. "Tell me what you want" his voice was no longer frustrated or angry but instead teasing me.

"I want you Sebastian" I pleaded with him as I rocked my hips back and forth against him. He groaned at this and then inserted himself into me causing me to send out the loudest moan of pleasure I had ever felt. It was painful at first but then as he pushed himself in and out of me more it began to feel incredibly good. He continued to pound into me as his hands caressed my body, his eyes never breaking contact with my own and his passionate kisses landed onto my lips.

After a while of this extreme feeling of pleasure he couldn't hold back anymore. He arched his back as he ponded hard into me, moaning as he filled me up with his cum. He stayed there for a moment before rolling over next to me on his bed. My heart pounded heavily against my chest as we laid there. What had we just done? I couldn't help but grin, I finally had gotten what I wanted.

Eventually he sat up, gave me a kiss on the forehead and suggested that we wash up in the shower. I obliged and followed him into the connected bathroom. He ran the water to a warm temperature, checking it before motioning for me to join him under the waters fall. Our naked bodies had instantly felt comfortable with one another. As we washed I felt his semen dripping out of me as well as something else. As we exited the shower he noticed that I was bleeding from what we had just done.

"Are you okay Ruby?" He had a concerned look on his face as he pointed to the blood dripping down my thighs. "I didn't mean to hurt you I'm sorry" his face became sad as if he had done something wrong.

"I'm fine Sebastian. That was just a first for me" I smiled up at him as he handed me a warm, damp towel to clean it off.

"I'm glad to hear that I didn't hurt you. For a moment there I couldn't hold myself back" he chuckled while planting another kiss upon my lips. "You're still as dangerously tempting as ever" his words tempted me to start something again.

"Don't tempt me to tempt you" I giggled as he swooped me up from the tile floor placing me on the bed once more.

"Stay here tonight. Let me hold you like I've been dying to do since that dammed night I left" he pulled back the covers allowing me to slip inside them, while he crawled in next to me. He wrapped his strong arms around me in a spoon like fashion as our naked bodies kept each other warm. Slowly we both drifted off to sleep, peacefully holding onto one another for dear life. It had all felt like a dream and I didn't want to wake up from it.

     The next morning came fast. The sun shimmered through the under water window and onto the bed where we both laid. He had looked so angry last night but now he slept peacefully next to me. I kissed him on the cheek before getting up and putting my clothes back on. What was I getting myself into? I was suppose to be angry with him last night but that somehow turned into a heated passionate night.

     He was trouble. I had known this all along but I couldn't help but be drawn into his chaos. He was an addiction I would never be able to cure. I made my way into his bathroom to fix up my hair, wipe off my makeup and freshen up. I'd have to sneak out of his room now and didn't want to look like a tangled mess. He appeared behind me in the mirror, now wearing his school slacks.

     "Good morning" his charismatic voice whispered into my ear before kissing the side of my neck from behind. Even now my skin raised into goosebumps at his touch. "So Weasley... are you gonna end that or keep me suffering?" He chuckled under his breath as he plant another kiss onto my neck.

     "Well I want to make sure you aren't going to leave me again...especially after last night" I said as I faced towards him. He groaned at my response.

    "So you want me to suffer until I can prove to you that I won't leave again?" He gritted his teeth in response.

      "Exactly" I looked him in his eyes devilishly as I spoke.

      "You know every time I see you with him it's going to drive me mad....I'll feel the need to make you mine again... like I did last night" he grabbed onto my waist pulling me in closer once again. Heat rushed through my body as he did this.

      "Maybe that's what I want" I grinned while my eyes met his own.
        "You are chaotic Ryzmec, so fucking chaotic. I promise to have you begging to break it off with that Weasley within a week" he drove his lips into my own, dancing his tongue with mine. He pulled away with a nibble to my bottom lip, driving my body mad with heat.

      "Maybe I want to be begging" I teased in return watching his reaction.

         "Oh trust me Ruby. You will be doing more than just begging" he stared down at me, his body filled with lust as he spoke. I couldn't help but feel a rush throughout my body as my heart fluttered quickly at his words. This was exactly what I wanted, crazily, obsessed Sebastian who couldn't get enough of me.

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