Chapter 19: The Back Room

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After the escapade of the last night my mind felt like it was living on a cloud. Sebastian's return into my life had definitely set off fireworks. Now I had to figure out what to do. I didn't exactly trust Sebastian but I wanted to. I also didn't want to be with Garreth but I loved how it made Sebastian react. It was addicting to see him in a state of obsession over me. My inner Slytherin wanted to drag it out, make him suffer in the chaos I was causing, but the other part of me that cared for him felt guilty for doing so. I also knew that if I continued what I was doing that Garreth would simply be a pawn in my game.

Honestly it seemed like Sebastian enjoyed it. He seemed to get off at the idea of me being his behind Garteths back. It now was apart of the sadistic bit of fun in our new game. Poor Garreth simply was the pawn that teased the knight on the other side. When the pawn wasn't looking the knight would come and take what was rightfully his.

I found myself fighting my inner demons. Sebastian teased the darkness within me, begging for it to come out. While Garreth helped keep it contained up inside me. I didn't have feelings for Garreth like I did Sebastian, but he did provide a sense of safety and calmness that kept my demons at bay. Sebastian on the other hand allowed me to fully embrace my true self, my darkness. Being with Sebastian took away my anxieties of pretending to be someone that I was not.

     I was thankful I didn't have defense against the dark arts today. I knew if I was anywhere near Sebastian I wouldn't be able to think of anything other than last night. I was also thankful I didn't have any classes with Garreth today either. Today was Friday, which meant I had Divination Class with Ominous again. I was excited to see him but also nervous that maybe Sebastian had told him everything from last night. I made my way up to the tower and saw him waiting for me before the ladder. I took a deep breath and prepared myself in case he had found out.

     "Good morning Ruby" he smiled at me, or at least in my direction. Anytime I looked into his cloudy eyes I always wished I could help him see. I knew that he had been born with it and no magic could help, but it pained me to know that my friend had never seen half the people he was close to.

       "Hey Omni" I carefully approached the conversation awaiting to see if he had been told about what happened between Sebastian and I.

      "Are you ready to work with the crystal balls again?" He asked. I knew that I was safe after that. Sebastian hadn't told him. If he would have Ominous would have teased me or asked about it right away.

     "If I'm honest I'm a bit hesitant. I'm worried that something like last time will happen again" I explained to him as we both climbed up the ladder and into the classroom.

        "Don't worry about it. We will be together and I have a plan this time" he whispered to me now that other students had arrived to the class as well. "We will say that my blindness makes it hard for me to see, causing us to need the ball in the back room, you know the one attached to the table? The room is darker, but because of its location what we see will be more private" I had to give it to him, he knew how to plan ahead and make it sound reasonable.

    "What if that doesn't work?" I replied still a bit nervous for what was to come.

     "Don't worry Rubes, it will, trust me" he smirked my way as he said this while raising his hand for Professor Onai who quickly made her way over to him.

     "Professor, I know that usually students aren't allowed to use the ball in the back room, but I was hoping that maybe we could try it? My condition makes it harder to focus and I was hoping we could at least see if it helps" he explained to her while motioning to his eyes. She immediately began to nod her head in response.

     "Of course Ominous. I know you can't help your condition so I'm willing to try anything if it helps you see" she gave him a smile while waving her hand for us to follow her back to the room. "Now today we must focus on what we are feeling. Try to show the other person a memory. Control your feelings to control what you show. However, know that sometimes the ball will do as it pleases" she opened a door to a wooden room that had two chairs and a table in its center. A deep purple crystal ball with a gold base was attached to the table, lights like stars surrounded the room around us. She then closed the door and attended to the rest of class.

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