Chapter 27: Cursed

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    All that could go through my head as the oxygen left my brain was that I should really start taking Ominous's advice when he gave it. I wouldn't have Sebastian's hands tightening around my neck if I had listened to him. I tried to scream out, to tell him to stop but the only thing that actually got him to stop was Jaxon pulling him off of me. When I could finally breathe again I began to cry. I felt like I had deserved this.

   Ominous quickly reassured me by wrapped me in a hug. "It's okay Ruby. It's okay. It's not him. Please remember that it's not him" he seemed to be reassuring himself as well while he rubbed a hand across my back. Over his shoulder I could see Jaxon struggling with Sebastian. He was trying to restrain him but Sebastian was relentless.

   "Ominous, she needs to get out of here. It isn't safe for her anymore" Jaxons deep voice echoed off the walls towards us as grunting could be herd from the struggle between them. Ominous then took my hand and began to lead me towards the entrance.

   "What are you going to do?" Ominous asked Jaxon as he guided us out of the Undercroft.

   "I'm not sure yet" he held Sebastian by both arms refraining him from coming after me.

    "I'll kill you!!!!" Sebastian's voice rang out viciously towards me "I'll find you!" I couldn't help but cry. I never thought I'd ever hear those words come out of his mouth. I tried to remind myself that it was spell and he didn't mean it but, his eyes weren't green anymore so I was terrified. Whoever had done this to him had done it purposely and wanted me dead. They had to have known my relationship with him as well. It had to be someone at Hogwarts. After we left the Undercroft Jaxon came out shortly after us without Sebastian.

"Once you guys left he went back to normal. He didn't even remember what happened. He's sitting in there now asking for Ruby. Asking why I won't let him see her" Jaxon explained still shook from everything that had happened.

"He wants to see me! That must mean he's better!" I found myself pushing past them towards the Undercroft door.

"No" Two hands pulled me away from the door by the shoulder. Both Ominous and Jaxon seemed to be in agreement on not letting me see him.

"Why not. He must be better if he's asking for me". I complained.

"Ruby, when a powerful Imperio is cast it can have effects on its victim for weeks. He could be fine and then see you again causing the Imperio to re-trigger bringing back the original intention. You two should not be anywhere near each other for at least a week. Then we can slowly try bringing you back together" Ominous explained as gently as possible to me although, it felt like my heart was shattering into pieces with his words. I knew he was right, if anyone knew anything about evil spells it would be Ominous. His family had been known for their torturous ways and he was traumatized from it.

     Even though the guys had all agreed to go through with this plan it felt like it was all my fault that it had gone astray. I was the reason for any of this happening in the first place. None of these guys would be in harms way if it weren't for me. Part of me was angry by this. Partially at myself and partially at Jason's father. I was now worried that they wouldn't stop at Imperio and eventually someone would die like my parents did. "I need to leave Hogwarts then. I can't be here with even the slightest possibility of seeing him. We live in the same common room. It will be impossible to avoid him" I state shocking both Ominous and Jaxon.

"How do you plan to do that? Professor Sharp will never just let you leave Hogwarts without an explanation" Ominous questioned my idea.

"I'm not sure yet but I'm open to suggestions" I rolled my eyes towards him knowing he couldn't see my sass.

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