Chapter 40: Gouda

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After a couple of days of recovery they finally let Jaxon and I leave. He had healed fast and everyone was thankful for it. Sharp suggested I come home for the summer instead of spending all my time with "that boy" as he called him jokingly. Really Sharp seemed to like Jaxon. He had never said anything bad about him and always seemed thankful that he had saved me not only from Sallow but from Adrian as well. He offered for him to come and visit us over the summer. Even though I wanted to live with Jaxon the guys seemed to have made an agreement that I would stay with Sharp as Jaxon now needed to take care of things considering his father was now dead too.I protested a bit before finally agreeing.

As we began to leave I gave Jaxon a hug and he kissed me gently. "I'll be there soon to get you" he smiled at me before Sharp insisted that it was time for us to leave. I followed him out of the hospital and looked back at Jaxon one more time before Sharp grabbed my arm and port keyed us to his house. It was the same as I remembered. Black old siding, old oaky window pains and tall. The house was a comfort I hadn't realized I missed. Sharp guided me inside and back to my room. He then stood at the door as I wondered around seeing all the Knick backs I had forgotten about. "So when we're you going to tell me?" He questioned making my blood go cold.

"Tell you what?" I tried to play it off while still looking throughout the room.

"About the baby" His words stopped me in my tracks. Was he angry? Sex before marriage was highly frowned upon in this day and age even though everyone did it. It was getting caught by pregnancy or other matters that made people gape at you.

"I'm sorry" I immediately replied, "I was going to tell you but with the hospital and everything that happened...I didn't even find out until the doctor at the encampment tested me" I watched his facial expression in hopes that maybe I could tell what he was feeling. Sharps face was always so hard to read.

"I'm not mad. I just wish you would have gotten married first. It's hard raising a child on your own especially at your age" he went off raising his brows as he spoke.

"I won't be alone though. I know Jaxon won't leave us" I immediately defended my child's father.

"I know. He's the one who told me of the child. I just don't know when he will be back for you. He has to sell his parents house and find a career to support you. He explained to me that he wanted to be a good father and one day hopefully a good husband" he smirked a bit as he told me about what Jaxon and he had talked about in the hospital. It was relieving to know that Sharp knew. I didn't have to try and hide anything anymore.

I was blushing at the thought of getting that future with Jaxon. In less than eight months our child would be here. Maybe things would be out of order but we would hopefully have that future I had dreamed about. "It will be okay. He'll figure it out. He always does" I have a smile to Sharp before settling down on my bed.

"Okay" he smiled as he walked towards my door, "On that note though you need be taking vitamins and what not for the baby. Bubbling Bables, Chapter nine. Check it out" he pointed to my bookshelf up against the wall before leaving me to get comfortable. I found the book after searching for a bit. After skimming through it I came across chapter nine. Potions for the prepared parent. It was amazing to me that he always remembered exactly where to find every potion within books. He even knew how to find the potions he wouldn't ever need himself. I began to read the book and take in all the information it held within its pages. How to make a prenatal potion, how to stop illness while pregnant, a potion to make your labor easier. The book had everything. I'd have to make sure and thank Sharp later for it.

   Days became weeks without a single owl from Jaxon. I tried to remind myself of how busy he had to have been with everything. Some days were harder because my pregnant emotions would get the best of me. Sharp was always there with a cup of tea to help me come back down from them. By the time I had reached my second semester of pregnancy an owl finally came. I practically screamed I was so excited. I quickly opened the letter to read it. Jaxons cursive had my full attention.


    I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get to you. I sold my parents house and have been working for a potion shop near the ministry until the school opens up again as Professor Sharp has found me a position there as an apprentice. I never realized how caring he could be. I hope you and the baby are doing well. I miss you so much. I've bought a house that I think you're going to love. It's in the Irish countryside, it's a cute little cottage with rolling green hills, a barn, a garden and three bedrooms with a wonderful kitchen. The weather is perfect. The season seem to be evenly split and you get all kinds of weather so we will never be bored. The rain is my favorite though, it makes everything look even greener than it normally is. I can't wait to take you there. I'm coming for you soon. Expect me in the next couple of days after you receive this Owl. Hopefully he got to you at a decent time, he's a bit dingy since I bought him off of a guy for a really cheap price. His name is Gouda. I love you. See you soon,

   I looked up from the letter to the owl. He was a bit dingy looking. Some of his feathers seemed out of place and his big yellow eyes were half closed as if he was about to fall asleep. "Gouda?" I asked him to which his eyes opened wide again. He was a big owl, mainly a gray color with bits of black and white. "Did you get this to me on time?" I asked him hoping somehow he would be able to tell me. He then let out a quick hoot before flying to the owl perch inside our living room. Sharps black owl Zephyre didn't seem to fond of him as she scooted further away from his as he landed next to her. Leave it to Jaxon to get a dingy owl. I couldn't help but crack a laugh.

        "Well," I spoke to the owls since Sharp was out at the moment, "These next couple days are going to drag by" Zephyre gave a hoot while Gouda closed his eyes. I sat back in the rocking chair and sighed. My hand rubbed against my belly when I felt the kick. It was the first time I had really felt them react to my touch. I let out a happy tear and talked to them. "Dad will be here soon. I promise"

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