Chapter 21: The Truth

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[This chapter contains spoilers to Hogwarts Legacy, as well as sexual content. NSFW]

After the moment in the Great Hall Sebastian and sat down and ate with Ominous. His left arm wrapped itself around my waist keeping me close. Every no and then he would pause and give me a kiss on the cheek. The professors had completely ignored that Sebastian had struck at Garreth. Apparently they had arrived at the right moment to see that Sebastian was indeed protecting me.

Knowing how he felt brought a smile to my face that didn't seem to go away. I was curious as to what Ominous had said to him but I would make it a point to ask at another time. Sebastian had requested that I let him take me somewhere after classes tonight and I happily obliged. Once my classes were over I met him at the front of the Slytherin common room.

He was already waiting for me as I arrived. He smiled as I approached and then took my hands leading me somewhere. I didn't ask where we were going because I knew he would tell me once we arrived. We had climbed two flights of stairs and walked back into a darker hallway before he stopped in front of an Astronomy clock cabinet. The cabinet was made of a darker oak and the clocks gold metal shimmered with the bits of moon fall as they gleamed through the castles windows.

Sebastian then waved his dark wand and the clock began to move before making a ding and clicking noise. I recognized its sound immediately. The Undercroft. He led me down it's stone hallway and into the room that I remembered our first kiss in. This time he hadn't hid my sight of its location, as if he and Ominous were finally okay sharing it with me.

"Ruby I'm sure you've figured out where we are. I want to tell you the truth. The truth of why I am the way I am, why I run away, and why I was gone so long. This is the best place to do that" he then kissed my forehead while leading me over to one of the corners in the room, grabbing out the blanket from last time as well as the two pillows. He shook them off as they had gotten a bit dusty before laying the blanket down and plopping the pillows onto it. He then held my hand again, rubbing his thumb in small circles to reassure me, and it seemed to reassure himself too.

"I haven't always made the best decisions, as you know" he began his voice a bit shaky. "Anne my twin sister was cursed my fourth year. She experiences incredible pain because of it. It's bad enough to where she can't come to school" he gave out a big breath thinking about his sister.

"I'm sorry Sebastian, that must be awful" I squeezed his hand to encourage him to keep talking as I could tell there was more behind his story.

"It is awful but it's incurable. I know that now. I've somewhat accepted it, but I became obsessed during fifth year. I was doing everything I could to research and find maybe a small ounce of hope. I came across a relic. It was dark magic Ruby. It brought out the worst in me" he closed his eyes clearly remembering his memories as if they were yesterday.

"Ominous, he tried to stop me, but I didn't listen. Once I thought I had figured out the relic I sent an owl for Anne to meet me in the catacomb I found it in. She and Ominous came but they saw what I was doing. I had control over Inferni, or at least partial control" he dropped his head down obviously disappointed in himself. "Anne left to go get my uncle, Ominous on the other hand went back to Hogwarts. He talked to Headmaster Black to try and explain what was happening in order to not get me expelled for using dark magic" I could feel how heavy his words were getting as he spoke. I could tell it pained him to talk about it. I listened carefully and held onto his hand as he spoke.

"Well, my uncle came to the catacomb to stop me. He took the relic, destroyed it. I was devastated, but I also wasn't myself. It had taken a hold of me. Things happened after that. I'm not proud of any of it" He now looked at me with pained eyes. I knew what he had done was awful but I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. I was sorry he ever had to go through anything like that.

"Sebastian..." I found myself whispering out his name as I wrapped him in a hug. "I'm sorry you've held onto this pain for so long now" I held him as he hugged me back. I could feel his energy relax as he held on to me.

"Ruby, I regret my actions. Dark magic, it had a hold of me. Anne refused to ever see me again because of my actions. She's left our home in Feldcroft, I have no idea where she has gone. I wanted to try and find her, to apologize and I knew you needed some time so I left Hogwarts. I went to our home. It was just a reminder of how I lost myself. When Biggs attacked you I blacked out, that rage scares me because I've felt it before. I've felt it when I had the relic. I can't trust myself with that rage. I stayed away longer simply because I didn't want to let that rage take me over again" he took a deep breath before looking me in the eyes.

"However, I've also realized that I can't live without you. Even with all my time away from the school and you, I couldn't get you off my mind. So either I live with the thought that maybe I could rage out while protecting you, or I could go insane from not being with you. I know I would kill for you Ruby and that scares me. Ominous told me I had to decide. That I couldn't just live in the middle ground anymore. He's right about that" Sebastian now took my hands and landed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"You are trouble Ryzmec, and obviously I'm addicted to it. I want you to be my girlfriend if you'll have me. I understand if you don't after everything I have just told you" his words were sincere yet nervous.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Sebastian. I know you've made mistakes in the past but your willing to grow from those mistakes. I'm not scared of you, if anything I'm proud of you. You have clearly grown so much from what has happened. You aren't a monster or the person you have made yourself out to be. If you ever begin to fall into that rage again, I'll find a way to stop you. I promise" I didn't know exactly how I would do that but I was determined to find a way. After all he was going to be my boyfriend now, and I was absolutely in love with him.

Sebastian's lips met mine suddenly as I finished my sentence. His tongue danced alongside mine and I could feel the heat rising in us both. His breaths became rapid alongside my own, as he pulled my hips into his causing me to straddle him on the ground. His hands caressed my body, as he began to undress himself. The buttons of his shirt popped open one at a time as I began to do the same to my own shirt. I undid his tie and threw it to the right of us, in between our kisses had become rough.

"Wait..." he spoke softly as he grabbed the tie I had just thrown off. "I think we may need this" his mischievous smile grinned at me as he began to tie the striped emerald tie around my eyes. He then undid the rest of his clothing as well as my own leaving me naked in front of him besides the tie that covered my sight. "One more" he teased as he whispered into my ear taking my tie and wrapping it around my wrists behind my back.

Goosebumps travelled throughout my body as his words entered into my ear. His hands traveled across my body sending shivers down my spine. I was on my knees in front of him as his hands found my sensitive clit. I could feel his hardness press up against my butt at the same time that he spoke in a husky voice, "Be a good girl for me now".

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