Chapter 29: The Hostel

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Although I had seen Hogsmede before, it never had looked this lively. The town was bubbling with merchants, travelers, families wandering through its now well decorated streets. Purple banners fell from the light posts and building over hangs. Olivanders especially seemed to be extra decked out and it made me smile as I could imagine the old man getting excited for all the visitors. The sun shown lightly throughout the hills above and the morning air was crisp and cool. As we walked through the town on its cobblestone paths I felt relaxed for the first time in weeks. Maybe even months. I hadn't asked for the life where I was constantly stressed out and desperately craved simplicity. Maybe that's why I found myself attracted to Jaxon. He was strong and stable. I never found myself guessing as he was easy to relax around. I felt a pang of guilt hit me once again. I did love Sebastian but part of me longed for a more stable relationship.

     I shook the thought. I had already chosen my path. Yet I wondered, had Sebastian fully chose his? After all he left me for months without a word. Not only that but it was right after a very intimate moment I hadn't experienced before. If you really loved someone why would you do that to them? I found myself getting mad at him now. Everything he had done...was it for me? Or was it for his own selfish motives? I let the rage fuel me and realized I was now gripping on to Jaxons hand as if I was afraid I'd never be able to again. Part of me hated myself for it, but the other part told me that I wanted it. "Ruby?" Jaxons voice interrupted my thoughts.

    "Yes?" I looked up at him and found myself lost in his ocean eyes.

     "We need to go to the hostel before we get too enchanted by the town" he cracks a laugh, and smiles down at me. He had obviously noticed that I was lost in thought.

     "Right" I nodded and allowed him to lead me. He took us across the bridge and up the hill away from the town. Actually towards the location he had saved my butt that one time. I remember I couldn't believe he had done that during that moment but now I am beyond thankful. When he finally slowed to a stop we were standing on top of a hill looking down on Hogsmede. The people below were small now but you could make out a group of musicians starting to play as more people trodded into town.

    "It's over here" he gently rugged my hand towards a cute little cottage. It's walls were covered in yellow flowering vines while it's roof was covered in dew covered moss. A big circular window rested next to its big oak door. It was adorable. A small stream passed nearby as well, I couldn't see it but I could hear it's calming bubbling further into the trees to the left of the cottage. To the right was a quaint little garden filled with pumpkin sprouts, corn and tomatoes. Jaxon then pulled out an old key from his pocket and neared the door.

     "I thought you said this was a hostel?" I asked genuinely confused as to why he had a key. A smiled perked in his lips as he twisted the key inside and opened the door.

     "It was for a few years after my mother died. Now it sits up here and I come to study when I feel to overwhelmed at the school. It's the safest place for us to be. My father will never come back here" his voice was sad even though he carried a light smile with his words. I followed him inside and it felt just as cozy inside as it looked outside. To our left was a cute, little, circular oak table. Two green flannel seated chairs pushed into it awaiting guests. Further in was a small kitchen with oaky counters. Jaxon then opened another door in front of us to show the bedroom. A window to the left allowed the morning sun to soak through and fall upon the oak framed bed in front of us. To the right was a quaint bathroom, with older plumbing, as it only had a tub. Being in the cottage felt like I was living 20 years into the past. It felt like being back at my parents home.

    "If it bothers you I can sleep on the floor" his voice made my eyes find him in the room again.

     "Oh no" I gave him a quick smile as I felt a tear roll from my eye. He quickly came to me as he unfortunately saw this.

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