Chapter 41: The Willow

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     The next few days seemed to come as slowly as ever. Sharp had returned from his trip to the city and tried to keep me occupied. Knowing Jaxon was coming kept me restless, I was ready to be with him again. Especially since it wouldn't be long now and our child would be brought into the world.

     Sunday morning I was in the kitchen making myself some tea while Sharp read the newspaper. The summer air was refreshing as it blew through the old kitchen windows. As I sat down to enjoy my tea and put my swollen feet up the chimes at our door rang. I jumped at the sound and tried to rush to get up but Sharp motioned for me to stay down as he got the door. As he swung open the door a younger boy stood outside. I was hoping it would be Jaxon but unfortunately it wasn't.

    "Hello son, how can I help you?" Sharp asked not realizing how daunting he could be to children.

   "I have a note for the lady that lives here" he replied while quickly handing the note to Sharp and scampering off back down the dirt path towards the town that rested about a couple miles from us. Sharp then closed the door and walked the note over to me. I was nervous to read it as I was scared it would somehow be from Jaxon telling me that he wasn't coming. I undid the tie that held the note together and began to read.

       My dearest Ruby,
Meet me by the willow tree at 5. I have to take care of some things in town before I see you.

    He was finally here. I was going to finally see him. I let out a shriek of excitement to which made Sharp give me a sly smile. "Did you know?" I asked him suspicious of his demeanor.

   "Maybe" he smirked before shoving his nose back into his newspaper. I finished my tea before going upstairs to shower and get ready. Being pregnant I moved slower now that the baby was bigger. The stairs were starting to kill me more and more each day. Once I reached the top of them I got into the shower and really made sure I cleaned myself up. My belly was getting to the point where I almost couldn't see my toes but I was happy because that meant my baby would be healthy and strong.

   Once out of the shower I dried my hair and put a flowing yellow sundress on. I now had so much energy with the thought of seeing Jaxon that I found myself being more productive than usual. By the time 4:45 had rolled around I had cleaned, mopped, gathered herbs, eaten lunch and made sure there would be enough space in my room for Jaxon's things. I told Sharp that I would see him soon and headed out the door towards the willow that rested on the hill north of the house. The sun was still high in the sky but a nice breeze made the weather perfect. I wanted to run up the hill towards the willow but knew it would be too much for me with the weight of the baby.

    I could now see the branches of the willow in the distance. Birds chirped, surrounding trees swayed in the breeze, grasshoppers clicked as I walked by them in the tall grass. It was going to be perfect. Just like that the willow was in front of me and Jaxon stood underneath it waiting for me. Once I saw him I found the energy to run and jump into his arms. It had felt like forever since we had both been healthy and together. His strong arms wrapped around me as he leaned in and gently kissed my lips. My heart pounded against my chest and I felt at peace.

    He then pulled away to look at my stomach and gleamed brightly towards me. "You look stunning" His charming voice sent my heart fluttering even more. Something about him was different, maybe it was the way he carried himself, or everything he had done in the last month; he seemed more grown and secure. His muscles were stronger, his black hair recently cut, and his blue eyes still as gorgeous as ever.

   "I missed you so much" I couldn't help but cry a little as I said it. He then wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

    "I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long. I'm here now though and I don't plan on ever leaving you again" he paused his words as he lowered himself on one knee to the ground. "Ruby I am desperately in love with you. I have been since I laid eyes on you. Your everything I've ever wanted. I want to create a family with you and whatever dream life we can come up with. I promise to be with you and protect you as long as I'm alive. Please do me the honor in becoming my wife". He then pulled out a beautiful golden ring with a diamond on top. Happy tears welled up in my eyes as I jumped into his arms.

    "Yes!" I screamed as he pulled me back to put the ring on my left hand. I couldn't help but let tears fall now. He gave me a kiss and then held me in his arms for what felt like forever. Once I was ready he held my hand and began to walk me back down to Sharps home. "Did he know?" I asked him as I couldn't help but continue to smile.

   "Yes he knew" Jaxon chuckled as we walked down the grassy hill, "I can't wait to show you our home. It's the perfect place to raise our child" he then took a moment to stop and feel my belly. Once we arrived back in Sharps home we were met with hugs from him as he congratulated us. That night we all talked about the future over dinner and how we would have to visit Sharp once the baby was born because he was practically it's grandparent. We laughed, cried, and enjoyed every moment of it.

    That night when we all finally went to bed Jaxon laid beside me and wrapped his arm around me. Just like the first time he had ever done that I felt safe and secure. He kissed me on the lips and looked into my eyes and whispered, "I love you" before we both drifted off to sleep.

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