Chapter 28: Sharp

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The next morning came fast. When I woke up Jaxon was already awake and had already changed back into school clothes. He handed mine back to me and I went to the bathroom to change. I knew his arm had made its way across my waist during the night and normally I'd call him out on it, but he had stopped my nightmare. After yesterday I found myself a bit confused on how I felt. At the beginning of the year I would have sworn that Sebastian was the only guy for me but due to recent events I was starting to question things. When Sebastian and I started to feel things for each other I felt the need to try and convince myself that it was more than just lust. However, whatever I felt for Jaxon was clearly not lust. At one point I hadn't hated anymore more than him.

I sighed as I put my school a clothes back on and came out of the bathroom. Jaxon sat on the edge of the bed waiting for me. "You ready?" He glanced up as I stepped out. I nodded in agreement and he peaked out his dorm door. "Everyone has already left for breakfast. We should be safe to go directly to Sharp". He reached out his hand for me to take and even though it wasn't a romantic gesture I found myself overthinking it. "Come now" his words snapped me out of my own thoughts. I took his hand and we quickly left the Gryffindor common room.

Even though he could have let go off my hand he didn't. As we paced quickly through the halls he held onto my hand tight as if he could loose me at any second. I told myself that it was because he needed to know where I was at all times. As we got closer to Sharps room we also got closer to the Slytherin common room. I took a deep breath as we passed in front of its entrance. I had expected the worst but nobody was there. When we approached Sharps room is when we ran into trouble. Imelda. I hated her more than I hated Jaxon months ago. That really said something about how she made me feel.

    "What are you two doing together?" Her snobby voice jeered at us as her eyes met out interlocked hands. Jaxon scoffed at her comment.

    "What Imelda? Mad that I ditched your insane ass for her?" He was egging her on now.

     "No... I'm just surprised curly here left Sebastian for you. What happened? Hmmm?" She spat the words in my direction to try and get a reaction from me. I knew what I had to do but I would hate myself for it.

    "Sebastian didn't actually care for me. I was just a piece of ass like what you were to Jaxon. Plus someone's true personality doesn't show when they are under Imperio" My eyes shot to hers like daggers, trying to see if she was behind it. Hoping, begging for a reaction.

    "Hmph..." she crossed her arms in a pout. "Well Jaxon, if you want someone who is of higher class, you know where to find me" she sneered before turning away from us running off. Jaxon then leaned down and whispered in my ear.

    "You think she's behind the Imperio?" His breath was hot on my ear.

    "Possibly, she's had it out for me since I arrived" I whispered back as we continued to walk towards Sharps room. Before we entered the door Jaxon leaned into my ear again with a warm whisper.

"For the record, you're more beautiful than Imelda. Also when we enter, please let me do the talking. I'm afraid he'll know you're full of it and that's not why we are leaving the castle. You get kinda jittery when your lying" he snickers playfully. My mouth gapes open at this.

"When have you ever seen me lie?" I snap a bit louder than I meant to be.

"I've just seen it okay?" He grins from ear to ear obviously enjoying my reaction.

"This conversation isn't over Jaxon" I roll my eyes as I shake my flustered feeling and push my way into Sharps door. Jaxon follows behind me with a chuckle and we can see Sharp with his eyes on a book at his desk ahead of us.

"Professor Sharp I have something I'd like to ask you" Jaxons voice becomes professional as if he had practiced this. Sharp glances up from his book at first seeing Jaxon and then seeing me. His look became very confused when he noticed that we were here together.

"Jaxon and Ruby? Hmmm. What can I help you with" His voice sounds a bit suspicious of us already. From what he knew I should and did hate Jaxon.

"The potions festival is in town, and Ruby and I would like to attend instead of our regular studies. I know I personally see myself going into the career and Ruby is beyond incredible at potions so I couldn't help but think of her as well. We would like your permission to stay in Hogsmede during the event" Jaxons voice doesn't waver like mine would have.

"I see..." Sharp glances at me as if to try and read me "Let me talk to Ruby and then I'll decide if I want to sign your papers or not" he then stands and motions for me to follow him into his supply closet to have a private conversation. Jaxon nods in agreement but gives me a look as if to say please don't mess this up. Sharp opens the door for me and then closes it behind us. "What's going on?" He immediately asks.

"Jaxon was under an Imperio" the words spew out of my mouth "He wouldn't ever actually hurt me, I know this now" This wasn't the plan but I know it's the only way he'll let me leave with him. He listens carefully to my words as I speak. "He's actually stuck his neck out for me since then. I trust him, and he's right. I'd be silly not to attend the event if I want potions to be a possible career in my future". Sharps nods as I finish my argument.

"I had my suspicions of the Imperio. It was very out of character for him. Ever since you started at Hogwarts he had said nothing but good things about you. The only thing I ever herd him say in a negative tone was how you were hanging out with that Sallow boy" I can feel myself flush at his words. "In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the boy had feelings for you. I'm glad you've moved past the incident and seen it for what it really was. Now I usually don't like Gryffindor's but out of all them in this school he is actually tolerable" he chuckles a bit thinking about it. "I will sign the form if that's what you want my dear. Please stay with Biggs though. There is a lot going on outside these walls that could put one in danger" he smiles, gives me a hug and then opens the door for us to exit.

"Biggs" Sharps voice echos in the empty classroom. "Take care of her. She's practically my daughter after all" I flush as I realize I had never told Jaxon of my relationship with Sharp. Sharp clearly says this in a fatherly way as if I were going to my first prom.

"I will sir" Jaxon gives me a smile as Sharp hands us two signed event papers to leave the school. I smile back and then we begin to walk out. I make a point to turn before we leave and wave. The door closes behind us a commotion of students walk through the halls. The first class was about to begin. We made our way through the wooden walkways and out of the main doors towards Hogsmede. Even though I don't ask him to, Jaxon interlopes his hand within mine as we walk. I feel guilty, but I don't stop him.

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