Chapter 7: The Undercroft

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    A couple hours passed quickly in the Hospital Wing. Well, partially because both Sebastian and I had fallen asleep. Next thing I knew it Ominous was there gently waking me up. "Psst..." he whispered my direction as he pointed over at Sebastian who had fallen asleep on the chair but leaning forward with his hand on my leg. Ominous pulled out his wand and began to poke him with it. Sebastian jolted awake quickly, obviously startled.

   "Leave her alone!" He yelled as he apparently had woken up from a dream. "Oh... Ominous.. I wasn't expecting you. I was just having the craziest dream" he laughed as he looked around and remembered where we were. "Ruby! How are you feeling?" He asked and then looked at Ominous, "It ought to be about dinner time yeah?" He asked.

    "Actually you guys missed dinner. That's why I am here. I herd that Ruby had hurt herself and I came to check on her. I figured I might also find you here since you've been oddly obses-" Ominous wasn't allowed to finish his sentence as Sebastian quickly interrupted him.

   "Well Ruby and I should try to find some dinner then. Ominous you're welcome to join us if you'd like. However I have a d-, plans with Ruby after" he seemed flabbergasted for whatever reason. Was he always like this when he was woken up suddenly? I laughed as I sat up in the hospital bed. I pulled my legs over the side and began to try and stand. Sebastian watched as I stood up. Ominous on the other hand was already making his way out of the hospital wing.

   "Well I'd say I'm as good as new!" I smiled at Sebastian. Really my ankle felt normal again, maybe even better than normal. We quickly followed after Ominous. The castle was dark and not very many students were out and about now. "Ominous, where exactly can we get food at this hour?" I questioned. Once the great hall was closed it was almost impossible to find food after.

    "Sebastian" he called him over to talk instead of answering my question. "Ruby I just need a minute with him" he pulled him over to the side where I couldn't hear their conversation. I hoped it wouldn't always be like this. I watched their body language from afar. Ominous was stiff and had his arms crossed, Sebastian on the other hand seemed to be asking for something. I wondered if this conversation was a continuation of the one during lunch earlier today. Ominous then let his guard down slowly. He finally seemed to be agreeing with what Sebastian was asking for. Sebastian gave a pump gesture with his fist in accomplishment. They both walked back over to me after they were done. "Ruby I will see you tomorrow, I believe we have divination class together..." he began to walk away from us, his wand guiding him down the hall "don't have too much fun tonight" he gestured the emphasis on the word too towards Sebastian as he waved his hand and disappeared around a corner.

"He not coming with us?" I turned towards Sebastian a bit confused.

"Not tonight. Maybe another night...." He paused "I want to show you something secret..something only Ominous and I know about. I was asking him if I could show you tonight during lunch as well, but Ominous has a hard time trusting anyone else with its location. So..I made a deal with him. You can come on one condition" he began to untie his Slytherin tie as he spoke. "You can't see it's exact location". He now held his striped green tie out in his right hand. His white button down now more exposed, showed that he never buttoned the top button around the neck.

"You want to blindfold me?" I ask knowing I am full on blushing at the idea of it.

"Exactly" Sebastian looked me in the eyes with a serious expression. I bit my lip trying to push any dirty thoughts I had to the back of my brain and gave him a nod in agreement. He gently wrapped the tie around my eyes, brushing my curls out of the way where it was needed. His touch was so gentle that with every movement of his hands I instantly was given goosebumps. I felt as he tied the back of it and then double checked that I couldn't see. "No peeking Ryzmec" he whispered to me as he grabbed my hands leading me down the hall.

He lead me up a couple flights of staircases, more turns than I could count and through a door that clicked when it was opened. He then let go of my hands. "Wait here a moment. No peeking just yet" he spoke in soft tones as if he was afraid he could break me with any louder of a voice. I could hear rustling around and a whoosh. "Okay, now you can look" he whispered in my ear as he stood behind me undoing the tie.

As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings I noticed we seemed to be in an abandoned storage room. The floor and walls were made of dusty gray stone. Dimly lit lanterns spread evenly among the walls lighting up the room just enough for me to see what was in front of me. On the floor laid a woven beige blanket with a couple of soft pillows. A few lanterns in metal casing rested next to the blanket lighting up that area in a yellowish hue. The best part about this set up was that a plate of food awaited us on the blanket as well " did you do this?" I was in awe of what he had set up.

"Magic" he winked at me as he led me towards the blanket. We sat down and began to snack on the plate of food. It was made up of cheeses, sausage, strawberries and crackers. Although it wasn't a full on dinner I was overjoyed. "Ahhh there's one more thing" he waved his wand and conjured two wine glasses filled to the brim with two different kinds of wine. Technically in the wizard world we weren't allowed to drink until we were eighteen but I didn't care and he obviously didn't care either. My glass was filled with a very light colored wine that bubbled, while Sebastian's was a deep purplish red.

"Do I even want to know?" I smirked at him as he handed me my glass.

"I have my ways" he grinned while taking a big sip from his glass "It also helps that I turned eighteen just last month" he chuckled and took another sip. "We call this place the undercroft. Ominous's family has known about it for years. I'm the only person other than his family that knows about it. Well other than you now. You have to promise not to tell anyone" Sebastian took another sip while watching me sip on my bubbly wine as well.

"I promise I won't say a word Sebastian...but you have to tell me something in return" I was really curious to know if this was planned before I had hurt my ankle. "Did you already have all this planned?" I asked him.

"Well I didn't exactly plan for this to be our meal but yes to some extent. I really was waiting to see if Ominous would let me or not...between you and me though, even if he had said no I probably would have taken you here anyways" he smiled at me, the lantern glow reflected in his brown eyes as he spoke. I didn't know what it was but he looked even more handsome than usual in this moment.

"You're trouble Sallow. Everyone has told me, but I can't get enough of it" The wine had made me more brave with what information I was willing to give out. To this I was given a smirk from his gorgeous face.

"Ruby I wanted to tell you something earlier outside of potions. However, I don't know if I can bring myself to actually say it" Sebastian scooted closer to me on the blanket as he talked, his warmth radiated off his skin. I could feel my heart beating quicker with every passing moment. "I don't want to ruin what we have going" he sighed as he said this, and I could feel my heart plummeting as the words left his mouth. I wanted to tell him to ruin it, to tell me how he felt. I wanted him to make the leap, because then at least we could fall together in the chaos of the world.

"But...I'm starting to it realize it's not something that I can really say in words anyways, and I won't be able to hold myself back forever" and with that Sebastian Sallow leaned in and kissed me on the lips for the first time.

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