Chapter 17: Yours

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I went on with my day as if nothing had happened, or at least tried to. Wherever I walked I felt as if Sebastian's eyes were watching me. I never saw him but I felt his presence everywhere. Eventually dinner came after my classes and I went straight over to the Gryffindor table. All the boys were joking and laughing as I ate my food in silence. Garreth always kept one arm around me now as if he wanted to make a point to Sebastian. After I had finished my food I saw Poppy calling me over from the Hufflepuff table.

"I'm going to see Poppy for a moment I'll be back" I told Garreth and the others before standing up and making my way over to her. She sat by herself as most of the other Hufflepuff's had already left the great hall. "What's up Poppy?" I sat down next to her.

"Sooo um Sebastian has been eyeing you all day. What happened during lunch?" She whispered under her breath to make sure nobody else was listening.

"I was talking to Ominous and he came over as I was talking to him. I got a bit snappy with him, which I must say was warranted, and then Garreth came over and kissed me right in front of him" I whispered back.

"Oh my gosh that's why he was so pissed in class. We have Charms together after lunch and I've never seen him so uptight before. He genuinely looked like he was about to kill someone" she gritted her teeth and looked around the hall to see if anyone was watching us.

"I didn't see his reaction after it happened but I've felt his eyes on me throughout the halls all day. He really seemed that mad huh?" I asked her as she quickly snapped her head back to me.

"He has to be mad Ruby, or hurt, I can't tell. I'll try to find out more for you if I can" she smiled before getting up from the table to leave.

"Thanks Poppy. I'll see you later" I smiled at her while also getting up.

"Goodnight Ruby.... be safe" she said before scurrying out of the great hall. Did she think I was in danger? Even if Sebastian was mad I knew he wouldn't attack me. I could say I at least knew him that well. I then walked back towards Garreth and out of the corner of my eye I could see Sebastian sitting at the Slytherin table next to Ominous staring at me. Knowing this I gave Garreth a kiss on the cheek as I arrived at his table once more. He blushed and then pulled me in for a kiss on the lips. All the boys at the table let out small cheers egging Garreth on.

"I think I'm heading to bed for the night" I told him after he was done kissing me.

"Oh okay hun, want me to walk you?" He and the other guys were drinking butter beer and playing wizards chess, clearly having fun.

"No that's alright. You enjoy yourself and I'll see you tomorrow" I replied and then left the great hall. Ominous had caught me on my way out and pulled me aside right outside the big doors.

"Ruby what the Merlin's beard happened over winter break?" He immediately asked. "Garreth kissed you? Not only that but you kissed him back I'm told. I know you don't have feelings for him like that, or did that change in the two weeks I was gone?" One thing about Ominous was that he'd call you out on your shit. He knew me better than anyone here and could tell something was up.

       "I don't know where to start" I was frustrated with myself as I knew that Ominous may not understand if I explained everything.

      "Just start and I'll try to understand" his brows furrow in stress as he runs his temples.

        "I've been hurting and tormented with Sebastian living in my brain all the time. There isn't a second that I have been able to think clearly. I wanted it to over winter break I made an agreement with Garreth. We aren't dating and I don't have feelings for him, but he does take away the pain just enough for me to feel somewhat normal again" Everything spilled out of my mouth like word vomit. I just hoped Ominous would understand.

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