Chapter 34: Just One Night

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As our lips parted the pain was enough to fall me to crunch up into a ball on the floor. Jaxon quickly came to my aid and helped me into bed. "I'm sorry Ruby. I'm so sorry" he pleaded as he obviously felt incredibly bad that he had caused me to feel such intense pain.

"Don't" I stop him as the pain begins to subside. "It was worth it" I gave a faint smile to him. Although my mind did begin to wonder, if I didn't end up with Sebastian would I continue to feel this pain the rest of my life? The idea of it made me sick. Jaxon soon brought in some grilled cheese and allowed me to eat in bed. I felt immensely better after I had ate. He then went and took a bath himself before coming out into the bedroom again in just a pair of pajama pants. I couldn't help but gawk at his well defined abs, chest and shoulders. I had always imagined what he looked like under his shirts but never expected this. I could feel a bit of pain as I thought about it but tried to push it aside.

"Ruby?" He lifted an eyebrow at me, his black hair was wet and kinda wavy now.

"What?" I stopped gawking and met his ocean eyes.

"Should I put a shirt on?" He laughed before sliding into the bed next to me.

"No" I blushed while laying down to get comfy. His arm then wrapped around me pulling me close to which I turned to face him. We fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. I felt safe and secure in his arms. "Do you think I'll always feel pain?" I asked him under my breath as the room became darker with the night.

"I hope not. I'd do anything to give you your freedom from this curse" he whispered back while kissing the top of my head gently. A wave shook through me that caused my body to shake. "I can stop" he said as he released his grasp on me a little.

"No please don't. I'd rather feel the pain. At least then I know what I feel for you is real" I begged as I snuggled up closer to him. Even though the pain was there I was doing everything in my power to push it far back into my brain. Just one night. Just give me one night with him. Just this one before things get out of control. I pleaded with the universe in my mind. Even though the pain didn't stop it was pushed far enough behind to enjoy Jaxons embrace.

"I don't want to hurt you" Jaxons deep voice cut through the air.

"It would hurt more knowing we gave in to what has become of me" I paused "....I have to confront him and try to fix this you know. I can't live in pain forever. I don't know what will happen Jaxon. So please for just one night show me how you truly feel about me. Even if I'm in pain please just give us one night to act like everything is normal and that I don't have to go back to Sebastian. Let's just pretend that this is our life and I don't feel any pain when I'm with you" I begged him while I found my lips moving towards his again.

"Rubes.." he whispered while kissing me back gently first. His tongue then slowly worked its way to dance with him before he stopped. My body shuddered in pain but once again I found myself fighting to push it back into my mind. "Ruby....I am desperately and unconditionally in love with you. Please don't go back to him. I'm perfectly fine never kissing you or touching you again if it means you won't be in pain" His words were like a knife stabbing my heart. What kind of life would that be?

"Shhhh...don't think about that. Think about how I think I'm in love with you too instead" His lips then met mine again and slowly worked their way onto my neck as his hands slowly and gently started to pull up my gown. Even though I was getting shooting pains the pleasure I got from his strong hands touching my skin outweighed everything. His lips then travelled onto my breasts as he lifted the gown over top of my naked body underneath. Instead of observing my body as Sebastian would have his eyes never left my own until his kisses slowly worked their way all over my body. I found myself reaching for his appendage that I easy found thanks to its hardness. I couldn't help but begin to stroke him. Although I hadn't thought about it before I was pleasantly surprised at how big he was.

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