Chapter 22: Only For Me

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     "Be a good girl? Me? Never" I teased back at him, feeling him pull my hair back towards him in response grabbing my chin to look him in the eyes.

      "Well then be a bad girl...but only for me" his teeth were gritted as I assumed he was trying hard to hold himself back from taking me right there in that moment. I couldn't help but feel flushed at his words, little did he know that he was the only one I had ever been like this before.

        "I think I can do that" I snickered a bit as he gripped onto my hipbones pulling me back into his hardness. He slowly inserted himself into me with a moan, which I couldn't help but return as I felt him inside me. One hand was on my hips, the other was holding my curls as he began to rock back and forth into me. Heat rushed through my body with every movement, something felt different this time, as if I was on the edge of exploding. His lips found their way to my shoulders, kissing, nibbling, moaning as he pounded into me. His speed picked up as I moaned with his movements.

     The heat built up more and more until I felt it release. My body couldn't help but shake at the intense wave of pleasure that ran through my body. Sebastian had noticed my pleasure and it was enough to set him off as well. He thrusted deep into me grabbing onto both hipbones as he let out a deep moan of pleasure, filling me with his warmth. It took him a moment to come back from the feeling of pleasure but when he did he turned me back around to face him and kissed me deeply on the lips.

       "I love you" he whispered as our lips parted once more, "..don't you ever forget it". His voice sent goosebumps across my skin making me feel as if I'd melt.

        "I promise" I said as I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer to me. We sat there entangled in each others arms for what felt like a life time. Just as we began to dress ourselves panic set in as the door to the Undercroft opened. We quickly tried to button up our shirts but it was no good, whoever was walking towards us was on us in seconds.

     "Good news guys! I think I may have an idea about who's after Ruby!" Ominous's oblivious and cheerful voice echoed through the stone walls.

     "That's great bud, but maybe knock next time" Sebastian was flustered, his face red enough for me to see it in the dim lighting of the room. He had just finished buttoning up his under shirt and putting on his robe as Ominous approached. If Ominous wasn't blind he definitely would have seen me half naked. I was barley putting my panties and skirt back on when he entered.

     "Gross, in here Sebastian?!" He scolded him while shaking his head. I couldn't help but blush as Ominous scolded him, after all he might as well be scolding me too.

     "Well what did you expect? We're together now, we gotta go somewhere...." He rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly.

     "Um maybe your dorm room next time? I have to use this room too!" Ominous seemed a bit embarrassed, as he started to piece together on what he had exactly walked into. "Oh...extra gross, you weren't just snogging where you?!"

   I couldn't help but let out a giggle at his response. He seemed so innocent even though I knew he wasn't completely innocent. "Sorry Omni" I said as I looked at Sebastian who seemed like he was about to burst out laughing.

    "Hey bud, try not to think too deep into it" he laughed while placing his hand on Ominous's shoulder. "Its not like you never used this room for similar things" Sebastian raised an eyebrow at him, his words had caused Ominous's face to instantly blush.

      "Never mind that!" Ominous quickly changed the subject, "I think the group after Ruby is the Skull Seekers". The energy in the room quickly changed from childish to serious.

    "Why are they after her specifically though?" Sebastian seemed extra worried now that the group had a name.

     "I don't know, but they aren't good people. Ruby, I think it's the same people who killed your parents. If you knew why they killed them maybe we could put things together"  Ominous said in my direction.

       "That's the problem. I don't know why. I remember they were looking for something. That's about it" I replied trying to remember anything other than my parents death in the memory.

      "It's okay, we will figure it out" Sebastian's firm grip took my hand to reassure me that I was safe with him. I gave him a smile and light squeeze to his hand.

     "Well we better figure it out soon. I overheard a conversation that I shouldn't have. Professor Sharp was speaking with another professor, I couldn't see who it was, but they said small encampments of the Skull Seekers were seating up in the nearby villages more recently" Ominous's spoke with a serious tone and stern expression.

      "I'll try to remember Ominous" I assured him that I would try my best. Hearing the news about the group that killed my parents was grim reminder that love couldn't help me avoid my problems. We needed to find out more information but how?

     "We could sneak into an encampment for information" Sebastian suggested. It was almost as if Sebastian was on the same wavelength as me because I was thinking the same thing.

    "We could find a smaller encampment, attack and question its occupants" I continued off of his idea.

     "You guys are made for each other, you're both insane" Ominous let out a big breath unsure if that was the right path to take.

    "Ominous it may be the only way for us to get more information" Sebastian defended our idea quickly. "We have to do something otherwise we may not be prepared to do anything if they find her" Sebastian's eyes caught a glance of my own at this, he truly was worried.

    "I'll think about it. In the meantime Ruby, you shouldn't leave the castle. It isn't safe" he exclaimed also worried about me.

     "Fine" I huffed in response. I hated this. I didn't want Sebastian or Ominous dragged into my problems. It was me they wanted, they wouldn't hesitate to kill Sebastian or Ominous if they got in the way. That's when I began to plan. I wouldn't get them involved. I'd do it on my own terms. The boys would be mad at me after but then at least I was keeping them safe.

     "Ominous would you want to meet here again this time tomorrow to figure out a plan?" Sebastian asked him hoping that if they planned more that he'd agree to help. Ominous shook his head in agreement as we all left the Undercroft together.

    The meeting would make the perfect distraction if I could somehow not be here while they met. I could sneak out, I could get the information without endangering them, and then I could return. Easy right? I knew my plan was risky but if I did it just right it might just work. I loved Sebastian too much to let him possibly get hurt for me. Not again. This time I would rise to the challenge and protect myself. Like the Slytherin I was born to be.



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