Chapter 42: Peace

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The next couple of weeks flew by. We had officially moved into our cottage in the Irish hills, I was now in third trimester, Jaxon had a job at the school, we had eloped, and life was good. Every morning we'd wake up the sun would peak over the dew dropped grass across the fields that embodied around our home. The hills rolled and we're always a deep, luscious green. This particular morning wasn't any different although it felt different.

Jaxon leaned over to give me a good morning kiss while I sat in bed staring out the window. "I think the baby is coming today" I rubbed my huge belly as I spoke softly. This got Jaxons attention immediately.

"What makes you say that?" He had shot up from laying down and now gave me his full attention.

"I don't know. I can just feel it" I tried to explain my intuition.

"Well I'll make sure I take the day off just in case" he gave me a smile before going down the hall towards our owl Gouda. I could see him through the crack between the door and it's latch. He wrote a quick letter to whom I assumed Sharp and then made his way into our quaint little kitchen. I could hear him boiling me a cup of tea. For the first time in a long time I had been able to truly relax. My mind also was at ease considering my ancestral powers because my last name was no longer attached to it. I was now Ruby Biggs.

As Jaxon came back to my bedside he handed me a warm cup of peppermint tea. I sipped it carefully as to not burn myself before he helped me to my feet. For as small of a person I was this baby really had gotten big. Jaxon told me all the time that I was glowing and beautiful but I was behind ready to be done with this pregnancy. I was also excited to meet our child. I knew he or she would be incredibly beautiful and have an amazing soul. It was crazy how far we had come from my first day at Hogwarts. I was going to miss the school but finishing my last year was no longer an option. I was going to make that sacrifice for my child.

I walked down the hall (with Jason's help) and to my potion cabinet. If today was going to be the day I would need to keep my easy labor potion on hand just in case. I picked up the purple vile and handed it to my husband. Thinking of him that way still made me blush and feel warm inside. Part of me was still mad at Sebastian and Jaxons father. I wondered if I had never drank the love potion if I would have fallen for Jaxon sooner. So many things could have been avoided if I would have done that. I tried not to think that way but some days it was easier than others.

I then waddled my way into our attached greenhouse and sat down in a rocking chair to read the newspaper. I had never been one to read it until we moved. Something about becoming a mother made me feel as if I needed to be aware of the world around me. The front page made me gasp sending Jaxon running back to me. "What is it Are you okay?" His brows furrowed with worry. Instead of replying I simply showed him the paper.

On the front page was Sebastian's photo. A story of him and his sister, what had happened to their parents, how Sebastian had killed his uncle, Anne's curse, what he did to me and the involvement with the skull seekers, and below the words: VERDICT: GUILTY-SENTENCE- 15 YEARS ASKABAN. Although I knew this would eventually lead to this it still came as a shock. He was finally to pay for the things he had done. "Only fifteen years?!" Jaxons voice became irritated, "After everything he has done?!" His hands now furrowed through his dark hair as he reacted.

"It says that they are giving him fifteen due to pleading guilty and his parents reputation before they passed" I said out loud as I read the fine print. It made me uneasy but I couldn't allow it to affect my life or my family. "We will be fine Jaxon" I reached for his hand and gave it a light squeeze. His blue eyes then caught mine and his face relaxed.

"Your right, I'm sorry" he leaned in and gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead, "I promise I'll never let him get to you again". He then left the green room to allow me my reading time. Birds chirped in the distance as I finished the paper. It truly was a beautiful day. I decided to get up and open a window as it hit. A giant wave of pain through my abdomen. I looked over my shoulder down the hall to see if I could see Jaxon but he must have been outside or in a different room by now.

I forced myself to take a deep breath and work through it as I walked my way back into the hallway and towards the kitchen. It took me forever because by the time I had reached the kitchen another contraction hit me causing my water to break. Thankfully I was wearing a flowing dress and it simple trickled down my legs without getting my clothing wet. "Ja-Jaxon" I yelled in the midst of the contraction.

    I didn't get a reply so I decided to try the front of the house. He was working on building me a garden so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he was doing. I stepped out of the house and looked out open the green hills. I wandered to the left in hopes that he would be there. "Jax!" I yelled out again as I had a break from the pain for a bit.

   "Rubes?" His voice echoed off in the distance.

     "Jax, it's happening. It's time" I planted a bit now. Why did the contractions feel so close together already?

    "I'm coming hang on!" His voice rang out from nearby. Soon enough he was with me. "It's time? Like as in time for a baby time?" He was breathing heavy obviously a bit panicky himself to which I nodded. "Okay, I'll send for the midwife" he smiled before helping me back inside and setting me down to send an owl as fast as possible. I could hear him cursing under his breath as he wrote and gave the letter to Gouda. Gouda I swear, this needs to get there ASAP. Of all the letters in the world this is the most important. It was funny hearing him scold the scraggly owl. I could hear his wings flap as he left. Thankfully the midwife could simply aspirate here as she arrived.

    Jaxon then helped me up and started the warm water in our tub. We had planned this and talked about it for a while now but it was different having it actually be time for the real thing. Once the water was warm and at the right level he helped me into it. The warm water eased my pain and helped me relax. Soon after he handed me my potion that I had made prior to the birth. I immediately chugged it down and waited. It was mainly to ease the pain of birth but also help the baby come more smoothly. Jaxon stayed right by my side until the midwife arrived. She was a very nice, older lady who said she had been delivering babies for decades now.

    Once she had arrived my contractions were only a minute to two minutes apart. It was definitely time. She checked and then nodded her head to encourage me to push. I didn't hesitate as I had felt the want to for a while now. Jaxon gripped my hand as I screamed out with every push. It felt like forever, but after five good pushes I herd crying. I looked down to see my child in the midwife's hands. Jaxon gleamed as be glanced at them. "It's a boy" the midwife then handed me our baby and laid him on my chest. His hair was blonde like mine when I was child and as he opened his eyes I was graced with his fathers eyes. They were ocean blue and beautiful. Jaxon held onto to me kissing my forehead while falling in love with our child instantly. I held him to my chest and let out a deep breath. I finally had my family, the life I wanted, and peace.

    Jaxons voice comforted me as he introduced our child to his name for the first time, "Welcome to the world Jason Aesop Biggs, we are going to love you forever".


Thank you to everyone who made it this far with me. The story really took a life of its own and didn't go in anyway that I had planned. I do plan on writing another book here soon after I get a nice break(we will see how long that lasts though as I always end up writing). I may do a sequel to this book it just depends on how requested it is. I love you all, you kept encouraging me even when I was struggling. BIG THANK YOU to those who have been with me since day one! You all are incredible.

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