Chapter 16: The Return of Sallow

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When I awoke the next morning I was confused. I had kissed Garreth with no side intention behind it other than comforting him. Was I somehow moving on? Today everyone would return and I'd have to attend class as normal. I tried to shake any thoughts that I had of Sebastian and quickly got ready for the day. I normally didn't do much with my hair or wear makeup but today I felt the need to. I curled my hair, put natural, yet fierce makeup on and then got dressed into my Slytherin robes. I had done a dramatic winged eye liner to make my almond shaped eyes appear more intimidating. I also wore shimmery golden eye shadow alongside it and a red lipstick to accompany it. I was ready to make a statement today, nobody was going to mess with me anymore.

As I left the common room I saw Ominous across the hall and ran to him. "Ominous!" I yelled out rushing into his hug "I missed you". His arms tightened around me and lifted me up from the ground in a spin.

"It's only been two weeks!" He laughed while setting me back down. "How did it go at the castle while I was gone?"

"Well I mainly studied, hung out with Garreth and visited Hogsmede a couple times" I replied to him holding onto one of his hands in a friendly manner.

"We will have to catch up later. Maybe at lunch?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Sure! I'll see you then" I promised him before he headed to potions class. The school was once again a lively place as students walked from class to class. It was now comforting to have so many people around. I made my way to Beasts class where Poppy was waiting for me. Her smile instantly cheered me up. She ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

    "Ruby! I missed you! I thought of you over the whole break! My gran was working with fwoopers and they have the most amazing feathers! I brought you one!" She cheered as she handed me a big fluffy pink feather.

    "Oh thank you Poppy!" I examined the feather before apparating it back into my room. Beasts class was easily one of my favorite classes. We got to see all kinds of creatures and learn so much about them. My favorite creature so far had been the Niffler. They were mischievous yet adorable and loving. Professor Howin was quick to start todays class, eager to teach us about Kneazles. We all paired up in partners and worked to care for the Kneazles properly.

    "So Ruby, anything exciting happen over break?" She asked while grooming a pinkish Kneazle with a comb.

    "Well I finally caught up on classes, studied a lot and hung out with Garreth" I replied while feeding a brown Kneazle next to her.

    "Oh Garreth?" She paused to look at me before continuing to care for her Kneazle. "He likes you yeah? Did anything happen?" She asked in a teasing tone.

     "Maybe. Maybe not" I replied to her with a smile.

      "Ruby! You have to tell me!" She ran up to me knocking over some of the Kneazle food in the process. "You know I won't say a word to anyone! Your my only friend other than the beasts" she chuckled to herself.

     "Fine. We kissed but that was it" I responded focusing back on the Kneazles that were now eating all of the spilled food off of the grass.

     "So are you finally trying to move on from Sallow then? He seemed to really have your heart for a while" she asked as she continued to comb away.

      "Honestly I'm not sure Poppy. I don't know how I'll feel when I see him. Garreth is nice but I'm still holding back" I knew I could trust Poppy with this information. She was too kind to go around telling anybody else my secrets.

     "Are you trying to make Sebastian jealous by being with Garreth then? " she had figured out my plan so quickly it surprised me.

    "Maybe, why?" I responded curious on what she thought.

     "Well I've never seen you wear your make up like that before. You look drop dead gorgeous. All the boys in class have had their eyes on you" she giggled as I turned around to see a group of boys looking my way. "I bet you get his attention. He'd have to be blind to miss you on a normal day, let alone a day like today when you look like Aphrodite herself"

     "Your too sweet Poppy" I gave her a big smile as we finished up with the Kneazles.

    "Well I guess my last name is quite suiting then isn't it? I'll keep my hopes up for you" Just as we finished with our beasts Professor Howin announced that class was over. The 3 hour class had flown by while talking to Poppy and caring for the creatures. Poppy walked with me from beasts class all the way to great hall for lunch. As we entered I could see a few boys heads turn towards me. I really must have outdone myself this time. I looked over towards Ominous and saw that he was alone. Now was the time to go over and talk to him.

    I sat across from him as I normally would and reached out for his hand. "Hey so you want to tell me how your break went?" His face always lit up when we talked. I loved seeing him excited to speak with me.

     "It was good Rubes! We mainly just explored around the town near Sebastian's home. I want to tell you more but now isn't a good time. Maybe tonight I can stop by your room or something. How was hanging out with Garreth?" He asked me squeezing my hand to show his interest. I knew he didn't personally like Garreth but he cared enough about me to know that I was friends with him.

      "It was good but I wanted to speak with you about something regarding that" I was hesitant to tell him right here about what had happened. "You just have to promise me you won't tell Sebastian if I tell you"

        "Won't tell me what?" Even without seeing his face, his voice caused me to have butterflies in my stomach. I looked up from Ominous to see him standing right in front of me. Wavy, dark reddish brown hair, ivory skin kissed with freckles and those pools of swirling chocolate in his eyes. Sebastian. My heart hurt at the sight of him, it longed for him but also was hurt from his absence. I wanted to kiss him and scream at him all at the same time. His eyes looked me up and down waiting for my response.

     "Nothing" I snapped at him quickly. Before he could reply back to me I felt myself be wrapped up from behind in a hug while a kiss landed on the top of my head.

    "There you are, I was looking for you" Garreths soft voice broke the tension between Sebastian and I. I turned around and stood up allowing Garreths embrace.

    "Sorry I was just about to come over. I wanted to catch up with Ominous first" I smiled up at Garreth hoping Sebastian was watching this unfold right in front of him. I had to admit that Garreth was good at this game. He suddenly gave me a kiss while holding my head in his hands. As he parted his lips from mine he wrapped his hand into mine, leading me over to the Gryffindor table. I unfortunately hadn't gotten to see Sebastians reaction but I'm sure I'd eventually find out. The other boys at the Gryffindor table cheered as we sat down for lunch.

     "Hey! You finally did it Garreth!" Leander shouted out as Garreth wrapped his arm around my lower waist while we sat to eat. The other boys then congratulated him for finally getting me to go out with him. Even though I didn't plan for my first encounter with Sebastian to go this way I knew I had been successful at getting his attention. My back faced away from him now but I could feel his eyes on me, and I loved it.

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