Chapter 39: Is it all over?

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   When I awoke everything seemed to have been a blur. The last month and half...did it really happen? I sat up in my hospital bed and looked around me. I wasn't in the Hogwarts hospital nor the one in Hogsmede. Where was I? The walls were white washed and the floors tile. I looked to my bedside to see a vase filled with flowers however there wasn't a single tulip. What did that mean? I immediately got upset. Had I failed? I tried to pull myself out of the bed before a nurse stopped me. The nurse worse a white coat and had her dark chocolate hair pulled back into a bun.

    "Talk to me can't leave just yet" she tried to give me a reassuring smile.

    "I need Jaxon" My voice was hoarse as tears welled up in my eyes.

    "Okay. Relax. I'll talk to the doctor" she then trots out quietly before returning with another woman. The second women has a stethoscope around her neck and a watch on her left hand. Her nose is a bit pinched together and she has red hair that falls onto her shoulders. Similar to the Weasley family.

    "Good morning my dear. I'm glad you're awake. Before you get too emotional I want you to know that Adrian Biggs is dead. He can't hurt you anymore. Sebastian Sallow in custody of the ministry and will be put on trial. The others who were apart of that gang will also be put on trial. The doctor there is the only one who will probably be released and watched since she was the one who purposely gave away your location. Jaxon is alive although he's still healing. You saved his life my dear. He's a very lucky man" I was thankful for the straight forward explanation that she gave me. It allowed me to take a breath for a moment before I remembered about our baby. I panicked and threw the sheets off of me to gaze at my stomach.

   I placed my hands against it and could feel the bump. It was bigger, healthier feeling. I had gained weight from the hospital fluids so it's true size was now showing. I let out a deep sigh in relief. The doctor smiled and then sat down by my side. "Jaxon has been asking for you. He's been awake for a day or two now. He doesn't remember everything so don't be surprised okay?" She then helped me out of my bed and walked me down the hall until we reached another room. As we walked in light music played from a gramophone in the corner. The doctor then let go of me in order to peek into a curtain to a bed.

   "Jaxon. I have a guest for you" she then pulled back the curtain to reveal my presence.

    "Ruby" his face lit up as he slowly sat up in bed. I got to him as quickly as I could. When I reached him I was worried that his touch would cause me pain but it didn't. He held me in his arms and gave me a kiss. "The curse?" He questioned and then I remembered Sebastian's promise. No harm would come to Jaxon or the curse would be broken.

   "It's broken. You got hurt. He promised me you wouldn't" I was sniffling as I could help the flow of tears.

    "I looked for you every day. First thing I woke up that morning I knew what you had done. At first I thought Sebastian had just taken you...but I went to his home in Feldcroft and Anne said he hadn't been home in months. That's when I got suspicious. I asked Ominous to try and contact him but Sebastian wouldn't ever reply. That's when I assumed the worst. That my father had gotten his hands on you. I never expected to hear that Sebastian was working for him though" he had laid a hand on my cheek as he spoke, staring into my eyes lovingly.

    " was a love potion. That's why I was enamored by Sebastian. They had this planned before I even showed up at Hogwarts" I explained with a smile on my face.

    "Then how?" He began to question.

  "When I kissed you in the Undercroft. It was pure and true. It broke it. That's when I also started questioning things. You put a dent in their plans. They never expected you. They thought for sure that I'd hate you forever, then you saved me on the cliff. They didn't expect any of that to happen" I continued to explain.

   "I'm not going to's nice knowing your love for Sallow was all because of a potion. Makes me quite a bit less jealous" he chuckled and then gripped his side where he was stabbed. I laughed in return and planted a kiss on his lips. He wrapped on arm around me and pulled me in to lay with him. As his hand touched my belly he withdrew. "I...I thought I dreamed of it" his eyes were welling up a bit now.

   I turned to face him, a bit scared of how he was reacting. "No. It's real" I said under my breath terrified that he wouldn't be happy.

    "I'm so glad my mind wasn't playing tricks on me" he then pulled me even closer and rested his hand across my stomach.

     "Your happy?" I asked still insecure, after all we had only experienced that moment together once and now I was carrying his child.

    "Of course I am. The girl of my dreams loves me back and is carrying my child. How could I not be happy?" He grinned as he spoke rubbing my belly and kissing my cheek in between words. I couldn't help but blush and smile. Somehow we had made it out this. All three of us.

   "I was worried you'd be unhappy when I found out" I told him even though I knew he'd understand why I felt that way.

    "Never Rubes. I have everything I want now except there is something else I need to do now" he gave me a smile before sitting up. A nurse then came in and asked for me to come with her. They wanted to make sure the baby was healthy by doing an ultrasound. I nodded and followed her out. As we exited the door Sharp was turning the corner. His glance caught mine and he ran up to give me a hug.

   "Thank god Ruby. I thought I had lost you forever" Once he had released his hug he held me back from him to get a good look at me. He didn't gaze long enough to see my pregnancy but was happy that I was healthier looking. "The school year is over my dear. You made it to year seven if you would like to keep going" I gave him a small smile but knew I wouldn't be able to.

   "We can talk about it later" I motioned to the nurse to try and show him that they needed me. He then gave me a nod and headed into Jaxons room as I was whisked away for the ultrasound.


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