Chapter 14: Hogsmede

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    The next morning had come fast. For the first time in a long time I didn't dream of Sebastian. I simply didn't dream at all. I got dressed in my street clothes since classes weren't in session. The outfit had been neglected since coming to the school, it consisted of black joggers, a baggy gray sweater and some tennis shoes. The common room was empty, the castle halls were quiet and it felt like I was the only one in the school now.

    Of course I knew that Garreth and few other students had stayed behind as well but it wasn't very many of us. Professor Sharp had also stayed behind, probably because he knew it was best for me. A few days after the incident with Jaxon he had asked me to come and speak with him.

    "Ruby, I'm sorry you had to go through what you did. Biggs will no longer be in your potions class for the rest of the term. I wasn't able to completely rid him of your class though, he will be back in the class after winter break. Not to worry though I will make sure to pay extra attention" Sharp reassured me that he would never be able to hurt me again. I really appreciated him for that. Not having Jaxon in class gave me time to heal physically and mentally from the incident that had occurred.

     However, because of the incident, Jaxon had fallen behind and was also required to stay behind over winter break. I would make sure to avoid him if possible, although I'd have to see him on and off if I were to ever meet Garreth at the Gryffindor common room. I figured Jaxon would have learned his lesson but at the same time Sebastian wasn't here to stop him if he did try something.

    I shook the thought as I walked through the empty corridors. My footsteps echoed with each step. I hadn't realized that when nobody was here, sounds really did travel throughout the building. I came upon the grand staircase to the sound of whistling walking down them towards me. I knew instantly who it was and found my face filled with a smile.

    "Garreth!" I shouted as he made his way down the steps coming into my sight. When he herd my voice his face lit up. I was quickly met with a hug. He also was wearing street clothes instead of robes, black slacks and a pale blue button up. It really cleaned him up, making him look less like a goof and more like a gentleman. "You look so nice!" I found myself looking him up and down.

       "All for you!" He grinned. "Are you ready to get out of here?" He let held out a hand for me to take.

    "Right now?" I asked while looking into his green eyes.

      "Duh! We have to start off our break with a bang don't we?" He was clearly serious. I hadn't expected for him to be so eager. My mind snapped to the thought of Sebastian for a moment. What would he think of me leaving the castle with Garreth? It doesn't matter what he would think. My thoughts fought back. It didn't matter, he wasn't here, he wasn't my boyfriend, and he hadn't spoken to me for three months.

      "Let's go then!" I cheered back to him grabbing his hand. It didn't feel the same as when I held Sebastian's. Sebastian's grasp was strong and protective while Garrett's grasp was more gentle and soft. I found myself confused on how it made me feel holding his hand instead of Sebastian's. It made me long for him, my heart was begging to be held by him once again. I pushed the thought aside and followed Garreth through the castle grounds towards a little town not too far from Hogwarts.

      "The place im taking you is called Hogsmede. I'm honestly surprised you haven't gone here yet" Garreth held my hand as he guided me along the dirt path towards the town. He seemed to want an explanation for why I avoided leaving the castle. It was simple but I didn't dare tell him. Someone is after me. I hadn't told anyone about the masked man but Ominous and Sebastian. I wasn't about to tell Garreth either. It wasn't that I didn't trust Garreth. I just felt like it was on a need to know basis and he didn't need to know.

      "Hogsmede sounds wonderful. Thank you for getting me out of there for a bit" I thanked him breathing in the crisp winter air. Snow fell gently from the sky above, the sun peaked through various spots in the clouds as they moved over us.

       "So I had planned to take you to some of the shops and then maybe we can make our way up the hill for a bit! Maybe have lunch before heading back?" He suggested while looking down at me for my response.

     "That sounds great Garreth" I nodded to his suggestions as we reached the town. Once we had reached Hogsmede it seemed as though I had nothing to worry about. The town was lively, townsfolk walked from store to store chatting as they went. Kids ran around the outside of a candy shop, playing with chocolate frogs. A one man band stood towards the center of the town with various instruments floating around him playing a tune. The town was vibrant even under snow fall.

     I found myself gapping with my mouth open as we passed by various shops. The one that seemed to catch my attention the most was a clothing shop that displayed an elegant emerald robe with silver accents in its window. I stopped to admire it as we came close. Garreth let me stare in awe for a while before speaking up.

     "You know we could go inside and you could try it on" he suggested with a gentle smile on his face.

      "Oh no it's okay. I don't have anything to buy it with anyways" I turned back from the window giving him a nod to continue our journey through the town.

    "Ruby, if you really liked it I would get to for you" his words stopped me in my tracks.

     "Garreth you don't need to waste your money on me" I replied. I didn't want him to spend his money on me because I would then feel like I owed him.

     "Fine. Maybe next time" he gave me a wink as he lead me to a bar called the Three Broomsticks. "Sirona! This is my girl Ruby. I was hoping you could hook us up with some lunch and maybe a couple butter beers?" He shot a charismatic smile to a person standing behind the bar. They gave him a thumbs up and quickly enough we had soup and beer in front of us. He tossed her some money and then turned his attention back to me. "Would you like to eat here or on that hill I was talking about?" He asked. In the lighting his red hair caught glimpses of lighter orange and his freckles across es his face stood out.

    "We can eat here and then go" I sat down at an empty table and he joined me. As we ate Garreth would take breaks in between bites to talk to me.

    "So does this count as our first date?" He gleamed across the round table at me his green eyes glistening in the candle light.

    "If that's what you want to call this then sure Garreth" I told him what I knew he wanted to hear. I didn't want to lead Garreth on but at the same time I was in desperate need to get my attention off of Sebastian. After we finished eating Garreth lead me to hill that looked down on Hogsmede. The town glowed brightly in the falling snow.

    He laid out a blanket for us to sit on and he guided me to come and sit down with him by gently taking my hand. As we sat down he wrapped an arm around my back. I leaned into his shoulder and looked out on the town. I found myself closing my eyes and imagining that I was with Sebastian. I pushed past the thought and opened my eyes to Garreth looking into mine.

    "Ruby, you aren't over Sebastian are you?" His words sent a shock into my brain causing me to snap back to reality and out of my thoughts.

    "I wish I could say he didn't take up my every thought Garreth" even if it hurt him I wanted to be honest. I wanted him to know that pursuing me would be difficult, a challenge even. He seemed a bit pained by my response but then responded in a way I never thought he would.

     "I'm not going to give up Ruby and if you let me I'd like to try and help you forget about him" he said as his hand reached the side of my face drawing me in closer to his own face. I knew what was coming next, but I didn't stop him. I wanted him to kiss me, but not because I wanted to kiss Garreth. I wanted Sebastian to see him kiss me or just know that he had kissed me. I wanted to get Sebastian's attention again and if kissing Garreth was a way to do that, I wasn't going to stop it.


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