Chapter 5: Meet Me After

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As Sebastian and I arrive in the Great Hall, Ominous sits at the Slytherin table awaiting our arrival. Sebastian takes a seat next to him and I sit across the table from them both like I did the night before. I hadn't noticed last night, but the ceiling seems to change with the weather, or at least the overall feeling of the room. Today it's bright and sunny as it casts down on us students. As we take a seat, food magically appears in front of us all. Sebastian's meal consists of steak and roasted potatoes, Ominous appears to have some sort of yellow soup. My meal however, is a comforting bowl of Mac N' Cheese. The look and flavor reminds me of when my mother made it for me when I was young.

"So Sebastian..." Ominous chats to him in between slurps of his soup, "I herd our new friend Ruby here kicked your ass in Defense Against the Dark Arts today" I about spit out my meal as he says this. Sebastian must do the same as he almost chokes on the bite of steak he had in his mouth.

"How did you hear about that already? I'm genuinely curious. That's bloody fast word of mouth travel" Sebastian looks at Ominous in shock. I can't blame him either, that was really fast word travel.

"Sebastian, I'm the first person people tell when it comes to gossip about you. I'm you're best friend after all. Plus with Ruby being new here, everyone is curious when it comes to gossip about her..." Ominous takes another spoonful of his soup before continuing, "Hate to break it you Ruby, but most people have been talking about you since you arrived, and now that you've kicked Sebastian's ass in a duel , your what everyone is talking about". Great, my first day in and I'm already being gossiped about.

"Honestly I just want to catch up on the school work that I missed from last year. I don't see how that is much to gossip about" I replied to him in a louder tone hoping other students possibly listening in would hear me say that. Sebastian then leaned over to Ominous and whispered something into his ear while glancing at me. What in the world did he have to be so secretive about?

"No, I don't think that's such a good idea" Ominous whispered back to Sebastian, this time I could actually catch what he was saying. Sebastian looked a bit angry with him at this response. Although I was curious I pretended to be extremely focused on my food, which now was nearly gone. Sebastian whispered something back to Ominous which resulted in Ominous shooing him off with his hand, obviously annoyed. Sebastian rolled his eyes and brought his attention back to me.

"Sorry Ruby," Sebastian apologized for the whispering, "It was nothing bad I promise. Just something between Ominous and I" he gave me a disappointed smile. Whatever their quiet conversation had been about, it appeared it didn't go in Sebastian's favor. "What class do you have next? I'll walk you there?" Sebastian offered as his food was now gone and being cleaned up by magic.

"What's made you such a gentleman Sebastian?" Ominous chimed in while elbowing Sebastian playfully, clearly he was still listening to our conversation even after being annoyed by Sebastian.

"I.. I simply want to help out Ruby, after all she's the only person to ever kick my ass in a duel. I gotta stay on her good side" he kidded but seemed a bit flustered by Ominous's comment.

"I have advanced potions class Sebastian, I think I know where it is but I wouldn't mind you tagging along just in case I get lost on my way" I smiled up at him while I took the last bite of my Mac an' Cheese.

"Okay sounds great. Ominous I'll be in Transfiguration class right after I drop Ruby off at Potions" he nudged him to make sure he had herd.

"Yeah, yeah," Ominous waved him away but began to mumble under his breath "just make the blind guy walk alone to class, it's fine". Even if Ominous was kidding I did feel a bit bad. I never meant to cause a rift between them.

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