Chapter 26: The Test

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     That night the boys met me in the Undercroft. Ominous would observe while I apparently was suppose to kiss Jaxon and Sebastian to see if anything happened. Part of me felt as if they had lost their minds. There was no way this would actually prove anything right? I paced back and forth while the boys all talked together making up their plan. Ominous seemed worried as they had suggested something that made him begin pacing as well. Shortly after Jaxon and Sebastian walked over to me while Ominous stayed behind. "Alright are you ready Ruby?" Sebastian asked kindly.

"Yeah let's just get this over with" I nodded in response. The boys both looked at me and then each other. They nodded to each other in agreement. I was taken by surprise when Sebastian started firing a basic cast at me. He wasn't trying to hit me but he had succeeded in taking me by surprise. I didn't know why this was their strategy but I began to use protego against his shots. Jaxon stepped back watching as Sebastian sent shots my way. Eventually one got through knocking me to the ground. I looked up at Sebastian and met his eyes. Something in them was changing. I shook off the thought thinking nothing of it as his shots had paused allowing me to stand back up.

"Fight back Ruby. It's a part of the plan" his voice soothed my nerves. I found my stance and began to fire at him too. My shots weren't aimed for him at all. If anything I was careful not to hit him at all. I didn't know where this test was going but I didn't like firing at the person I loved. After a few shots fired back and forth he broke my stance again. His shots were becoming more direct now. After getting knocked to the ground I expected him to relent but instead I was met with more shots towards my feet.

"What the hell Sebastian!" I yelled as I scurried my feet backwards and away from him. Jaxon ran up and put a hand on Sebastian's shoulder urging him to stop. Sebastian quickly shrugged off Jaxons hand and kept firing at me.

"Sebastian that's enough!" Jaxon raised his voice at him. Sebastian's eyes met mine now, his iris's glowed green. This wasn't Sebastian anymore. His shots fired more and more quickly now. One landed into my left shoulder. It stung and burned into my skin. This wasn't a basic cast anymore, it was confringo. He was actually trying to hurt me now. Ominous ran up to him and tried to grab his hand that held his wand. Sebastian pushed him back and fired at me again. The shot seemed to happen in slow motion. It was a chaotic red arch of lightning slowly making its way towards me. Soon it would hit my body and I would be in excruciating pain. I knew this spell all too well thanks to the men that tortured my parents before their deaths. Crucio was known to make its victims beg for death.

As the arch of lightning made its way to me I closed my eyes ready for the pain. However, the pain never came. Instead I opened my eyes to see Ominous tackle Sebastian to the ground while Jaxon jumped in front of me taking the full spell from hitting me. I screamed out as he got hit. His body instantly crumpled to the ground in front of me. The red arch's of lightning sparking off his body as he laid there screaming in pain. My natural reaction was to get up and run to him.

My hands reached to his face to have him look at me. I would do anything to take away this pain from him. He had literally taken one of the worst spells for me. His blue eyes painfully met mine. I ran my fingers through his black hair as the lightning shot it's way through him. "Jaxon I'm so sorry" I croaked out as he flinched every moment. I looked over my shoulder to see Ominous wrestling to keep Sebastian to the ground. "Ominous! He hit him with Crucio! What can I do?" I kept running my fingers through Jaxons hair to try and soothe him from the unbearable pain he had to be feeling.

"Shit" Ominous yelled out until he finally was able to knock Sebastian out, taking his wand and run over to Jaxon and I.

"Why would Sebastian do that? What happened to him? His eyes were...glowing green". I looked at him for help as I didn't know what I could do to help the man who had saved me from my own boyfriend.

    "Someone was able to use Imperio on him. This was not part of the plan. He would never intentionally hurt you like that" ominous gazed down at Jaxon who was screaming out on pain. "Ruby, try using your magic powers. It's the only way to stop the spell sooner". Even though I hadn't wanted to kiss Jaxon I knew in this moment I owed him at least that much. I owed it to him to at least try.

   "Jaxon... I'm so sorry this happened to you" I whispered as I glanced over to see Sebastian lying on the floor still unconscious. At least he wouldn't have to see what I was about to do. I leaned down and gently grabbed Jaxons face. Tears rolled out of his ocean eyes as his body shivered in pain. "It's going to be okay" I smiled at him while bringing my lips to his. Surprisingly his lips were rather soft, I guess hadn't really expected that. I really hadn't expected to kiss him at all but it more pleasant than I had thought it to be. I don't know how long I kept my lips against his but soon his body started to relax. His shivering stopped and I could feel his pain drift away. His hand found it's way behind my head kissing me back passionately. He sat up and I retreated from the kiss.

   "Ruby..." his voice was weak as his eyes met my own. He rubbed his arms and legs as if to rub the soreness out of them. "You did it" he stated looking to me and then Ominous.

   "I didn't believe it was possible" Ominous shook his head in disbelief.

     "You shouldn't have done that for me Jaxon" I immediately scolded him trying to take the attention away from what had just happened. Part of me was confused from what had happened with the magic and the other part was more confused because of how the kiss had felt. Sebastian had known I was going to kiss him at some point but he would have been mad at the passion that came with it. Immediately I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach. Sebastian. I quickly got up from the dusty stone floor and ran over the Sebastian's side. I lifted his head from the ground and began to lightly rub the side of his arm in order to wake him up. Ominous helped Jaxon to his feet and then the other two quickly came over to help.

    "Ruby be careful!" Ominous was stern with me in his tone. "You don't know how he'll be when he wakes up". I almost couldn't believe his words, how could he think that he'd hurt me even after the Imperio was broken? The second I felt his hands grip onto my neck I knew I should have listened to Ominous's cautioned words.

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