Chapter 30: The Festival

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Jaxon, even though given the opportunity didn't take advantage of the situation. I was vulnerable emotionally and instead of using it he simply let me work it out. After a bit I became more relaxed and he took my hand and helped me stand on my feet again. He had suggested I get my mind off of things and go and enjoy the festival. I allowed him to take me and tried let myself have fun. We wondered for hours enjoying the little booths people had set up and shopping. Jaxon had bought some groceries for us and even a fruitcake from one of the stands for desert. I started to see him even more differently than before. Something about the way he interacted with people fascinated me. He was calm, friendly and very polite.

I was starting to see him for the man he truly was. Not just some guy I went to school with. I started to notice the little things like how the muscles in his arms and shoulders moved as he would exchange coin for groceries. How his bottom lip hung just a bit further out than his top. His presence was commanding yet gentle. At one point I found myself ogling over him and missed what he had asked me. I simply laughed and tried to hide the fact that I was indeed checking him out. His short black hair shown in the sunlight as his blue eyes flickered around the town. His tanned skin was warm and inviting. I hadn't noticed but his jawline also made my heart throb, it was sharp and made him appear even stronger.

   After wondering around all day we finally made our way back to the cottage. Jaxon immediately took a bath while unloaded the groceries. I put the eggs and milk into the icebox while the bread and fruitcake I left on the counter. The sun was beginning to set now and I realized that other than this morning I had gone a whole day without thinking of Sebastian. I was mad at him and honestly was questioning if I wanted to be his girlfriend or not. I pushed the thought aside and began to cook.

The least I could do for Jaxon was cook a decent meal. I took some chicken out of the icebox and threw it onto a pan waiting for it to sizzle. I think grabbed some spinach that we had picked up as well as some milk and butter. I stirred the milk, butter and spinach into a pot to make a sauce. I then shredded a bit of Parmesan into the pot. The chicken was sizzling aggressively now so I knew it was time to flip it. Once the chicken was done I cut it in half and set it on two separate plates. I then finished it by pouring the sauce on top of them, garnishing with flakes of soft Parmesan on top. As if he could sense I had made dinner Jaxon exited the room as I sat the plates on the table.

"Dinners ready" I smiled at him as I sat the last piece of silverware down. His eyes lit up like a child on Christmas.

"You didn't have to do this Ruby" he sat down happily at the dish that sat in front of him.

"I wanted to. You've done so much for me lately" I replied back while cutting my chicken. Thankfully it seems I cooked it perfectly.

"Ruby, you don't have to repay me. I like helping you" he said as he took his first bite. I could feel myself cringe in fear that it wouldn't be good. I had tried to copy one of my mothers old recipes but wasn't sure how it turned out as a whole. He let out a sound of happiness as he swallowed. "This is delicious".

We finished dinner mainly in silence after that. I didn't exactly know what to say to him. After all I had basically confessed my feelings for him this morning. I let out a sigh as I finished my food. Jaxon had finished before me but waited for me. Once I sat down my silverware he quickly grabbed it from the table and began to wash them in the sink that rested within the oak countertops. "If you don't mind I think I might take a bath as well" I smiled at him and then made may into the bedroom and then from there to the bathroom.

As I walked in I could tell Jaxon had made sure to leave a towel out for me and everything I might possibly need. He even had some conditioner out which he probably figured I would need for my curls. He wasn't wrong. Without conditioner my hair become a disaster fast. I turned on the hot water and waited till the tub filled as high as I needed. I then slipped off my clothes and tip toed my way into the water. It felt good on my olive skin. It seemed to wash away all my worries, doubts and problems.

After soaking and bathing for almost an hour I finally drug myself out and changed into the pajamas that I had packed. That's when I felt the pain hit me. It was like a knife digging into my abdomen. I toppled to the bathroom floor. I wanted to scream out for help but was unable. "Ruby?" Jaxons voice echoed under the door and towards me. "Are you okay? I herd a thud" I couldn't form words so I let out a grunt of pain instead. The door quickly flung open and Jaxons eyes scanned the room until they met me on the floor. "What's happening?!" Hehe reached me quickly and held me up from the floor in his arms. I couldn't say anything, it was impossible to speak with the pain that dug into me. Jaxon quickly and carefully gathered me in his arms and left the cottage. My vision was now fading in and out. One second we were at the cottage, then we were in Hogsmede. Next thing I need it I was in a room of some sort surrounded by a couple of people who seemed to be doctors.

"What's happening?" I screamed out in pain. The doctors ignored me and kept looking at my vitals. "Please" my voice was now raspy and desperate. I could hear yelling down the hall and wondered what was going on. Before I blacked out I saw him. Sebastian. Running for me. Was he happy to see me? No. His face was angry. I wondered if he had seen me with Jaxon enjoying our day earlier. Maybe he had herd about it from a student who happened to see us. Maybe Jaxon told him I was hurt? No. Jaxons grabbing the back of his arms to keep him away from me. Ominous is here too. Helping Jaxon. What is happening? I question as my vision eventually blurs. Next is the familiar darkness I've gotten all too use to.

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