Chapter 24: The Encampment

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In the distance a fiery glow of a campsite flickered in the night. Jaxon and I approached carefully, leaving our words to a minimum now. I still couldn't believe he had came to my aid not that long ago. I wouldn't trust him completely but he was my best chance at getting the information I needed. Maybe for once we could actually help each other. I still despised him for what he did, but maybe he truly was trying to make up for what had happened.

I shook those thoughts and brought myself to focus at the target at hand. Before us rested a campsite. A dim lit fire burned out slowly, surrounded by two larger tents. We couldn't tell how many men rested inside but a couple of tables and chests laid around outside of the tents. I looked to Jaxon for what we should do and he gave hand motions silently to say that we should rummage around for any information they may have outside of the tents. I nodded my head and we both approached the camp crouched.

The sun was beginning to rise in the distance, a bleak yellow shimmered through the morning air as we began our search. It was cold, the air was crisp as I inhaled. Dew rested on the nearby trees and plants behind the encampment. If I didn't have a dangerous plan to uphold I would say that it was actually quite a beautiful morning. We searched around the entire encampment area for for felt like ages. Nothing screamed out of the ordinary. I was partially tempted to wander into the tents but tried to remind myself that the risk was not worth it.

Jaxon on the other hand has wandered into one of the tents. I smacked my hand to my forehead as I followed after him. On the inside the tent was much larger. Instead of just a few men, this thing looked like it could hold hundreds of men. The main entrance seemed to connect to over ten different hallways. This was more than what the two of us could handle and I knew it. As I caught up to Jaxon I grabbed the back of his arm and began to pull him back towards the entrance. He resisted me a bit before finally coming with me. Are you insane? I mouthed the words his direction. Are you not? He mouthed back to which I rolled my eyes as we backed out of the tent. Once we were out I felt a sense of relief. Being inside that tent made me feel like we were in over our heads.

Just as our backs had backed out of the tent a hand fell upon my right shoulder. I felt a ping of panic set in. We had been caught. I turned to face the owner of the hand my other hand finding it's way to where my wand resided within the hem of my skirt. When I turned them their face was covered by a skull mask. They has a hand on Jaxon as well but to my surprise Jaxon had been quicker at pulling his wand and held it up to the man's neck. "Don't make any sudden moves pal" he whispered while gritting his teeth towards the man."Remove your hands and back up" he now was forcing the man to let us leave. The man backed up and released his hands holding them up as Jaxon pressured his wands tip into the man's skin. The sun was now rising higher, bringing a morning light through the valley the encampment resided within.

"Now tell us what they want with the girl" he held the guy at his wands tip while motioning his head my direction. Gryffindor's were brave but not the smartest, at his motion towards me the man's eyes shifted as if he now had a face to someone he and his comrades had been searching for. Idiot. I thought to myself as the man now had his eyes piercing my direction.

"Her blood" he spat out eyeing me and the tents near us.

"Why?" Jaxon now eyed the tents as well, I'm sure he worried that someone else would awaken and we'd be in trouble. I had my wand at the ready but there would be only so much I could do if multiple enemies attacked at once.

"He needs her blood. To keep living himself. The properties it posses has the ability to continue his life, like unicorns blood" the man responded to the pressure from Jason's wand digging into his neck.

"Who is he?" Jaxon snapped pressuring for more.

"Why you already know boy. Why do you need the conformation? Your suspicions are true. If you came to find him he's not here" the man laughed in response and Jaxon appeared weaker now, more hesitant. What was Jaxon hiding? If we got out of this alive, this man may not be the only one held against his will to answer questions. Jaxons wand began to glow at its tip. He then pushed the man back before casting Arresto Momentum causing him to be stuck in motion. He quickly grabbed my hand and we began to run.

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