To Be Kind to an Asshole

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Affogato Cookie's staff lightly tapped the floor in the Black Citadel's walls. It was quiet. Slow day today. There were no visitors to the citadel, no urgent duties to attend to. Affogato appreciated the quiet time, giving him time to try some new things out, like the way he styled his hair, the way he used his magic, or decorating his room and cleaning it to his liking. He took pride in how his room looked, regardless of the fact that no one else would see it.

As he turned one of the corners his eyes fell onto Caramel Arrow Cookie. As soon as he saw her his lips fell into a frown. Her own eyes looked up at him, both staring at each other as they approached one another.

"Hey, Affogato." Caramel Arrow said, trying to sound casual, even though her annoyance was apparent. Both of them stopped.

Affogato's frown deepened and his eyes slimmed, judging her. "Why are you here, First Watcher? Shirking your duties as usual?"

Caramel Arrow's brows furrowed. "I assure you I work hard to protect the kingdom." She balled a fist.

"Then what're you doing here, away from your fellow watchers, First Watcher?" He hid his mouth.

Caramel Arrow huffed, crossing her arms across her chest. She looked away. "I have some free time, is that so hard of an idea to grasp?" She glared at him. "Besides, it isn't your business."

Affogato shook his head. "Sharp tongue, First Watcher. Watch your mouth, lest the King hear you being so unprofessional."

"Ugh." She groaned in disgust. "You are the most insufferable cookie I've ever had to work with." She muttered loudly.

"At least I am not a thief."

Caramel Arrow let out an offended gasp. "The fact that you could even accuse me of stealing from the kingdom I protect so diligently is appalling."

Affogato shook his head. "The fact that you deny the truth is equally as appalling, First Watcher."

Caramel Arrow got closer to his face, obviously very annoyed. It brung a smile to Affogato's face. "Look, I don't know what makes you despise me, but if you don't knock it off.." She paused, unsure of what to say next.

"Then what, First Watcher?" He taunted.

She growled, turning away from him. "Just keep your mouth shut, snake. Nobody will fall for your lies."

"Cease your arguing." Dark Cacao Cookie's voice interrupted their argument. When he showed up, they didn't know. "It is annoying to constantly hear." He chastised them.

Caramel Arrow grunted, bowing to the king. "I apologize, your majesty."

Affogato gave his own small bow. "Yes, your majesty. I was telling the First Watcher off for being behind on her duties." He stepped closer to the king to talk into his ear. "Honestly you should just demote her at this point. She's been nothing but trouble."

"Enough, Affogato Cookie." Dark Cacao shrugged the advisor away. "I am quite tired of hearing you two constantly arguing." His eyes narrowed. He looked at Affogato. "First Watcher Caramel Arrow," His eyes traveled back to her. She bowed in response. "Come with me. I wish to speak with you.”

A bit nervous of what that entailed, she nodded, “Yes, sir, Your Majesty.”

He nodded back to her, then looked down at his advisor. “Affogato, you are excused.”

Affogato bowed lightly, a small, sly smile coming to his face. “Thank you, your majesty.” He gingerly sauntered off. It made Caramel Arrow’s blood boil a little. Seriously? He gets off without a word? She didn’t like questioning her king, but she couldn’t help but feel she was being treated unfairly.

She watched him as he turned another corner, then a hand settled on her shoulder. She looked up at Dark Cacao. “Come, follow me, Caramel Arrow Cookie.” He started leading her in the opposite direction. She complied, walking side by side with him. “I know how frustrated you are.” He said plainly.

Caramel Arrow groaned. “He is beyond frustrating, Your Majesty. He is insufferable!” She shook her head once violently. “He is constantly after me for no reason. He accuses me of stealing, being lazy, and not caring about our kingdom. I don’t mean to question your decisions, Your Majesty, but how did he become your advisor?” She vented to him.

Dark Cacao hummed lowly, gravelly. “I am aware. I’ve tried to tell him to lay off of you, but he is persistent. Trust me when I say that I do not believe what he says when he talks about you. And he is actually a very good and trustworthy advisor, I assure you.” He cleared his throat. “But Caramel Arrow,” He looked straight into her eyes. “I want you to treat Affogato respectfully.”

Caramel Arrow was taken aback, and she felt like she was getting defensive. “But my king!” She stepped away. “How am I supposed to treat him with respect when he is constantly gnashing his fangs at me?”

“Trust me, Caramel Arrow.” He took a step towards her. “I know it might be a bit much to ask of you, but you must.”

“But..!” She let out a bit of a desperate breath. “What about him? He isn’t being scolded or punished for his mistreatment!”

“Caramel Arrow.” His eyes slimmed. “Treat him nicely. Avoid conflict and do small things for him. That is an order.”

Caramel Arrow, albeit upset, grunted. She bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Thank you, Caramel Arrow.” He took a few steps away from her. “I hope to see a change in your relationship with him.” He muttered just loud enough for her to hear.

Caramel Arrow sighed, defeated. She had to treat Affogato with respect. That was going to be a daunting task. How would she even do that? She didn’t want to be like one of Affogato’s yes-men. With a bit of a frustrated groan she went off to do her own thing. Why did Dark Cacao want her to do this? And what about Affogato? Would he get the same order as her?

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