Vow For Change

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As the day developed, the weather conditions only got worse. It left Affogato pacing and restless. It was reported that the temperature was hovering around ten degrees fahrenheit, and that there was a large amount of windchill on top of that, blowing south. Affogato’s thoughts constantly were littered with concerns about Caramel Arrow and the weather getting worse. There was nothing to be done about it now, though, and all he could hope for was that she was okay. He shouldn’t be overthinking this, especially since the choice has already been made, but he couldn’t help but wonder if it would’ve been better to perhaps force or convince her to stay. In his right hand, he carried his staff, and in his left, he carried a bowl of ice cream drenched in espresso and strands of chocolate syrup. He slowly walked so he wouldn’t aggravate his leg or spill the bowl in his hand. He kept walking to his own personal space: the Altar of Bittersweet Rituals. At least, that's what he dubbed it. Other cookies wouldn't need to know that. He made sure he slid the door behind him shut. He made his way to the purple mat on the floor, letting his staff slowly fall to the ground. As he knelt down, he set the bowl of chocolate covered ice cream onto the small table in front of him. He looked down at the incense holder and lit two incense sticks, which lit up the room in a vanilla flavor. He took in the air, putting both of his hands on his bent legs. A deep breath, a deep whiff. He closed his eyes.

Gods, please hear my message. Please watch over Caramel Arrow today. Make sure she remains safe.

Affogato grunted, face scrunching into a scowl. He looked away. He shouldn't be worrying so much about this, but yet..

"She has to be okay." He muttered aloud. He huffed, head dropping lower towards his chest. "Smile upon her. Fate, fortune, luck. Make sure she comes back unharmed. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her." He prayed a little desperately. Having her out of arm's reach made him feel so worried. And the weather wasn't making him feel any less anxious. Curse this cold-ridden wasteland. They were both so unlucky to grow up in such an unforgiving place, but neither could leave. Their shared love and care for the kingdom wouldn't allow them. He scoffed between his teeth. "I vow that, when I am able to again, I will do all that is in my power to bring prosperity to this kingdom again and make it thrive, the way it used to." He put a hand over his heart. "I will make it better for all the people, for myself, and for her." He opened his eyes, eyes meeting with the incense smoke curling in front of his face. "If only I hadn't been so blind before." He muttered, slowly standing up.

When he stood up, he paused for a second, feeling the warmth of his cozy ritual room. He let out a somber breath. He stared at the bowl of ice cream for a moment. Then, he turned, picked up his staff, and left the room in a vanilla scent.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now